Dr Una Coales

Dr Una Coales


Christian GP, authored 17 books, GP educator, RCGP President runner-up 2009, RCGP+BMA rep. Personal views

London · drunacoales.com


  1. watchdog chief goes private for hip op via and staff get private health insurance.Sends message

  2. Will be attending the live conference in London on April 29. Salaried vs GP partner debate

  3. 轉推

    MT 45% of Londoners are BME - health inequality is growing

  4. 轉推
  5. 轉推

    Great articel written by my colleague Roger Kline. Is the NHS institutionally racist? via

  6. RCP President Jane Dacre, , speakers at conference in Birmingham May 17.

  7. Doctor 'Trainee shortages are making workforce planning almost impossible,' says royal college of physicians.

  8. 轉推

    If we do not test EU doctors competency as we do for non-EU doctors then it would put patient safety doctors well-being at risk

  9. 轉推

    so many IMGs train in English & have to pass IELTS & PLAB. We need level playing field not politicised response

  10. 27,700 EU drs working in the right now exempt from Eng lang testing+ UK competency test. I would be v worried. Kolb+Ubani were

  11. Dr Una Coales sky interview on foreign doctors exam. Why are drs exempt? Ubani+Kolb were +killed pts.

  12. Working classes lack intelligence 2b drs, claims academic same prof who did recent study on foreign docs


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