Natural England - Dissertation projects on Natural England’s NNRs

Dissertation projects on Natural England’s NNRs

We have a range of dissertation projects on National Nature Reserves which we would like Masters, Undergraduates, Diploma, BTEC or A-level students to undertake.

Many of Natural England’s National Nature Reserves have a long history as sites used for environmental research. The back catalogue of Reserves such as Moorhouse-Upper Teesdale and Monk’s Wood stretches back many decades and includes hundreds of reports and published papers.

However, there are always new questions to be asked, site features to re-evaluate and gaps in our knowledge. Dissertations and similar types of projects provide students with excellent opportunities to work on sites of the highest quality and to make meaningful contributions to nature conservation, and of course help us enormously in learning about and managing our nature reserves. We have three principles for dissertations on our Reserves:

  • Projects should aim to provide some results of benefit to the Reserve and/or the wider environment

  • Projects will not adversely affect the Reserve

  • Projects are carried out safely

Our current ideas for projects that we would find useful are listed below.

If you are interested in any of these as part of your studies, please get in touch using the contact details provided. We would normally arrange to have a more in-depth discussion at a face-to-face meeting, on the phone or by e-mail. With the agreement of your supervisor, you would then send us a full proposal of your project, including dates, background information you will need from us, equipment and methods to be used, logistics such as travel and accommodation, and the project outputs. We would subsequently accept or refine your proposal, confirm what you will be doing by letter and send you a permit and a health and safety risk assessment. Once you had completed your project, you would send us an electronic copy of it. Note, though, that we cannot provide financial support or accommodation.

Aston Rowant

Aston Rowant NNR is in Oxfordshire. For information about the reserve go to the Aston Rowant NNR page.

  • Topic: What motivates the public to visit Aston Rowant NNR, where do they come from and how to they get to the Reserve?
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 07970 195090)

Barnack Hills and Holes

Barnack Hills and Holes NNR is in Cambridgeshire. For information about the reserve go to the Barnack Hills and Holes NNR page.

  • Topic: Develop a methodology and undertake a quantitative assessment of visitor impact to vegetation (species composition, compaction/erosion) on limestone grassland at Barnack Hills and Holes NNR.
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 01780 444704)

  • Topic: What motivates the public to visit Barnack Hills and Holes NNR, where do they come from and how to they get to the Reserve?
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 01780 444704)

  • Topic: Carry out an analysis of habitat preference and/or flowering success for selected plants, in relation to topography (slope, aspect, soil properties) at Barnack Hills and Holes NNR. The study would focus on rarer plants (pasqueflower; man, fragrant, and pyramidal orchids) on this site with a highly complex terrain. The results would help to inform management and possible habitat creation/re-introduction.
    Season: any
    Contact: (or telephone 01780 444704)

Cabin Hill

Cabin Hill NNR is in Merseyside. For information about the reserve go to the Cabin Hill NNR page.

  • Topic: Investigate the impacts of the 2013 grass-fire at Cabin Hill NNR and adjacent area, assessing vegetation recovery over time on the affected area by comparing burnt with adjacent unburned habitats.
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 01704 578774)

Cassop Vale

Cassop Vale NNR is in Durham. For information about the reserve go to the Cassop Vale NNR page.

Castle Eden Dene

Castle Eden Dene NNR is in Durham. For information about the reserve go to the Castle Eden Dene NNR page.

  • Topic: Undertake a survey of lichens at Castle Eden Dene NNR and use this information to evaluate air quality.
    Season: any
    Contact: (or telephone 07979873504)

  • Topic: Undertake a study to record regeneration of woodland flora after clear fell operations in the softwood areas of woodland.
    Season: any
    Contact: (or telephone 07979873504)

  • Topic: Undertake a study of the Lever and Mulch Rhododendron Control method currently being used on the site.
    Season: any
    Contact: or telephone 07979873504

  • Topic: Juniper is an important species in the Dene, but is disappearing. This project needs to map the current extent of the plant and explore reasons for its demise and possible remedies.
    Season: any
    Contact: or telephone 07979873504

