Waterway Partnership vacancies

Find out about the latest Waterway Partnership vacancies.

Canal & River Trust actively encourages diversity in all areas of the organisation to fully reflect the communities around the waterways, and to achieve a balance of genders. Applications from candidates who can help the Trust achieve this objective will be welcome.


Central Shires (Members)

The Central Shires Waterways Partnership has up to 3 Member vacancies.

Waterway Partnerships are a key part of the governance of the Trust. They give people a voice in the development and management of their waterway, help to shape plans for each waterway, guide the Trust’s decisions about spending, develop local engagement, external funding and champion the interests of the waterways.

The Chair of each Partnership has a seat on the Trust’s Council. The Central Shires Partnership is chaired by Charlotte Atkins and we have a membership of 11. Further background on the Partnership and its members can be found here.

The Partnership is working closely with their Waterway Manager to develop a Strategic Plan for the Central Shires waterways including strategies and plans to encourage more people to use and get involved with their local waterway and to add value to the work of the Waterway Manager and his team, and the resources they have available.

The Partnerships are made up of a range of people drawn from different waterways interests including boating and other waterway activities – walking, angling, cycling; fundraising and volunteering; finance and commerce; planning and regeneration; environment and heritage; engineering and asset management; community engagement and wider partnership working with local government, commercial and charitable sectors.

We now seek to recruit up to 3 new members to the Partnership with experience and expertise in health and well-being, local authority, social enterprise, volunteering, natural environment and other organisations with an interest in the use of the canal environment.  We are looking for candidates who are locally-based, team players, credible, knowledgeable and willing to take a lead in one or more of the relevant areas of expertise. The duty of all members of the Partnership is to act in the best interests of the waterway rather than to represent any particular interests or causes.

Terms of Reference for the Partnership and a profile for the role of Partnership Member can be found below.

The Central Shires Waterway Partnership covers the waterways shown in Area 6 on the map.

The roles are voluntary with agreed expenses reimbursed, and will involve approximately two days a month. Appointments are for 3 years.

If you would like to apply to be a Member, please complete our simple application form and return to brenda.adams@canalrivertrust.org.uk along with a short CV.  Arrangements for interviews will be agreed with shortlisted candidates. 

If you wish to discuss further, please contact Darren Green, Waterway Manager, on 0303 040 4040.

Please pass on this information to any others who may be interested in this role.

Kennet & Avon (Members)

The Kennet & Avon Waterways Partnership has up to 3 Member vacancies.

Waterway Partnerships are a key part of the governance of the Trust. They help to shape plans for each waterway, guide the Trust’s decisions about spending, develop local engagement, external funding and champion the interests of the waterways.

The Partnerships are made up of a range of people drawn from different waterways interests such as boaters, walkers, cyclists and anglers. They include people with relevant expertise in areas like volunteering, fundraising, environment, heritage and community engagement. The Chair of each Partnership has a seat on the Trust's Council.

The Kennet & Avon Waterways Partnership is chaired by Tamsin Phipps and we have a membership of 9. Further background on the Partnership and its members can be found here.  The Partnership covers the waterways, including Bridgwater & Taunton, shown in Area 10 on the map.

The Partnership is developing a 10-year vision for the waterways in the Partnership area. To help us in this task and the wider work of the Partnership, we now seek to recruit up to three new members with experience and expertise in the areas of marketing, tourism, communications, social media, working with young people, working with local authorities, and the health and well-being agenda.

Terms of Reference for the Partnership and a Profile for the role of Partnership Member can be found below.

The roles are voluntary with agreed expenses reimbursed, and will involve approximately two days a month. Appointments are for 3 years.

If you would like to apply to be a Member please complete our simple application form and return to brenda.adams@canalrivertrust.org.uk along with a short CV.   Arrangements for interviews will be agreed with shortlisted candidates.

If you wish to discuss further, please contact Mark Stephens, Waterway Manager, on 01380 737901.

Please pass on this information to any others who may be interested in this role.

London (Members)

The London Waterways Partnership has up to 4 Member vacancies.

Waterway Partnerships are a key part of the governance of the Trust.  They give people a voice in the development and management of their waterway, help to shape plans for each waterway, guide the Trust’s decisions about spending, develop local engagement, external funding and champion the interests of the waterways.

The Chair of each Partnership has a seat on the Trust’s Council.  The London Partnership is chaired by Brian Fender and we have a membership of 12.  Further background on the Partnership and its members can be found here.

The Partnership is working closely with their Waterway Manager to develop a Strategic Plan for London’s waterways including strategies and plans to encourage more people to use and get involved with their local waterway and to add value to the work of the Waterway Manager and his team, and the resources they have available.

The Partnerships are made up of a range of people drawn from different waterways interests including boating and other waterway activities – walking, angling, cycling; fundraising and volunteering; finance and commerce; planning and regeneration; environment and heritage; engineering and asset management; community engagement and wider partnership working with local government, commercial and charitable sectors.

We now seek to recruit up to 4 new members to the London Waterways Partnership with experience and expertise in the youth sector, school education, research, marketing, tourism, customer service, volunteering and fundraising.  We are looking for candidates who are locally-based, team players, credible, knowledgeable and willing to take a lead in one or more of the relevant areas of expertise.  The duty of all members of the Partnership is to act in the best interests of the waterway rather than to represent any particular interests or causes.

