
About Women Grow Business

Welcome to Women Grow Business (it’s good to see you here).

This is where it’s all talked about – ‘it’ being the big picture experience of women in small business, entrepreneurship, and more.

It’s about how women make their business succeed.

Topics include leadership, marketing, operations (especially in tough economic times), benefits of social cause partnership, talent retention, online presence, entrepreneurship, social technology, mentorship, failure, and success.

That’s what we’re about: the big picture of how women grow business.

Our successes are your successes. To put not too fine a point on it, we’d be nothing without you.

In 2009, this blog community was cited in the Washington Post more than once (up and comers bridging the digital divide), TechBisnow, and The Huffington Post. Five blog contributors (including founding editor Jill Foster) were cited in Washingtonian’s Top 100 Tech Titans list.  From CNN to primetime local news to Forbes’ top women entrepreneurs on Twitter – achievements by the bloggers have been in conversation.

So again, a hearty welcome with one question:

What’s on your mind?
Your perspective and experience inspire the intended forum of this blog; so please voice yourself anytime and leave a comment.

Toward success!

Of note:
The content of this blog may express opinions and observations of its authors and does not necessarily reflect those of Network Solutions or its clients. “Guest posts are authored by guest contributors unaffiliated with Network Solutions and responsibility for the content provided therein lies with the individual authors of the particular posts.  Any statement, representation, opinion, or advice expressed or implied is not attributable to Network Solutions and any issues regarding such content should be resolved by contacting the post’s author.”

Instead of reinventing the wheel the terms of use of this blog are the same as those mentioned here.

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