Welcome to the Gunfleet Sailing Club website

Welcome to the Gunfleet Sailing Club website. On your left are the key headings, so do explore the site and find out more about the Club and its activities. Most of the images throughout the site are linked to higher resolution versions which can be launched in a new window by clicking the thumbnails. More images can be found in the Image Gallery and some useful external links are displayed at the top of the page.

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Coming-up this Wednesday.....

This Wednesday 2 July sees the start of the racing for the Tony Chadd Trophy.  The racing starts at 7:30 p.m. and, as usual, burgers and hot-dogs will be on sale afterwards.
Then on Saturday 5 July we have the third sail/race training event in the 2014 SOS programme.  Top Gunfleet sailor Ken Potts will be helping the more experienced Cadet and Otter to improve, whilst the "ducklings" will contine to be taught the basics.
Then on Sunday 6 July we visit our good friends and neighbours Clacton on Sea Sailing Club for their Regatta.  Depart from Gunfleet at 10:00 a.m.to ensure we get there in time for the first race at 11:00 a.m.  CSC will have trophies for the first dinghy and catamaran, as well as a trophy for the first cadet home.  After lunch there will be a second race before we wend our way back to Gunfleet.
Meantime don’t forget to get your live weather reading from the Club by clicking on the tab above labelled Gunfleet Weather Station.
There's always so much going on down the Gunfleet.

Clarke & Cossens Take Wednesday Evening Summer Series

Simon Clarke and Emily Cossens at the start of the Wednesday evening race
Last Saturday 28 June the Gunfleet Sailing Club’s Cadets and Otters took part in the second race of their Class Points Series as part of the Sailing On Saturday programme.  As the boats were being rigged the wind direction shifted 180 degrees, changing from onshore to offshore, which provided an interesting twist to the race.  Each of the classes had separate starts and individual courses, with the Toppers being first way.  From the very beginning Harry Swinbourne took the lead but found himself being challenged by Max Bates in his new boat.
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