


RYA Professional Practices and Responsibilities Course ('The RYA PPR Course')





Expertise and support!

We have run commercial craft for many years and have trained many hundreds of commercial skippers. We have been involved in the RYA Pilot courses and therefore feel we are really well placed to help people through this course.

If you find the course straightforward then that will be great, equally though if you find that you need assistance and need to chat with an instructor or meet over a coffee to discuss any element that you are finding tricky we will happily do so.

Paul Glatzel


Introduced in April 2012 the RYA Professional Practices and Responsibilities ('PPR') Course is a new online course and assessment and is required by all those individuals seeking a Commercial Endorsement .

It is being phased in between April and June 2012.

  • New Commercial Skippers: Those seeking to become commercially endorsed after 1st April 2012 will need to undertake the course and assessment.

  • Existing Commercial Skippers: Those seeking to revalidate their Commercial Endorsement after the 1st April 2012 have two options. i) If renewing before 1st June you can opt to undertake the course and assessment ii) Those applying after 1st June will have to undertake the course and assessment

Why is there a new course?

Being a Commercially Endorsed Skipper carries with it many responsibilities and a need to understand a whole variety or areas such as the kit and tests necessary on the vessel you are using, the crew you require and what your qualification allows you to do. Historically many Skippers failed to fully appreciate their responsibilities and to understand what they needed to do to manage their craft correctly and in line with the various legal requirements.  In conjunction with the MCA the RYA created a course to address this gap in knowledge.

In the run up to the course being launched there has been a degree of misunderstanding on various websites and forums concerning the nature of the course and how beneficial it will be. Having undertaken the course ourselves we have been really impressed with the way that it is structured. As a Commercial Skipper it is not expected that you know the answer to every question however you must have a good idea where to find the right answer and a good appreciation of the general rules surrounding what you do. This is where the course really excels as what it does is creates scenarios (boats/skippers & jobs) and uses these to look at the issues and rules and show you where to find the right answers. These answers are to be found in the various supporting documents that have been built into the online course and directly replicate the information, manuals and forms you will find in the 'real world'. In the assessment this approach is continued with most of the questions being based around scenarios where you need to use the information to answer the questions.

As a centre we consider that we are pretty knowledgably about this subject and even so we were impressed with the things that we learnt when doing it!

How long will it take?

As a guide we feel that it will take you between 3 and 8 hours to undertake the course. Where you sit in this rather wide range will depend on how conversent you are with the subject (For example if you own/run a coded boat this will inevitably help you) and how quickly you learn in an online environment. There is no rush with the course and the set up allows you to do a section, save where you are and log in again later. The assessment will take about 30 - 60 minutes. If you pass the assessment then you are immediately generated a PDF certificate for you to keep.

Do I need to undertake the course/exam in one 'hit'. No, once you are running with the course you save what you have done undertake it over a period of days or weeks.

If you need to revalidate your Commercial Endorsement it would make sense to start your PPR Course at least 4 weeks before your Endosrement expires to give you plenty of time to undertake the course and to send off the forms to the RYA.

What happens if I fail?

Of course this will happen from time to time however if you take your time with the course and make sure you don't rush the modules you should be fine. If you do fail then in the first instance call us and we will allocate you an Instructor to discuss with the the issues that you had. We will work out a plan of action with you and help you towards a pass at your retake.

How much does it cost?

£31 + VAT. This fee is payable either to us if we set you up for the PPR course or by you directly if you choose that option (See the bookings page). The fee is set by the RYA.

Can I pay for extra assistance from your Instructors through the course?

Yes you can. In the first instance we will provide telephone/email support to chat through any issues and will happily sit down with you in the Office over a coffee and discuss any elements that are more challenging. These chats are not charegable. If you want to spend longer with an Instructor we would charge at a per hour rate of £45 inc VAT.

Why choose us for this course?

It may be that you have already worked or trained with us in some capacity in which case I would hope that our understanding of this sector has been apparent to you. If we haven't had the chance to work with you before perhaps some background information about us would be beneficial.

Powerboat Training UK is a professional but family run business based at Cobbs Quay Marina in Poole where we have our own dedicated Offices and a range of craft. Our client base is reasonably equally split between Commercial users (Renewable energy, Construction, Fire & Rescue etc.), Superyachts, Military and Law Enforcement Units and leisure users. We were founded about 10 years ago and have developed an expertise and understanding of the commercial sector which is very strong. We run our own coded RIB and Motor Cruiser so fully understand the issues surrounding running coded craft and being commercial skippers.

As you may have seen on our website, without exception our Instructors are highly experienced and are all Commercially Endorsed themselves. We run a considerable number of Yachtmaster and Advanced Powerboat courses and exams each year so fully understand the commercial sector in this regard.

With regard to the PPR course itself we were one of the initial handful of schools asked by the RYA to review the draft course and exam and have worked with the RYA subsequently to assist in the development of the course. We have created a team of three dedicated instructors who will be available to assist you as you progress through the course. The team consists of:

Paul Glatzel: Paul is the Centre Principal and has a wide range of Commercial Experience and was involved in the pilot course. He is a RYA Yachtmaster Instructor (Commercially Endorsed - Power), a RYA Powerboat Trainer and a RYA Powerboat Examiner.

Nye Davies: Nye  is a RYA Yachtmaster Instructor (Commercially Endorsed - Sail & Power) and a RYA Powerboat Trainer.

Paul Sargent: Paul  is a RYA Yachtmaster Instructor (Commercially Endorsed - Power) and a RYA Advanced Powerboat Instructor.

I am intending undertaking my Yachtmaster Offshore/Yachtmaster Coastal or Advanced Powerboat Examinations ('Certificate of Competence') purely for personal satisfaction and do not intend working commercially. Do I need to undertake this course and assessment first?

No. This is only necessary if you intend commercially endorsing the Certificate of Competence. You can go ahead and undertake the Exam without doing this.

I am not due to revalidate for two years - can I take the course now?

Yes - and it is actually a great idea to do so. As mentioned above we felt we learn lots from the course and feel that any Skipper will. You can do the course and assessment and then use your certificate to revalidate your Commercial Endorsement when necessary.

What happens at my next revalidation?

You will undertake a shorter course and assessment that focusses on the thinks that have changed since your first did the PPR Course. The RYA haven't written this yet as they don't need it for another 4 - 5 years.

I am over 65 and need to revalidate more often - do I need to do the course more frequently?

No, you will be treated the same as anyone else.

Are there any exemptions?

To quote from the RYA website "If you hold an MCA Certificate of Competence as Officer of the Watch, Master 200, Master 500 or above you do not need to take the PPR course. Please send a copy of your MCA certificate with your application or renewal form for your commercial endorsement."

Is there any other information that I need?

PTUK Booking Form (Contains Terms & Conditions of Booking) ~ Here

RYA PPR Course - News ~ Here

RYA PPR Course Information & video ~ Here

Okay, I would like to go ahead - what is the process?

There are two options:

1) You contact us and book the course, we take payment and create a system login for you. We send you the details of the logon and you get going with the course

2) We send you a link to the course and you create your own logon and progress with the course


We are sure that you will have questions. Please feel free to give us a call or drop an email through and we will do our best to answer them. Alternatively if you want to pop in for a coffee and be shown around our classrooms and boats then just give us a call to arrange a time.