Terms of Reference for the Partnership and a profile for the role of Partnership Member can be found below.

The London Waterway Partnership covers the waterways shown in Area 11 on the map.

The roles are voluntary with agreed expenses reimbursed, and will involve approximately two days a month.   Appointments are for 3 years.

If you would like to apply to be a Member, please complete our simple application form and return to brenda.adams@canalrivertrust.org.uk along with a short CV.  Arrangements for interviews will be agreed with shortlisted candidates.

If you wish to discuss further, please contact Jon Guest, Waterway Manager, on 020 7517 5551.

Please pass on this information to any others who may be interested in this role.

North East (Members)

The North East Waterways Partnership has up to 2 Member vacancies.

Waterway Partnerships are a key part of the governance of the Trust. They help to shape plans for each waterway; guide the Trust’s decisions; develop local engagement; secure external funding and, champion the interests of the waterways.

Our Partnerships are made up of people with a range of waterways interests. They include people with relevant expertise in areas like volunteering, fundraising, environment, heritage and community engagement. The Chair of each Partnership has a seat on the Trust's Council.

The North East Waterways Partnership is chaired by Mark Penny and we have a membership of 12. Further background on the Partnership and its members can be found here.  The Partnership covers the waterways shown in Area 2 on the map.

Our Partnership is developing a 10-year vision for the Trust’s Waterways in Yorkshire and the North East. To help us in this task and the wider work of the Partnership, we now seek to recruit up to 2 new members with experience and expertise in the areas of marketing, tourism, communications, social enterprise and working with local authorities. We are particularly interested in individuals who have a good understanding of the health and well-being agenda.

Consideration will also be given to individuals who have specific skills in developing successful collaborative project bids across the range of UK and EU funding routes.
Terms of Reference for the Partnership and a Profile for the role of Partnership Member can be found below.

The roles are voluntary with agreed expenses reimbursed, and will involve approximately two days a month. Appointments are for 3 years.

If you would like to apply to be a Member please complete our simple application form and return to brenda.adams@canalrivertrust.org.uk along with a short CV. Arrangements for interviews will be agreed with shortlisted candidates.

If you wish to discuss further, please contact Jon Horsfall, Waterway Manager, on 0113 281 6870 or send an e.mail to jon.horsfall@canalrivertrust.org.uk

Please pass on this information to any others who may be interested in this role.

North West (Members)

The North West Waterways Partnership has 2 Member vacancies.

Waterway Partnerships are a key part of the governance of the Trust. They help to shape plans for each waterway, guide the Trust’s decisions about spending, develop local engagement, external funding and champion the interests of the waterways.

The Partnerships are made up of a range of people representing different waterways interests such as boaters, walkers, cyclists and anglers. They include people with relevant expertise in areas like volunteering, fundraising, environment, heritage and community engagement. The Chair of each Partnership has a seat on the Trust's Council.

The North West Waterways Partnership is chaired by Steve Rumbelow and we have a membership of 13. Further background on the Partnership and its members can be found here. The Partnership covers the waterways shown in Area 1 on the map.

The Partnership is developing a 10-year vision for the waterways in the Partnership area. To help us in this task and the wider work of the Partnership, we now seek to recruit two new members with experience and expertise in the areas of community engagement and young people.

Terms of Reference for the Partnership and a Profile for the role of Partnership Member can be found below.

The roles are voluntary with agreed expenses reimbursed, and will involve approximately two days a month. Appointments will be for the period to March 2015.

If you would like to apply to be a Member please complete our simple application form and return to brenda.adams@canalrivertrust.org.uk along with a short CV.  Arrangements for interviews will be agreed with shortlisted candidates.

If you wish to discuss further, please contact Chantelle Seaborn, Waterway Manager, on 01942 405746.

Please pass on this information to any others who may be interested in this role.

South East (Members)

The South East Waterways Partnership is chaired by John Best and we have a membership of seven. Further background on the Partnership and its members can be found on the waterway noticeboard. The Partnership covers the waterways shown in Area 9 on the map.

The Partnership is developing a 10-year vision for the waterways in the Partnership area. To help us in this task and the wider work of the Partnership, we now seek to recruit up to 5 new members with experience and expertise in the areas of education, community engagement, environment and work with young people. We are particularly interested in candidates who live and/or work in the Oxford Canal corridor.

The roles are voluntary with agreed expenses reimbursed, and will involve approximately two days a month. Appointments will be for the period to 30 May 2015.

If you would like to apply to be a Member, please complete our simple application form and return to brenda.adams@canalrivertrust.org.uk along with a short CV, as soon as possible. Arrangements for interviews will be agreed with shortlisted candidates.

If you wish to discuss further, please contact Neil Owen, Senior Waterway Manager, on 0303 040 4040.

The Canal & River Trust encourages diversity reflecting the communities around the waterways.

Please pass on this information to any others who may be interested in this role.


Get involved

Whether you want to become a volunteer lock keeper, help wildlife, learn more about canal heritage or take on more of an office-based role, there’s bound to be an opportunity at the Canal & River Trust to suit you.