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Traditional six-a-side indoor volleyball is referred to at the Olympic Games as volleyball. So the Olympic sport of volleyball has two disciplines - beach volleyball and...

Triathlon pushes competitors to the limits in three different sports: Swimming, cycling & running. Each sport requires the competitor to be in peak physical conditio...

The Olympic competition schedule consists of 47 events; 24 for men and 23 for women.

Athletics is an exclusive collection of sporting events that involve competi...

Although Judo is a martial art, its practice and methods are based around gentleness. Giving way to the strength of the opponent, adapting to and using it to your advant...

Modern football has evolved from a game played in streets and schools in the mid 1800s to the most widely played game on earth played in almost every town and village in...

Diving is an incredibly specialised aquatic discipline in which athletes leap from platforms or springboards elevated to a height of three metres and 10 metres above the...

Canoe Sprint events are head-to-head races conducted on still water, as opposed to the white-water time trials of the Canoe Slalom competition. In canoes, athletes race ...

Swimming is a hugely physical and demanding sport, with athletes competing over distances from 50m to 1,500m in the pool. Swimmers need huge strength and stamina to...

A sport that demands exceptional concentration and a strong mental approach.

Olympic shooting events are split into three categories: Shotgun, Pistol and Ri...

Basketball is played by two teams, made up of five players and seven substitutes. The aim of the game for each team is to get the ball into the elevated baskets at eithe...

A sport that has been around since the Middle Ages, Tennis is a raquet and ball game that can be played either in singles or doubles over five sets (for men) or three se...