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The Press

What the Publicis-Omnicom Merger Means to Media Owners Scale could help mega-agency drive down pricing

It may be instructive to think of the Publicis-Omnicom merger as a fantastically complex Rube Goldberg device that was triggered by Sunday’s signing ceremony. The convoluted machinations that will be…

July 29, 2013, 5:25 PM EDT

Hearst Magazines Finds Chief Digital Exec at The New York Times Todd Haskell named chief digital revenue officer

In its second major digital hire of late, Hearst Magazines has hired Todd Haskell from The New York Times as svp and chief digital revenue officer. Haskell will be responsible for…

July 29, 2013, 12:25 PM EDT

Bloomberg LP Poaches Atlantic Media's Justin Smith To run global media business

Bloomberg LP has made another big raid on old media again, poaching Justin Smith from the Atlantic Media Co. to be global media CEO. Smith is the Atlantic Media president…

July 28, 2013, 10:56 PM EDT

The New Yorker's Anthony Weiner Cover Draws Praise on Twitter Caricatures struggling mayoral candidate

Even as legacy news organizations work to find their footing online, the power of print endures on social media. Such was the case this morning when The New Yorker published…

July 26, 2013, 12:12 PM EDT

Veranda Taps Clinton Smith as Editor in Chief Dara Caponigro to step down this fall

Last May, Dara Caponigro, the editor in chief of Hearst’s bimonthly shelter title Veranda, announced that she was planning to step down this fall. In a nod to the magazine’s Southern…

July 25, 2013, 1:02 PM EDT

Maria Rodale Seeks President, COO for Rodale Says she'll remain an active CEO, though

Four years into her run as CEO of health and fitness publisher Rodale, Maria Rodale is looking to bring in both a president and COO help to run the 83-year-old…

July 25, 2013, 6:14 AM EDT

Editor of The Guardian U.S. Calls NSA Stories 'Core' to News Op Janine Gibson plans to expand into film, tech, music—and sustainability

The Guardian opened its U.S.-based digital operation nearly two years ago, but the British newspaper's American arm has received the most attention for its reporting on the National Security Agency and…

July 23, 2013, 4:24 PM EDT

Time Inc. May Look at Further Spinoffs New CEO Joe Ripp won't rule out selling magazines

Time Warner decided earlier this year to spin off its publishing arm, but Joe Ripp, Time Inc.’s newly named CEO, hinted at more possible deals by the publisher of Time…

July 22, 2013, 8:13 PM EDT

New Time Inc. CEO Joe Ripp Is a Familiar Face He worked at the unit and subsidiaries from 1985-2004

The waiting game is finally over. Today, Time Warner said former CFO Joseph Ripp will succeed Laura Lang as the CEO of its soon-to-be spun off publishing division Time Inc. He…

July 22, 2013, 12:01 PM EDT

Departures Increases Frequency of Home + Design Supplement Luxury shelter spinoff to publish twice in 2014

If the fashion’s record-breaking September issue paging is any indication, the luxury wave is still booming. So it makes sense that uber-luxury Departures, the tony magazine sent to American Express…

July 22, 2013, 11:09 AM EDT
