sail ionian

Short and Specialist Courses

As well as our RYA courses we are also able to offer short courses and specialist courses, tailor made to suit your needs. These courses are ideal for those who want to fine turn their skills, maybe you have never had to stern to moor before or used long lines. Whether you have chartered a yacht with us or have your own boat here, we can help you

short coursesshort coursesmed mooringsail training

International Certificate of Competence (ICC)

The ICC is a certificate asked for in many European Countries in order to charter a yacht. In order to obtain an ICC, your theoretical knowledge level should be similar to RYA Day Skipper and you must be happy skippering a yacht (see what is covered in the assessment below). We can offer a minimum one day assessment for an ICC, and can provide training prior to the assessment.

If you have the RYA Day Skipper Practical Certification or higher, this enables you to apply straight for an ICC without having to do any further assessments.

If you are unsure about the level of your knowledge in order to take an ICC please enquire with us. For more information on UK Centres offering ICC assessment see the RYA Website

Application Form for the International Certificate of Competence

1 Day : Sail Trim and Sailing Manouvres

A day course for cruisers wanting to improve their knowledge of efficient sailing, trimming, sail balance, getting the best speed out of the yacht and sailing in confined spaces. Sail with one of our instructors and increase your skills and knowledge of telltales, backstay tension, using the kicker, traveller positioning, reefing or, on request, spinnaker / cruising chute and pole use.

Recommended for charterers on day 1 / 2 / 3 of your holiday to give you extra knowledge and sail trim techniques to use during the rest of your sailing holiday. Ideal for private yacht owners wanting to learn more about their own yacht.

1 Day : Power Handling Techniques

short courses

Nervous about squeezing into the smaller stern-to spots, want to become more proficient at cross wind mooring techniques or just gain confidence in harbour manoeuvring under power? Sail with one of our instructors for the day and gain a better understanding about how your yacht handles in different situations, how to make best use of prop walk and how to use the elements to your advantage.  

Also ideal for anyone wanting to practice shorthanded techniques for one or two persons or for anyone with their own boat wanting to brush up skills or learn something new.


2 Days : NEW 2014 : Mediterannean Skipper


Sail Ionian are now offering a 2 day course which focuses on honing your skills in manoeuvres particular to the Med. Run by one of our professional skippers this is a practical course on your yacht that will help you get the most out of your time in the Ionian.

Under power we will focus on long lining, stern and bows to mooring, mooring with lazy lines, power handling in cross-wind situations, anchoring in deep water areas and boat handling in the smaller harbours.

Also use your 2 days to brush up on any sailing, pilotage or safety knowledge. This is a flexible course and can be tailored to suit your needs. Essential for anyone wanting to make the most of the Ionian and other med sailing areas.

Own Boat Tuition


Sail Ionian's instructors will travel to your yacht in order to teach any of the RYA practical courses or for informal tuition and refresher training. We can tailor the informal training to whatever you would like to cover from stern too mooring to night sailing!

Please enquire for availability and pricing.


Instructor for the Full Day on your Yacht 200 Euros
Yacht for the Day with Instructor (1 - 2 persons) 400 Euros
Yacht for the Day with Instructor (3 + persons) 450 Euros