
Welcome to Frensham Pond Sailing Club. Based on a beautiful lake in South West Surrey, the club welcomes new members, both experienced sailors and those wishing to learn. If you would like to find out more, please look further at our website or why not take the opportunity to visit and talk with the club manager or the clubs members. Frensham Pond is a club for all ages, all abilities and all seasons.

  • rs2003
  • Gone Sailing latest
  • RS Tera
  • Girl in the hoist
  • Nick Craig - Merlin Rocket National Champion
  • Laser
  • AB2
  • Phan1
  • Cartridge World Sailability-54-L
  • IMG 5938a

Password changed

The password for the members area of the website has now been changed to match the new gate code as of 1st May 2014

Push the Boat Out

On Saturday 17th May from 11AM until 4PM, Frensham Pond SC is hoping to get lots of people out on the water on RYA Push The boat out weekend.  The club will be opening its doors and inviting people of all ages and abilities to come along and have a go at sailing.

Starting at 11AM there will be a taster sails, a display of the types of boat sailed, model yacht sailing and a plastic bottle boat race to watch with boats built by members.  There is no charge.  Just wear some clothes and trainers that you don’t mind getting wet and bring a towel.

Commodore Keith Videlo said: “Do come along and have a go at sailing and see what the club has to offer you and your family.   As well as the taster sails, the normal club activities will be taking place including Cadet sailing, RYA training for adults and children plus racing in the afternoon.  Club members will be delighted to help with any questions you may have”

Diary Reminder

Cadet Open 29th March 2014 (This Saturday No Sailing)

The Cadet Open Meeting has been arranged for Saturday 29th March 2014. There will be no sailing except for Cadets that day.

The Hemsley Superprix Sunday 30th March 2014

The Hemsley Superprix is open to all club members, 10 short races designed to sharpen up your starting skills.

First race 10:30am

The Clubhouse Trophy Pursuit Race 12th April 2014

The pursuit race commemorates the opening of the clubhouse. Cadet start at 14:27pm. All are welcome.

Keith Videlo (Commodore)


Guildford Marine Harken Frensham Frenzy 2014

A warm, sunny day and a good south westerly breeze were quite a change for sailors at Frensham Pond on Sunday 9th March. The club's annual Frenzy open pursuit event drew a good forty-four entries including eight visitors. Ages taking part varied from youth to grand master, including veteran former Frensham Finn champion, Richard Hart.

Race 1: The morning pursuit race started late and was won by visiting Solo helm Pete Mitchell from Hayling pursued into second place by Mike Lyons in his Blaze. The weather conditions suited the local Frensham 2.4 keelboat fleet with previous event winner, Richard Smallwood in fourth place behind local helm Graham Butler in a Streaker. Following a crowded lunch in the clubhouse racing started again in the early afternoon.

Race 2: First away on timing was the Cadet junior youth duo: Charlotte Videlo and Katie Yelland. The rest of the fleet followed in Portsmouth yardstick rating order. After a long session in a slightly falling breeze the race winner went to local RS200 duo Katrina Gilbert and Jenny Rush. But second place and overall winner went to the outstanding helm on the day: Hayling's Pete Mitchell in his Solo. Frensham's 2.4 helm Bruce Hill took third.

The day ended in tradition with the famous Frensham Free tea. The laden tables were completely cleared in minutes. Then came prize giving with a fine array presented by the event sponsors: Guildford Marine and Harken. Club Commodore Keith Videlo thanked all who had taken part and made the day such a success. He thanked both generous sponsors for their support and then the race officers and safety boat drivers as well as the club's own kitchen staff.

Overall Results:

Event Trophy: Pete Mitchell, Solo (Hayling Island SC)
2nd: Katrina Gilbert and Jenny Rush, RS200 (Frensham)
3rd: Mike Lyons, Blaze (Burghfield SC)
4th: Bruce Hill, 2.4mR (Frensham)

Special Prizes:
Youngest competitors: Charlotte Videlo & Katie Yelland
Ladies: Katrina Gilbert & Jenny Rush
Grand Master: Richard Smallwood
Master: Bruce Hill
Youth: Alex Butler
Youth over 15: Molly Spiers


More photos can be found here

Forthcoming Events

Sunday 25th May 2014

Friday 6th June 2014

Saturday 7th June 2014

Sunday 22nd June 2014

Saturday 28th June 2014