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Reports 2014

Sailing and social reports from the 2014 season

Scorpion Has A Real Sting In Its Tail

Some of the Cadets' and Otters' dinghies awaiting the first SOS Class Points Race
Last Saturday 31 May Gunfleet Sailing Club’s Cadets and Otters took part in the first race of their Class Points Series.  The youngsters, who all sail Toppers, Topazes, Hobie 405’s or Lasers, had four individual class starts with four separate courses, designed to test boat handling to the full.  In a light easterly breeze it was the Topper class first away and right from the very beginning it was clearly going to be Harry Swinbourne’s race, whilst in the Topaz class Zak Thomas had his work cut-out with Alice Fuller challenging him at every opportunity.
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Williams Brothers Take Winning Gun

Top senior helmsman Ken Potts explains to the young 405 sailors the way to rig their craft
Gunfleet Sailing Club slipped into its busy mode last weekend with the start of its SOS – Sailing On Saturdays for the Cadets and Otters.  This first SOS of the season, which now runs until September, focused on sail/race training with some 30 young members taking part, assisted by seven of the Club’s top adult sailors.
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First Club Cruise Of 2014 An Absolute Hit

Last Sunday 18 May members of Gunfleet Sailing Club cast off from their headquarters on the first official cruise of this season.  Seventeen dinghies, accompanied by one of the Club's Rescue Boats, departed under blue skies, unbroken sunshine and a pleasant light easterly breeze.  The armada of boats took the last of the flood tide and headed “westward-ho”, making easy passage as it reached down the coast.  It wasn’t long before the craft made Clacton Pier and then continued on past Martello Bay and Jaywick Sands, before landing at St. Osyth.

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The Golden Tones At Gunfleet

Nicki pauses whilst Kevin serenades his wife
Gunfleet’s Eurovision Karaoke, last Saturday 10 May, really hit the high notes with a packed Clubhouse and an array of musical talent.  Ted Newson, along with Korben and Mac Symmonds, kicked the whole thing off with some great harmonies on some of the very latest hits, and then it was the turn of husband and wife Kevin and Nicki Jay – rolling back the years with some tremendous rock classics.  Before long we had the Gunfleet’s answer to One Direction as a group of dads relived their youth, and then the mums turned into the Gunfleetettes to woo us all with a real “wall of sound”.
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Tappenden Takes Trophy

John Tappenden sails into the lead in the London Trophy
Last Sunday 4 May Gunfleet Sailing Club held the race for the London Trophy; an event exclusively for the faster handicapped boats.  This also counted towards class points for the Solutions, Lasers and Hobie 405’s.  Conditions appeared ideal with a pleasant force three, touching four, south/south westerly wind, blue skies and sunshine.  The competitors all hovered by the line, edging nearer and nearer as the seconds ticked away, followed by a sudden surge at the start.
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Wallet Win For Williams Brothers

Gunfleet Sailing Club held its race for the Wallet Trophy last Sunday afternoon 27 April in a force four, touching five, easterly wind.  With the sun breaking through the competitors jostled eagerly at the line and, in some cases, just a bit too eagerly.  As the class flag fell from the yardarm the Hobie 405 of Charlie and Harry Spence, and Andy Dunnett’s Laser were both the wrong side; the individual recall flag being instantly hoisted to point out the error.
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Spring Series Excitement All The Way

And they're off - with not a boat in sight!
Last Saturday evening 19 April Gunfleet Sailing Club held its very first Horse Race Night and it proved a real smash.  The canter of hooves, the smell of the turf, all on film of course, and the roar of the crowd – i.e. the members in the Clubhouse, the evening was an absolute hit.  Betting was fast and furious; the horses sweated, the men perspired and the ladies glowed gently as the Clubhouse reached fever-pitch!  At half times it was a choice of burgers, hot dogs, carrots and straw and with punters, jockeys and horses all fed it was down the straight and into the second half.
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Unpleasant Conditions For Second Race In Spring Series

Cadet Commodore Robert Gutteridge going for it in his Laser, just prior to gear failure
Fifteen dinghies took part in Gunfleet Sailing Club’s second race in its Spring Series last Sunday 13 April.  To those on shore the blue skies and unbroken sunshine made it look idyllic out on the water but with a wind that gusted from force 2 to 4, and also veered from west/north-west to south-west, it proved quite unpleasant conditions for the actual sailors.  As the clock ticked nearer and nearer to the start it became evident that the fluky winds and strong ebb tide were going to catch-out several of the competitors, many struggling to get to the line on time.
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Dunnett Does It

Simon Clarke and Emily Cossens get a good start in their Scorpion with Andy Dunnett in his Laser completely hidden behind them
Gunfleet Sailing Club held the first race in its Spring Series last Sunday 6 April in very overcast conditions with a force 4 – 5 south/south-westerly wind blowing.
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Great Start To The 2014 Sailing Season

Members enjoying the 2014 Fitting-Out Supper
Gunfleet Sailing Club celebrated the start of the 2014 season with its Fitting-Out Super last Saturday evening, 29 March; so popular was the event that the “house-full” sign went up weeks ago and several members were unable to get tickets.  Club Commodore Richard Walker welcomed all those present and was pleased to be able to say goodbye to the wet and windy winter, thanking the members for such splendid support during the recent annual Work Weekend which resulted in the place being made smart and tidy for the coming year.
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