News Page 2014 ...

BurgeeUTSC Challenge at CRSC - Sat 19-July.

This year's inter-club event bewteen Upper Thames Sailing Club and CRSC will take place at Cookham during the afternoon of Saturday 19-July. Entries will be divided into single-hander and double-hander fleets, and will compete in two handicap races for each fleet. The Notice of Race is published and can be accessed from the 'events' page. Sailing Instructions will be published nearer the time, and advance registration will be encouraged - no entry fee to pay! If you are interested in competing, please contact Tricia with your dinghy details.
This event is open to adults and cadets alike. However, there will be a second inter-club event for cadets that will take place at UTSC in September, and will be published in due course.

BurgeeCRSC website Video page.

We have now extended our on-line photo records to include a Video webpage. Just follow the links from the home page or the left-hand menu.

BurgeeChanges for 2014.

The best place to learn about the changes introduced in 2014 is via the FORUM. Follow the link from the home page or left-menu.

BurgeeCRSC Open Meetings for 2014.

This year we will be hosting:

BurgeeHelm & Crew Connections.

To allow Crews to find willing Helms, and for Helms to find willing Crews, we have a facility in the 'Members Only' section entitled "Helm & Crew Connections". Helms and Crews alike may advertise their availability and requirements, and hopefully connections can be made to get more boats and more people afloat throughout the year. To access this, LOGIN in the usual way, and click on the 'Helm & Crew' link. Alternatively, you might like to try the FORUM.

BurgeeEnvironment Agency Registration river licences are mandatory.

Sailing Instruction No.2 (see Cookbook) will be enforced in series races this year. Helms are required to declare their valid licence number on a sign-up sheet on the club notice-board on the day of a race (or beforehand) in order to earn points in club races. Points 'lost' will not be reinstated retrospectively. Sign-up is required for all races from 4th May 2014.