User-contributed content dominates the web and creates a tremendous opportunity to engage the public. With 99.98% accuracy, the Mollom Content Moderation Platform helps site owners embrace social content while providing confidence that the content is appropriate.

By combining cutting edge spam-blocking with a fully hosted SaaS solution that streamlines moderation team workflow, Mollom offers organizations the content quality assurance they need.

Stop Spam now!

Mollom defends your online reputation by protecting against spam. Enable Mollom for free, or with a Developer subscription or higher enjoy complimentary access to Mollom Developer ($475 value).

How does Mollom work?

Mollom employs three specific technologies to detect spam and malicious content:


  • Machine learning. Mollom uses sophisticated machine learning techniques to block spam and malicious content automatically. Mollom uses a reputation-based system that keeps a continually evolving archive of user profiles to immediately discern an individual’s propensity to submit spam. This applies to everything from user registration forms to blog entries.
  • Protection against profanity. Using text analytics, Mollom is able to detect harmful content such as profanity and other spam-related content. And Mollom adds language support, stopping unwanted content in 75 languages.
  • Centralized CAPTCHA service. Mollom provides a centralized CAPTCHA service that stop known spammers. Approved users are not required to solve a CAPTCHA. The CAPTCHA is invoked for three specific use cases:
    • Upon user registration, when no content can be classified
    • When Mollom is unable to classify a user
    • When a site owner using Mollom opts for more privacy, and Mollom isn’t allowed to audit all content

Mollom audits the content quality by defining it across three dimensions:

Spam, Ham, and Unsure:

  • Ham is considered positive content and automatically published.
  • Spam is negative content and automatically blocked.
  • Unsure is anything in between. Mollom does not recognize the user, and they’re shown CAPTCHA’s, and the customer gets to decide if content is automatically published, blocked, or sent for manual moderation.

The Mollom Content Moderation Platform

The Mollom Content Moderation Platform is the only enterprise-grade solution that allows you to easily moderate all your websites at once. The Content Moderation Platform provides:

  • A user-friendly interface for all sites. Save time and money by reviewing the content from all your sites in Mollom’s convenient dashboard.
  • Content insights. Mollom provides feedback on different dimensions of content quality, including the author’s reputation, the overall quality of the post itself, and the level of profanity in the post.
  • Easily configurable based on moderation preference. Your team can train the system to loosen or tighten parameters for what’s considered Ham vs. Spam, and automatically publishes on your site.
  • Supports moderation team workflows and evaluates performance. Mollom allows administrators to assign moderators to different tasks with different privileges, and also provides statistics on how well each moderator is doing.