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Pro2 Features
Wind, Precipitation, Pressure, Air Temp
GFS 50km & 100km Resolution
yes yes yes yes yes
Single or Group Mode yes yes yes yes yes
Animate Forecast yes yes yes yes yes
Meteogram (Graph Forecast) yes yes yes yes yes
Helpline & Email Support no yes yes yes yes
Worldwide Place Names (On/Off) no yes yes yes yes
Global Wave (WW3) no yes yes yes yes
Full Screen Google Map no yes yes yes yes
Save Locations no yes yes yes yes
Wind, Wave*, Precip, Pressure, Air Temp
10km & 8km NMM High Resolution
no no yes yes yes
Wind, Wave*, Precip, Pressure, Air Temp
4km NMM High Resolution
no no yes yes yes
Wind, Wave*, Precip, Pressure, Air Temp
1km NMM High Resolution
no no no no yes
GRIB Download and Email no yes yes yes yes
Tidal Stream *
12km High Resolution
no no no yes yes
Tidal Stream *
1.8km High Resolution
no no no no yes
FREE £6.75
1 Month

6 Months

12 Months
1 Month

6 Months

12 Months
1 Month

6 Months

12 Months
1 Month

6 Months

12 Months
Click here for full details of coverage


NMM Wave data is Wind/Wave

10 km NMM high resolution data covers Europe, North America/Gulf/Caribbean, North Atlantic.

8km NMM high resolution data covers: Australasia (SE Australia, East Australia, SW Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand), South Africa (S Coast), and South America (Partial E Coast Argentina, Brazil & Uruguay).

4km NMM high resolution data covers: Europe, European continental shelf and Mediterranean, US, Gulf and Caribbean.

1km NMM high resolution data currently covers the English Channel.