  • Topic: Conduct an invertebrate study at Castle Eden Dene National Nature Reserve.
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: or telephone 07979873504

  • Topic: Survey the great crested newt population in the still water bodies of Castle Eden Dene.
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: or telephone 07979873504

  • Topic: Survey the current bat population and roost sites in the woodland area
    Season: any
    Contact: or telephone 07979873504

  • Topic: Survey to establish current water vole population
    Season: any
    Contact: or telephone 07979873504

  • Topic: Survey a number of rare vascular plants including rare orchids
    Season: summer
    Contact: or telephone 07979873504

  • Topic: Investigate the feasibility of reintroducing rare vascular plants including rare orchids that have disappeared from the site.
    Season: any
    Contact: or telephone 07979873504

Castle Hill

Castle Hill NNR is in East Sussex. For information about the reserve go to the Castle Hill NNR page.

  • Topic: What motivates the public to visit Castle Hill NNR, where do they come from and how to they get to the Reserve?
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 07825 386620)

  • Topic: Wart biter cricket (Decticus verrucivorus) standardised surveys to assess population size, with analysis of vegetation composition and structure, at Castle Hill and Mount Caburn NNRs.
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 07825 386620)

Castor Hanglands

Castor Hanglands NNR is in Cambridgeshire. For information about the reserve go to the Castor Hanglands NNR page.

  • Topic: Undertake a survey of small mammal populations at Castor Hanglands NNR with special emphasis on determining the distribution and habitat preferences of harvest mouse.
    Season: autumn/winter
    Contact: (or telephone 01780 444704)

Cavenham Heath NNR

Cavenham Heath NNR is in Suffolk. For information about the reserve go to the Cavenham Heath NNR page.

  • Topic: What motivates the public to visit Cavenham Heath NNR, where do they come from and how to they get to the Reserve?
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 01638 721 329)

  • Topic: Investigate possible reasons for the recent decline of the woodlark and tree pipit as breeding species on Cavenham Heath.
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 01638 721 329)

Chippenham Fen NNR

Chippenham Fen NNR is in Cambridgeshire. For information about the reserve go to the Chippenham Fen NNR page.

  • Topic: Repeat the tree ring analysis undertaken by Kassas 1946 to show the impact of water levels on tree growth.
    Season: any
    Contact: (or telephone 01638 721 329)

  • Topic: Research to further our understanding of the silver barred moth and its distribution on the Fen.
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 01638 721 329)

  • Topic: Investigate factors that have contributed to an increase in the dominance of rush spp in the fen meadows.
    Season: any
    Contact: (or telephone 01638 721 329)

  • Topic: Research into the geomorphology of the NNR – in particular the origin of the raised banks/ridges on the fen.
    Season: any
    Contact: (or telephone 01638 721 329)

Collyweston Great Wood

Collyweston Great Wood NNR is in Northamptonshire. For information about the reserve go to the Collyweston Great Wood & Easton Hornstocks NNR page.

  • Topic: Carry out a study of seed viability and germination success of small-leaved lime Tilia cordata at Collyweston Great Wood NNR, to determine factors that influence this species in propagating via seed.
    Season: summer/autumn/winter
    Contact: (or telephone 01780 444704)

East Dartmoor Woods and Heaths NNR

East Dartmoor NNR is in Devon. For information about the reserve go to the East Dartmoor NNR page.

  • Topic: Botanical data analysis - using existing, recently gathered vegetation data to establish which National Vegetation Classification communities exist in the study area, and assess whether the habitats concerned have all the attributes defined in the SSSI documentation for the site.
    Season: any
    Contact: (or telephone 01626 831581)

  • Topic: Analysis of metrological data at Yarner Wood - using the data collected at the Yarner Wood weather station since 1965, determine changes in general weather conditions on the site over the last half century. An assessment of any changes in data corresponding to move from manual monitoring to the current automated system in 2007/8 would be very useful. Compare the data to equivalent Met Office data to assess its quality.
    Season: any
    Contact: (or telephone 01626 831581)

