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Sean LeBlanc

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BTW this account is not the one I use at all anymore so if you want to actually find me you can find me here:
Sean LeBlanc - Google+
Sean LeBlanc - Google+

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Hey guys, I'm a small Minecraft YouTuber who makes mostly cinematic videos but also does live streams for my larger builds.

Today I just finished editing my new channel trailer and I thought I would share it with a community that likes Minecraft and won't throw hate at it. So here it is :) if you like it please feel free to go watch more of my videos!

Also I appreciate any feedback of what you think I could do better/ improve upon.

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YouTube is being an ass so no stream today

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Any Minecrafters in the crowd? If you are ya might wanna check this out, it's my new Chanel trailer. :)

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