

So you’ve taken the first step and joined your Team15 club, which is great news, but what comes next?

Slalom, wave, freestyle, speed or race...

Team15 is just the starting point. Where you end up is down to your windsurfing personality - but there's help along the way. Team15 clubs can offer an insight into all windsurfing disciplines. If you fancy trying something new then speak with your Team15 coach to see what may be possible. Whilst Team15 inter-club challenges are fun and the easiest area to get into, it's not the only option. The information below aims to give guidance on the route into each windsurfing discipline - join a Team15 club today and see where it take you...

Team15 inter-club challenges

If you haven't yet made it to a T15 inter-club challenge, then you really should give it a go. The events are great fun and are suitable for anyone who has completed Stage 2 of the RYA Youth Windsurfing Scheme. Inter- club challenges will really help improve your windsurfing and also provide the opportunity to make a whole new load of friends with the same interests.

Start a team at your club...

If your T15 club doesn't yet go to inter-club events, then why not start a team this year? You can enter the inter-club challenges as a team of just two or three sailors to start with - and we're sure you will have so much fun that other windsurfers from your club will soon want to join you. Before you know it your club will be at inter-club events with a full team of 15 sailors.

Newcomers encouraged to attend - it's fun!

Inter-club events cater for all abilities from Stage 2 onwards. Newcomers are particularly welcomed and the T15 Competition Organisers who run the events, will speak with the coaches and set the challenges according to your abilities. Very soon you'll be improving your skills and may just walk off with one of the trophies.

Trophies aren't just for the winners...

Trophies aren't just for the winners though, there are Merit Awards to be won as well. You might get one of these for being the most improved or the most determined, or whatever has stood out on the day for the T15 Competition Organiser who presents these awards.

Fun for everyone!

Mum and dad will enjoy the events too. They can mix with other mums and dads from other clubs, making friends and discussing the on-water action. If they don't windsurf yet themselves, then perhaps encourage them to have a go at your windsurfing centre on the next T15 club night. Windsurfing as a family means you get to go windsurfing more often!

Find out where your next event is - and join in!

To find out more about T15 Inter-Club Events in your zone, please click here

UKWA regional racing

If you take part in T15 inter-club events then you can easily take part in UKWA regional racing. Not all regions have a regional series, but check out the wide area that the following series cover:

  • North East Windsurfers
  • Midlands Windsurfing Association
  • London Windsurfing Assoication

For full details of each regional series, the venues, dates and further information, check out the UKWA website. Some events even offer coaching alongside the racing, specifically for T15 sailors.

UKWA inland series

The UKWA Inland Series events are suitable for Team15 inter-club participants and will build on the skills that you have already acquired through T15 inter-club events.

The events are suitable for Team15 inter-club participants and will build on the skills that you have already aquired through T15 inter-club are suitable for Team15 inter-club participants and will build on the skills that you have already aquired through T15 inter-club events.

There are five events in the series and these are located across the UK, all on inland waters, hence the name of the series. The fleets may be larger than you are used to at T15 inter-club events, but with coaching opportunities available, you will easily be able to make the transition.

The events are great fun and being two days in length, there's also opportunity to camp over and socialise with other sailors/families from around the country. Why not go with a few from your Team15 club to make it even more fun, with the added bonus of a bit of support?

Master blaster racing

For a different style of racing - and something that you can do within your Team15 clubs - why not give master blaster racing a go? It's quite easy to organise and great fun: a simple blast out to a buoy and back, starting from the beach, 'Le Mans' style. Ask your Team15 Coach to explain what this is and then ask them to set something up as part of your T15 clubs sessions.

You can then progress to taking part in the British Slalom Association (BSA) master blaster events (there's a TT category for Team15 sailors), and don't forget the Twilight Race at the National Windsurfing Festival (NWF), specifically for Team15 sailors.

Freestyle at T15 club level and beyond...

Try a few tricks within your T15 sessions - there are some key skills listed in your RYA Logbook, so these would be the first to try. You can then build on these core skills and eventually start developing your own moves. Link a few moves together and develop your own 'signature' style.

As you become more proficient, then you should consider joining in with the UKWA Freestyle Tour. There are age categories to cater for Under 15, Under 17 and Under 20. Contact the Tour Organiser, Trevor Funnel, to find out whether there are any training opportunities to be had, alongside the competition:

If waves are your thing...

