We believe that the Bible is God's word and is the primary way of hearing God speak to us. We value expositional teaching and there are many times and locations where the Bible is taught across St Thomas' Church. These include our Home Churches, Deeper and our Sunday morning services.

Deeper - St. Thomas' Church building

Each Sunday evening at 7pm, we dedicate time to go deeper together in our relationship with the Lord. Deeper in to the Word, Deeper in the Spirit. The general pattern per month is as follows:

Week 1: In-depth Bible teaching and Q&A; Forum.
Week 2: Visiting Speaker: These are normally invited to help us gain a wider UK and Global perspective to enable us to understand the movements of God beyond our own locality.
Week 3: In-depth Bible teaching and Q&A; Forum.
Week 4: Ministry and the power of the Holy Spirit, with a particular emphasis upon the church’s ministry of the laying on of hands for healing. Reliance upon the outpouring of the Holy Spirit for blessing and prophetic ministry is also welcomed.

Deeper is the opportunity for ongoing theological discourse within the church and you are welcome to arrive with questions that will seek to be answered during the evening based on the themes being developed throughout the teaching programme. There is also a commitment to overt expressions of love and intimate adoration of the Lord in worship.

Deeper is therefore our commitment to go deeper in to the Word and Spirit and fall deeper in love with Jesus that he may be better known.