Dr Kailash Chand OBE


Ex chair of NHS trust and GP. Campaigner&Passionate supporter of the NHS.Write regularly for Guardian,medical press & Tribune.I tweet on personal capacity

Greater Manchester
Participa desde fevereiro de 2011

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  1. imposition will make it impossible to safely staff current rotas,let alone deliver a 7 day !

  2. The best leader Labour never had. Hillsborough crowd chant "There's only one Andy Burnham".

    Hillsborough vigil
    Names of 96 who died are read out at #Hillsborough vigil - BBC News
  3. Jeremy Hunt's lies about the NHS must be exposed once and for all If U agree Hunt is worst SOS in history of NHS RT!

  4. Read this comment, and sign the petition. I' m signing because no PROOF that there are more deaths ... via

  5. Read this comment, and sign the petition. I' m signing because no PROOF that there are more deaths ... via

  6. Read this comment, and sign the petition. I' m signing because no PROOF that there are more deaths ... via

  7. Read this comment, and sign the petition. I' m signing because no PROOF that there are more deaths ... via

  8. Read this comment, and sign the petition. I' m signing because no PROOF that there are more deaths ... via

  9. Trials of weekend GP services were abandoned because so few used them

  10. General practice is in crisis,more GPs are leaving than coming in. … A new report exposes the myth of 5,000 more GPs!

  11. New report out today shows the England has lost 657 more GPs. We cannot go on like this. Something has to give.

  12. Second day of this sad episode in NHS history.Why won't government set aside imposition & talk?

  13. 27 years too late ... but we got there. Thank you all for your unbelievable and unstinting support.

  14. I certainly know which Jeremy I prefer!

    , , e outros 6
  15. Hunt says this is his last major job in politics < who will give him a job,with his track record ?

  16. Thought for the day Happiness is the meaning & the purpose of life,the whole aim & end of human existence!

  17. But I can't work out whether Hunt is hard pawn or soft pawn! He's certainly a genius at damage.

  18. If wants a 7day NHS he needs someone working on a fully resourced safe & sustainable plan for it.

  19. with today. Their right is our fight

    , , e outros 6
  20. 'Mr Hunt - drop the imposition & we can work together on a seven-day NHS'

  21. Total solidaritywith fighting unjust unfair contract!

  22. , , e outros 6
  23. Dr Kailash Chand OBE seguiu , , e
    • @2020EU

      Stay informed about European Union News headlines, events & etc

    • @drhfidler

      Consultant Gastroenterologist, mother of five and optimistic amateur violinist. Medical politics and equal representation. Views my own.

  24. I am sick,to back of my teeth,listening to lies,manipulation&spin from . Just drop the imposition and we are back in business !

  25. Sadly biggest global market growth will be in

    , , e outros 7
  26. Apologies for the long delay all but the t-shirts are now on their way! Thanks for you patience :)

    , , e outros 6
  27. Mr Hunt - drop the imposition and we can work together to implement your seven-day NHS

  28. Remember David Cameron's pledge on Health Visitors? No? Neither does Cameron. Another Tory fail.

    , , e outros 7

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