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Terms and Conditions

1. Service description

The windguru.cz / windguru.com server (hereinafter "Windguru") provides weather forecasts based on numeric models and other related information, especially for windsurfing, kitesurfing, yachting and other sporting activities.

2. Acceptance of terms

By using this web server the User acknowledges that he/she is bound by terms and conditions stated herein. Windguru reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions.

3. Information on the Windguru webserver

3.1. All content of Windguru is copyrighted. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all information on this server can only be used for your own personal use. Reproduction, republishing, reformatting or any other use of this information without prior agreement is strictly prohibited. Gathering data and information by private person or other legal subject for later study, educational, research, commercial or other applications is not considered private use and prior agreement is required. Creating links from other websites which lead to Windguru is permitted only if it is obvious that the information is located at windguru.cz web server. The link must not give the impression that the information is part of any other website.

3.2. It is forbidden to download website content by automated scripts.

4. Disclaimer of warranties

4.1. Windguru gives no guarantee that information on this website is correct, timely, accurate, reliable or error-free. All the information is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. Opinions of the website's Users expressed in discussions do not express the opinions of Windguru, and the Users are solely responsible for them.

4.2. Windguru is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from usage of this server. Using this server and all available information is done at the User's own discretion and risk.

5. Privacy policy notice

5.1. Windguru will not publish or hand over to a third party any data about individual Users of Windguru. Data provided by the User during the registration process are confidential and will be kept secret and securely stored. An exception to this rule concerns data labeled as public (for example personal profile, which the User provide with the knowledge that this information is open to the public.)

5.2. Windguru is allowed to collect and process information related to website attendance and popularity of various services and parts of the website content. Aggregate statistical information about website visitors can be made public or provided to advertisers, however personal information about individual Users is confidential and Windguru will never provide them to anybody.

5.3. Windguru reserves the right to collect information in order to detect unauthorized access to data or to uncover data abuse.

5.4. Windguru can use cookies or other identification methods to identify Users for the purpose of easier and more comfortable navigation through the Windguru website, effective displaying of banner advertisements and collecting usage statistics. Windguru also uses third-party advertising companies to serve ads (e.g. Google). These companies may use anonymous information about visitors (not including name, address, email address, telephone number...) to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to Users.

6. Paid information, "Windguru PRO" subscription

6.1. By purchasing "Windguru PRO" subscription the User obtains access to additional data and functions of the website.

6.2. When subscribing to "Windguru PRO the User is obliged to accept these Terms and Conditions and confirm that he/she is entering valid information into the subscription form.

6.3. Once paid, "Windguru PRO" subscription is not refundable.

6.4. The User accepts that Windguru does not guarantee constant access to all data on Windguru website at any time and under all circumstances. In some cases, for example when data are not available on external servers, or due to system capacity limitations, the latest data may be unavailable or temporarily incomplete. Windguru reserves the right to temporarily stop the server for maintenance, upgrades, updates and similar activities necessary for the proper operation of the Windguru webserver.

6.5. In the case of a prolonged outage, or in the case of repeated unavailability of up-to-date data, Windguru will adequately extend the subscription period to affected Users.

6.6. Access to Windguru PRO paid information is protected by entering User's username and password. The User is obliged to keep his/her password secret. It is strictly forbidden to share "Windguru PRO" access with other Users. In case Windguru detects such Windguru PRO account-sharing or unauthorized use of provided data, Windguru can terminate such account without compensation.

7. Modifications of service

Windguru reserves the right to modify its services. Users will be informed about service modifications on windguru web pages.

The Windguru website is operated by Ing. Václav Horník, Taussigova 1152, Praha 8, 18200, Czech Republic. Reg. no.: 70088578, VAT: CZ7406010282, email: vhornik@seznam.cz.

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