Then keep practicing at club level and aim to take part in the BWA Wave Tour eventually. The majority, though not all, Team15 clubs are located on inland waters, so don't offer much opportunity to develop this skill. However, if you are keen, then contact a Team15 club which operates at the coast and see whether they run any wave training sessions that you can join in with, or any or weekend or holiday training camps.

There is a possibility of some wave training taking place at the Tiree Wave Classic for Team15 sailors, though this is yet to be confirmed. If you are interested in this, then get in contact with the T15 Competition organiser for Scotland - Robin Nicol - and register your interest.

Do you like speed?

Then why not start a speed league at your T15 club? Ask your T15 coach to set up a course for you all to have a go. Who will be the fastest? If you are all having a go on the same day, it doesn't matter whether it is really windy or not - even in light winds somebody has to be the fastest!

Then why not start a speed league at your T15 club? Ask your T15 coach to set up a course for you all to have a go. Who will be the fastest? If you are all having a go on the same day, it doesn't matter whether it is really windy or not - even in light winds somebody has to be the fastest!

You could even make it a team event so that you combine the speed of say, the three people in your mini-team, and see whether this beats other mini-teams in your T15 club. Your Team15 Coach will be able to set up a speed challenge that is fun, so if you are interested, ask them -your club could then link this into the Boards National Speed Ladder.

National events & nationwide opportunities

You could definitely be taking part in some of these events. For a bit more information about each, go to the National Events page or the All Zones page for nationwide opportunties, i.e the RYA Zone & Home Country Championships.

  • RYA Zone & Home Country Championships
  • RYA / UKWA National Junior Windsurfing Championships
  • RYA / UKWA Youth & Masters
  • UKWA Inland Series
  • BSA Master Blaster Series
  • Weymouth Speed Week
  • Tiree Wave Classic
  • National Windsurfing Festival
  • Scottish Windsurfing Festival

Other opportunities available to T15 sailors and ex-T15 sailors

Start a club for ex-T15 sailors

As you outgrow Team15 consider setting up your own club that caters specifically for ex-T15 sailors; a type of youth windsurfing club within your sailing/windsurfing club which caters for people aged 16+.

You can set up your own mini-website free of charge on Project Windsurf-UK, and use this as a tool to promote your group to oterh young people in your area. Youe can link the group page to Facebook, Twitter, etc.

There may be funding to help develop your club, i.e. to purchase club kit, etc. Check out the resources page on Project Windsurf-UK website for further details.

Become an instructor

You may decide to become an instructor - an Assistant Instructor or Start Windsurfing Instructor - depending on your age. By doing so you can help the next generation of Team15 sailors to develop their skills and help your Team15 club or Project Windsurf group to expand.

Working in watersports

Maybe you could use your instructor qualification to get a job or gain work experience in watersports? The RYA book 'Working With Water' may help you decide on your future career path. You can buy a copy from the RYA webshop.

Tools to help you develop your windsurfing

Use your Youth Windsurfing Logbook to guide youTo help you progress your windsurfing skills and set yourself small, fun challenges along the way - including a few freestyle skills - then make sure you are using your RYA Youth Windsurfing Logbook & Syllabus.

Ask your T15 coach to sign off relevant sections during your T15 club sessions. Remember to take your logbook along if you attend any open training days and training camps. If you don't have your own copy, then you can buy one from the RYA website shop or your Team15 club.

Download the 'Pathway to success' poster

If racing is one of your chosen pathways options, then make sure you download the 'Pathway to success' poster for an idea of which events and training opportunities you should be considering at every level from Team15 up to National Junior Squad level.

Attend open training days and camps

Open training opportunities are arranged throughout the season and are aimed specifically at Team15 sailors. You should grab the chance to attend these days, since they will really improve your sailing - and they're great fun too!

Check out the Open Training Opportunities page for further information about the following:

  • Open Training alongside T15 inter-club events
  • Open training as part of UKWA Inland Series events
  • Summer Training Camp
  • Freestyle Training Camp

Learn from the best...

...and give them your support. Who are we talking about? Skandia Team GBR, that's who. If you are not already a member of the Skandia Team GBR Support Crew, then sign up now - it's fun, free, informative and interactive. You can also wish the Olympic Sailors and Windsurfers good luck at the 2012 Olympics taking place at Weymouth. Check out the website.

Contact Us

Article Published: June 19, 2012 11:20


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