Laser Fleet

Resources and Information 

For further information, resources, or guidance on each of the topics below please follow the relevant link.

Related Links Links
2011 Club and Coach Conference Notes 

Full Presentation Slides 

Posture Awareness and Sailing Fitness Slides

2010 Club and Coach Conference Notes

Full Presentation Slides

Discussion Notes - Activate TV

Discussion Notes - State of the Nation   


Discussion Notes - Club Concept Planning TV

2009 Club and Coach Conference Notes

Discussion notes - Converting first sails into membership

Discussion notes - Volunteering

Discussion notes - Challenges within Clubs

Club Development

RYA Guide to Junior Club Development - version 3

Successful Youth and Junior Racing Clubs - A look at how to run an effective and successful Youth and Junior Racing programme at your club

Top Resources for 
Coaches and Instructors
Foul weather/ no wind alternatives are contained within the Race Training Exercises and Children's Games Ideas below. 

Race Training Exercises

Childrens' games ideas - also see for calm/ stormy weather alternatives

For more top resources please see Instructors and Racing coaches below!

Club Volunteers, Coaches &
 - These links contain useful information and resources including practical exercise ideas, games, and course dates.



Racing Coaches

Dinghy Coach/ Assessor

Race Officials

Racing Rules

Related Programmes and
 - for the latest news and information

RYA Sailability

Team 15


Youth and Junior Sail Racing Programmes 



Contact Us

Article Published: May 03, 2012 14:18


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