  • Topic: Fixed point photography analysis - we have taken fixed point photographs since 1980; use these to determine long-term change in the important habitats of this and other nature reserves.
    Season: any
    Contact: (or telephone 01626 831581)

  • Topic: Management records - catalogue our old reserve management records dating back to 1952, to form a searchable electronic archive system and enabling an assessment of what has worked and what has not over the years.
    Season: any
    Contact: (or telephone 01626 831581)

  • Topic: Breeding bird monitoring - surveys of woodland birds and heathland specialities including Dartford warblers and nightjars are required this spring.
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 01626 831581)

  • Topic: Butterfly (fritillary species) monitoring -: monitoring of high brown, pearl-bordered and small pearl-bordered fritillary are required across the reserve.
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 01626 831581)

  • Topic: Blue ground beetle monitoring - a summer survey for this species is required, to be undertaken in the Bovey valley and possibly other areas.
    Season: summer
    Contact: (or telephone 01626 831581)

  • Topic: Otter surveying- otters are found in the Bovey Valley Woodlands and signs have been seen on some of the tributaries but little is known of their presence across the wider geographical area of East Dartmoor NNR. Surveying is required to establish presence and patterns of use within the NNR water courses. This could be done in association with other features of interest including salmon numbers.
    Season: any
    Contact: (or telephone 01626 831581)

Golitha Falls

Golitha Falls NNR is in Cornwall. For information about the reserve go to the Golitha Falls NNR page.

Goss Moor

Goss Moor NNR is in Cornwall. For information about the reserve go to the Goss Moor NNR page.

Hallsenna Moor

Hallsenna Moor NNR is in Cumbria. For information about the reserve go to the Hallsenna Moor NNR page.

Humberhead Peatlands

Humberhead Peatlands NNR is in South Yorkshire. For information about the reserve go to the Humberhead Peatlands NNR page.

  • Topic: Consider the effects of creating a Crucian Carp Ark site on some of the lakes at Hatfield Moors, part of the Humberhead Peatlands National Nature Reserve
    Season: any
    Contact: or telephone 07979873504

Kingley Vale

Kingley Vale NNR is in West Sussex. For information about the reserve go to the Kingley Vale NNR page.

  • Topic: Bees are under-recorded at Kingley Vale NNR. Investigate which species use Kingley Vale and their distribution in relation to the habitats and land management.
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 01243 575353)

  • Topic: Study of scrub encroachment at Kingley Vale NNR using existing fixed point photography and historic aerial photography.
    Season: any
    Contact: (or telephone 01243 575353)

  • Topic: Study of the history of grazing at Kingley Vale NNR using existing records to determine long term changes to grassland and invertebrate diversity.
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 01243 575353)

  • Topic: Chalk heath is in decline. Study of the existing extent of chalk heath at Kingley Vale NNR.
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 01243 575353)

  • Topic: Are reptile populations effected by visitor numbers and permitted recreational activities at Kingley Vale NNR?
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 01243 575353)

  • Topic: Kingley Vale NNR has an estimated 30,000 yew trees with a handful possibly being over 2000 years old. Compare invertebrates and lichens from the young trees to the ancient trees.
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 01243 575353)

Lewes Downs (Mount Caburn)

Lewes Downs (Mount Caburn) NNR is in East Sussex. For information about the reserve go to the Lewes Downs (Mount Caburn) NNR page.

  • Topic: What motivates the public to visit Lewes Downs (Mount Caburn) NNR, where do they come from and how to they get to the Reserve?
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 07825 386620)

Lower Derwent Valley

Lower Derwent Valley NNR is on the border of North and East Yorkshire. For information about the reserve go to the Lower Derwent Valley NNR page.

