Dr Kailash Chand OBE


Ex chair of NHS trust and GP. Campaigner&Passionate supporter of the NHS.Write regularly for Guardian,medical press & Tribune.I tweet on personal capacity

Greater Manchester
Se unió en febrero de 2011

@KailashChandOBE está bloqueado

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  1. Wow!!Amazing story! Congratulations,Leicester!It's a living proof that you should never give up on your dreams, even if everyone doubts you!

  2. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Friendship and money: oil and water. — Mario Puzo

  3. no investigation into Tory racism cos he 'only' insulted people of colour 👎👎

  4. likely to tell @BMA SpecialMeeting tomorrow austerity not good for health of

  5. Is funding crisis real or imagined? Nigel Edwards tells @BMA SpecialMeeting tomorrow

  6. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY The fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists.

  7. Enough is enough. England's NHS can suffer no more. Vote Labour on Thursday so we can start to fix this Tory mess.

    Jeremy Corbyn - The NHS is Labour's Proudest Creation
    Conservative cuts & policies are failing our hospitals, they are failing patients, & they are failing NHS staff. We need Labour Councillors & Labour Mayors elected on 5 May who will defend our NHS.
  8. We all want world class 7 day NHS,but as today,we don't have workforce or resources to deliver! Until that happens, !

  9. people are a great race! but,consistent violation of dignity & humanity of the Palestinians by Israel state is unforgivable !

  10. cancer of is real says but intervention has made drama of the real issue! I agree!

  11. . now that you know our is threatened by will you act to save it?

  12. I scribbled down a few of my thoughts on the Israel-Palestine debate, with the intention of promoting reconciliation

  13. **GP's / GP registrars **This Bank Holiday please join our Facebook Group-fighting fir survival of our profession

    , , y 7 más
  14. 'If you just have high cholesterol & nothing else I can't see any point in you taking & '

  15. Jeremy Corbyn begins Labour's anti-Semitism scandal fightback <Clever move to ask Shami Chakarbarti 2 chair!

  16. Stop blaming for this impasse-.Mr Hunt,it is very simple,you call of the imposition & BMA will suspend IA!

  17. “When people in authority want the rest of us to behave,it matters—first & foremost,how they behave"

  18. The Lesson Mr Hunt Failed to Learn Read the full article in :

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  19. En respuesta a
  20. Who's to blame? says it's the government in latest poll, so let's talk

  21. Dr Kailash Chand OBE siguió a , y
    • @BiancaJagger

      Bianca Jagger: President and Chief Executive of the Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation. Comments made here are my personal views.

  22. En respuesta a
  23. No pill on earth can cancel out the effects of a bad . Cheaper to eat ! via

  24. imposition will make it impossible to safely staff current rotas,let alone deliver a 7 day !

  25. The best leader Labour never had. Hillsborough crowd chant "There's only one Andy Burnham".

    Hillsborough vigil
    Names of 96 who died are read out at #Hillsborough vigil - BBC News
  26. Jeremy Hunt's lies about the NHS must be exposed once and for all If U agree Hunt is worst SOS in history of NHS RT!

  27. Read this comment, and sign the petition. I' m signing because no PROOF that there are more deaths ... via

  28. Read this comment, and sign the petition. I' m signing because no PROOF that there are more deaths ... via

  29. Read this comment, and sign the petition. I' m signing because no PROOF that there are more deaths ... via

  30. Read this comment, and sign the petition. I' m signing because no PROOF that there are more deaths ... via

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