IMRG Capgemini m-Retail Sales Index

28/08/2013 / demaine

***Members browse the latest report here***

All online retail growth is now coming via mobile devices

The IMRG Capgemini m-Retail Sales Index tracks sales via mobiles devices (smartphones and tablets) from participating IMRG member retailers, enabling them to measure their performance across a range of metrics in this key area. We welcome data from online retailers of all sizes. As a participant, you will receive a personalised monthly report benchmarking your own performance against other contributors.

Key information available in report includes

  • Monthly and annual market growth (since 2011)
  • Market growth compared with e-Retail Sales Index
  • Average basket values
  • Average conversion rates 

How you can get involved

Once you become a retail member of IMRG, you are eligible to submit data for our Indexes. At present the monthly Index collates and analyses the following data: 

  • Weekly mobile gross order values
  • Number of weekly mobile gross orders
  • Weekly mobile accepted order values
  • Number of weekly mobile accepted orders
  • Mobile orders from existing customers as a percentage
  • Number of unique visitors per month via mobile

As a minimum, we require participant retailers to submit gross order values and number of gross orders.

Find out more about membership here.

Contact our chief information officer, Tina Spooner, to enquire about the data collection process.

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