Natural England - Data


Natural England publishes much of its geographic information in the form of Geographic Information System (GIS) datasets.

You can download GIS Digital Boundary Datasetsexternal link for protected sites, habitats, and other information either as national datasets covering all of England or in 100km tiles for the larger datasets.

All our publically available GIS datasets are provided under the Open Government Licence and our copyright page provides links to the actual licences you need to reuse our data

Contact us

For any queries about geographic data, please contact our mailbox –

Geographic Information for contractors and partners

If you are a contractor recently awarded a contract with Natural England or if you are working in a partnership with Natural England and you require Geographical Information for your project, please see Geographic Information for contractors and partners.

Natural England and INSPIRE

Natural England has statutory obligations to progressively publish metadata and data for datasets within the scope of the INSPIRE Regulations 2009external link.

Phase 1 of INSPIRE covers the publication of existing datasets. The milestones are:

  • December 2010 - Compliant Discovery Metadata published for INSPIRE Annex I & II datasets - complete
  • May 2011 - View Services published for INSPIRE Annex I & II datasets (initial operating capability only) - complete
    • Access the View Service from
  • November 2011 - Full View Services to be published for INSPIRE Annex I & II datasets - complete
  • June 2012 - Download Services to be published for INSPIRE Annex I & II datasets (dependent on entry into force of EC regulation)
  • December 2013 - Discovery Metadata to be published for INSPIRE Annex III datasets
  • December 2013 - View Services published for INSPIRE Annex III datasets
  • December 2013 - Download Services to published for INSPIRE Annex III datasets

The following Natural England datasets fall into the scope of Annex I. (We have no Annex II datasets).

  • Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (England)
  • Biosphere Reserves (England)
  • Limestone Pavement Orders (England)
  • Local Nature Reserves (England)
  • Marine Conservation Zones (England)
  • National Nature Reserves (England)
  • National Parks (England)
  • Ramsar (England)
  • Sites of Special Scientific Interest (England)
  • Special Areas of Conservation (England)
  • Special Protection Areas (England)

We will be identifying the datasets that fall within the scope of Annex III during 2012.

Phase 2 of INSPIRE runs from 2012 to 2019 and requires us to progressively make the datasets compliant with the INSPIRE specifications.

Use of the View Service published on requires access to a suitable GIS product. Please refer to your product help files to determine the best way to add a Web Mapping Service (WMS) to your GIS product of choice.


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