
Splash Sea School is committed to providing our website visitors with a clear understanding of how and why we use cookies. This document gives information on the cookies that we use on our website, the information which we gather, how we use it.

We want to make Splash Sea School website as easy, useful and reliable as we possibly can. This sometimes involves placing small amounts of information on your device, for example, computer or mobile phone. These include small files known as cookies. They cannot be used to identify you personally.

These pieces of information are used to improve services for you through, for example:

  • enabling a service to recognise your device so you don't have to give the same information several times during one task
  • recognising that you may already have given a username and password so you don't need to do it for every web page requested
  • measuring how many people are using services, so they can be made easier to use and there's enough capacity to ensure they are fast.

Our use of cookies

Cookie name

Used where?

Used for?


Essential and throughout Site

These cookies are used to maintain your user session.  It is deleted when you close your browser.


Throughout Site

Used for Google analytics. These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our site, but not to identify an individual. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site content and usability.  The cookies collect information such as the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited.

If you disallow this cookie we won’t know what you like to visit most, so will not be able to improve this website as a result of your preferences.


Throughout Site

This cookies is used to record whether or not we've displayed our notification to you on our use of cookies on this website.


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