
GP Partner/trainer Federating at my pace.. Tweets in personal capacity

Easington, England
Joined June 2011


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  1. Retweeted
    Apr 28

    Audience Question should BG have been erased from register A: 94.7% say NO at Bapio Cardiff

  2. Retweeted
    Apr 28

    Jenny Vaughan shows all accused BME at Bapio Cardiff

  3. Retweeted

    Extremely worrying. Mid-Staffs happened when staff felt they could not speak out, when targets became more impt than people. Staff need to feel able to speak up if NHS hospitals are short-staffed & patients have a right to know if they ask, surely?

  4. Apr 26

    Migrant rules 'leaving NHS short of doctors' & home office says it is in the national interest

  5. Apr 25

    every £1 spent on one-to-one counselling could return society £6.20 in improving future job prospects and cutting crime

  6. Retweeted
    Apr 23

    Dear All We are pleased to have some awards for this year's Bhangra night. This is to recognise and acknowledge charitable and voluntary work carried out by so many of you in your own way in addition to all your...

  7. Apr 23

    The foods that might help with dementia

  8. Apr 23

    Food bank charity gives record level of supplies

  9. Retweeted
    Apr 22

    Excellent item on go crisis in Plymouth on which gave real meaning to crisis. A gp having to fill in CQC paperwork whilst having chemo for cancer sums it up

  10. Retweeted
    Apr 22

    The UK ranks second in the developed world for inequality, after the US.

  11. Retweeted
    Apr 22

    Anyone who has dealt with the public for a long time can tell you that a lot of them are overtly or covertly racist! needs to look at their screening process to provide balance, push back and even criticise complainants.

  12. Retweeted
    Apr 22

    On the 25th anniversary of ’s death, racism and discrimination are still rife in the UK, including in the , says

  13. Apr 22

    Contact appears to reduce prejudice, polarisation and segregation

  14. Retweeted
    Apr 21

    "I do know there is a long road ahead for the GMC to rebuild the trust of the profession," says Charlie Massey

  15. Retweeted
    Apr 21

    expresses concerns about defensive medicine, overprescribing, needless tests and extols virtues of conference

  16. Retweeted
    Apr 21

    Neena Modi says the answer to whether we are heading towards defensive practice is clear to all who work in the NHS

  17. Retweeted
    Apr 21
    Replying to

    Institutional prejudice will take another generation to die out

  18. Retweeted
    Apr 21
    Replying to

    Hell - while this will help us better understand the factors that influence referrals into fitness to practise, the researchers will also look for specific examples of good practice we can use in our work with clinical leaders to properly develop supportive and open workplaces.

  19. Retweeted
    Apr 21

    He blew apart the argument that reflections weren’t used - they were read by the prosecution QC. And systematic failures were considered - but by a jury, in the safety of a courtroom, without the vital context

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  20. Retweeted
    Apr 21

    Jonathan Cusack tells that she didn’t kill the child. Sepsis did. Expert in her case gave different verbal vs written evidence.


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