  • Topic: Undertake a survey of small mammal populations at Lower Derwent Valley NNR with special emphasis on determining the distribution and habitat preferences of harvest mouse.
    Season: year round
    Contact: (or telephone 07917 088021)

  • Topic: Compare results from small mammal trapping and barn owl pellet analysis in determining small mammal abundance and distribution in and around the Lower Derwent valley NNR.
    Season: year round
    Contact: (or telephone 07917 088021)

  • Topic: Investigate the effects of seasonal hay cropping on the local distribution of small mammal populations on and around the Lower Derwent Valley NNR, with particular emphasis on implications of agri-environment scheme targeting and management.
    Season: June – August (min)
    Contact: (or telephone 07917 088021)

  • Topic: Investigate techniques for successfully monitoring the otter population of the Lower Derwent Valley NNR and lower Derwent catchment in order to draw up a feasible annual monitoring programme for this SAC feature.
    Season: year round
    Contact: (or telephone 07917 088021)

  • Topic: Investigation of the feeding ecology of spring passage whimbrel around the Lower Derwent Valley NNR – soil fauna and biomass, hydrology and food accessibility to the whimbrels – with specific reference to managing agri-environment schemes.
    Season: late April/May
    Contact: (or telephone 07917 088021)

  • Topic: Analysis of 15 years of farmland bird survey data in relation to habitat changes and the targeting of agri-environment schemes in the around the Lower Derwent Valley.
    Season: any
    Contact: (or telephone 07917 088021)

  • Topic: An investigation to the use of the ditch network during duck brood rearing in the Lower Derwent Valley NNR
    Season: June – August
    Contact: (or telephone 07917 088021)

  • Topic: Survey of the Lower Derwent Valley NNR to assess the population size and distribution of greater water parsnip, with emphasis on habitat requirements and management.
    Season: June - August
    Contact: (or telephone 07917 088021)

  • Topic: Survey of the Lower Derwent Valley NNR to assess the population size and distribution of mousetail, with emphasis on habitat requirements and management.
    Season: June
    Contact: (or telephone 07917 088021)

  • Topic: Investigate the importance of the ditch network of the Lower Derwent Valley NNR as a fish nursery area for the wider River Derwent catchment. Also on otter populations as an important food source.
    Season: any
    Contact: (or telephone 07917 088021)

  • Topic: Investigate the options and feasibility to re-introduce the burbot to the lower reaches of the River Derwent, the site of the last UK records in the 1970s.
    Season: any
    Contact: (or telephone 07917 088021)

  • Topic: Investigate the impact on and local movements of the invertebrate populations of the Lower Derwent Valley NNR as a result of hay cutting – and implications for delivering buffer zones and habitat corridors.
    Season: summer – (before and after hay cut)
    Contact: (or telephone 07917 088021)

Lullington Heath

Lullington Heath NNR is in East Sussex. For information about the reserve go to the Lullington Heath NNR page.

  • Topic: What motivates the public to visit Lullington Heath NNR, where do they come from and how to they get to the Reserve?
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 07825 386620)

  • Topic: Is there any correlation between levels of atmospheric pollutants and prevailing climatic conditions at Lullington Heath NNR? Comparison of data collected hourly from automatic pollution monitoring station and meteorological station.
    Season: any time of year
    Contact: (or telephone 07825 386620)

  • Topic: Monitoring development of chalk heath plant community, using permanent quadrats, making comparisons with previous surveys to identify changes in community composition at Lullington Heath NNR.
    Season: summer
    Contact: (or telephone 07825 386620)

Martin Down

Martin Down NNR is in Hampshire. For information about the reserve go to the Martin Down NNR page.

  • Topic: Survey of Tor grass Brachypodium pinnatum distribution in relation to fertility/slope/grazing history/management on Martin Down National Nature Reserve.
    Season: all year

  • Topic: Survey of Tor grass Brachypodium pinnatum fauna - soil invertebrates/sweep/pitfall/D-Vac compared to neighbouring chalk downland vegetation.
    Season: spring/summer

  • Topic: Bumblebee foraging behaviour in relation to nectar secretion/soil moisture on Martin Down with particular reference to Bombus humilis.
    Season: spring/summer

  • Topic: Why do people come to Martin Down? Where do they go, what do they do? What are the most popular routes/walks and why?
    Season: all year

Monks Wood

Monks Wood NNR is in Cambridgeshire. For information about the reserve go to the Monks Wood NNR page.

