
Legal Issues

by Lisa Dunner on June 17, 2011

The Importance of Trademark Clearance Searching

by Lisa Dunner on June 17, 2011

Trademark searching is a crucial yet sometimes overlooked aspect of trademark protection, and something you should consider when launching your business.

by Lisa Dunner on May 23, 2011

Securing Your Future Use of a Trademark

by Lisa Dunner on May 23, 2011

An intent-to-use (ITU) trademark application is a great way of staking a claim to a trademark.

by Lisa Dunner on April 11, 2011

Non-Traditional Trademarks

by Lisa Dunner on April 11, 2011

Non-Traditional Trademarks

by Lisa Dunner on March 10, 2011

Are You An Infringer?

by Lisa Dunner on March 10, 2011

Are You An Infringer?

by Lisa Dunner on February 10, 2011

Understanding Exactly What The “Public Domain” Is

by Lisa Dunner on February 10, 2011

Understanding what exactly the “public domain” is is critical when much of our business is conducted online.

by Lisa Dunner on January 7, 2011

Do You Own – And Are You Protecting – Your Website?

by Lisa Dunner on January 7, 2011

Like many businesses, you have probably invested a fair amount of money into your website, both to have it developed and maintained. Your website is, after all, one of your best marketing tools, so why not spend your time and resources on it? What you may not know, however, is that you do not own [...]

by Lisa Dunner on December 13, 2010

Keyword Advertising: Powerful Tool, Legal Quagmire

by Lisa Dunner on December 13, 2010

Keyword advertising can be a powerful tool, yet can lead to problems for marketers and companies, writes Lisa Dunner for Women Grow Business.