Report Doping in Sport

Reporting Doping in Sport

Report Doping in Sport

“But I have no evidence...”
“But it’s just a suspicion...”
“But they’ll know I reported them...”
“But it’s not my place...”

When drug cheats compete, your medal chances suffer.

So whatever your reason for hiding your suspicions, it’s in your interests to tell us.

Contact us in confidence to share your doping concerns, however small they seem. Let us worry about the evidence. We’re constantly building our picture of doping in sport and your information could be just the detail we need.

You can call anonymously 24/7 to talk to a highly-trained operator. If you’d prefer not to speak to anyone, report your concerns online.

Call: 08000 32 23 32

Online: To submit information via a secure online form: Click here.

Report Doping in Sport - 0800 032 2332