  • Topic: Carry out a study of species distribution and colonisation in ancient and secondary woodland at Monks Wood NNR. The study would focus on ‘The Wilderness’, a 4ha former arable plot which has been allowed to regenerate as woodland for 50 years. The ground flora has been studied (Walker 2005) and the project should focus on other groups such as soil fauna, invertebrates, or lower plants.
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 01780 444704)

The Stiperstones

The Stiperstones NNR is in Shropshire. For information about the reserve go to the The Stiperstones NNR page.

  • Topic: Investigate the distribution of common lizard in the Gatten area of the Stiperstones NNR and its relationship with factors such as pheasant numbers.
    Season: summer

  • Topic: Undertake the monitoring of the Stiperstones NNR ridge path through measurement and photographic comparison (previously carried out in 1989 and 1998) to investigate erosion of the path.
    Season: preferably October

  • Topic: Carry out a survey of woodland birds in the upland oak woodland of the reserve and investigate distribution in relation to woodland vegetation communities and management.
    Season: spring

  • Topic: Investigate the distribution of wood ant in the upland oak woodland (some previous data available) to determine the relative importance of environmental factors on nest location.
    Season: summer

  • Topic: Determine the accuracy of existing reserve visitor counters and then map visitor usage of the reserve.
    Season: summer

  • Topic: Map the current severity and extent of Phytophthora pseudosyringae infection in the bilberry on a section of the reserve and explore probable cause of spread and the future effect of the fungal disease on the heathland vegetation of the reserve.
    Season: summer

  • Topic: Compare the effects of cutting and burning as methods of managing heathland through analysis of regeneration.
    Season: spring, summer, autumn


Teesmouth NNR is in Cleveland. For information about the reserve go to the Teesmouth NNR page.

  • Topic: Investigate and assess changes in invertebrate prey availability and bird usage in a 3ha tidal exchange system originally created in 1993 (some baseline data already exists).
    Season: September to April
    Contact: (or telephone 07803 228394)

Thrislington Plantation

Thrislington Plantation NNR is in Durham. For information about the reserve go to the Thrislington Plantation NNR page.


Thursley NNR is in East Sussex. For information about the reserve go to the Thursley NNR page.

  • Topic: What motivates the public to visit Thursley NNR, where do they come from and how to they get to the Reserve?
    Season: spring/summer
    Contact: (or telephone 07971 974399)

  • Topic: Investigate the spread of common read (Phragmites australis) on the mire system of Thursley NNR. What effects on hydrology, sediment build up, water flow and possible succession.
    Season: any time of year
    Contact: (or telephone 01428 685675)

  • Topic: Investigate the water chemistry of Thursley NNR mire system - Water quality, nutrient status, chemical analysis.
    Season: spring/summer/autumn
    Contact: (or telephone 01428 685675)

  • Topic: Hydrological investigation of Thursley NNR. Utilise data gathered from the initial work on a hydrological survey to further investigate: water movement, flow rates, dispersion, micro topography (LIDAR). Could be linked in with above project.
    Season: summer/autumn
    Contact: (or telephone 01428 685675)

Wistman's Wood

Wistman’s Wood NNR is in Devon. For information about the reserve go to the Wistman’s Wood NNR page.

  • Topic: Cultural and scientific changes - draw together cultural and scientific data in attempt to obtain a definitive view of the age and origins of three high altitude woodlands: Wistman’s Wood, Black-a-tor Copse NNR and Piles Copse.
    Season: any
    Contact: (or telephone 01626 831581)

  • Topic: An assessment of the effect of trampling on a moss and liverwort community- compare the bryophyte flora inside and outside an enclosure to assess the impact of trampling on the community.
    Season: any
    Contact: (or telephone 01626 831581)

Students are also welcome to approach us with their own proposals. They should email with a brief description of their idea and where and when they could undertake it.