#busy 검색 결과

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  1. 사진 · 모두 보기
  2. have to review The Republic by Plato, still have Cases to Digest.. have to settle my trip & still have to go to US Embassy for updates

  3. Turned in an application for our first apartment today. Now waiting on acceptance call. And I'll be moving 10 days from now.

  4. What do 80year old people do when there is a tornado warning? Come to bricks and buy 80lbs of deli meat

  5. Hi everyone! Staying miss my fans Ill be back on tonight....ordering my !!!!!

  6. Practice Thursday, show on Friday then photoshoot with following, Saturday is bout day and Sunday practice

  7. kids at baskeball in Downham till 7.30pm. Spent the evening leaflet dropping 300 houses whilst they were training.

  8. If your travelling right now... Take extra care while driving! DO NOT USE YOUR MOBILE HANDSET WHILE DRIVING.

  9. From Thursday-Sunday during the 4 day holiday weekend there were 207 call numbers assigned and 31 arrests and summonses.

  10. We are opening up new stores in Falmouth and Taunton! Join us for the launches from 10am: Falmouth, Wednesday & Taunton on Friday

  11. To those of you not at -- I apologize for ignoring your messages and calls for updates on the conference. You know how it is.

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