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Cycling hints and tips

Adult and two children cycling

Hundreds of miles of canal towpaths, lakeside tracks and riverside walkways are available for leisurely cycling.

The path surfaces vary considerably, from asphalt and tarmac to grass or stony ground, and you're likely to find a mixture of these on any waterway. Most towpaths in rural areas are not suitable for racing bikes with thin tyres.

Where you can cycle has a selection of popular recommended cycle routes. These take in waterside towpaths, quiet country lanes and other cycle paths. Find one near you using the search box or the maps.

To cycle on London's towpaths you must follow London's new Towpath Code of Conduct »

You can also plan your own journey along the towpaths of Britain. Not all towpaths are open for cycling, either because of the width or surface, or because cycles would cause a real danger to other users. Our waterway pages list the sections which are available for cycling. In general, cycling is permissible on more canal towpaths than river towpaths.
National Cycle Network »

Before cycling on some towpaths owned by British Waterways, you will need to download a special cycle permit, and display it on your bike.

Download a cycle permit »

Considerate cycling

Remember that the standard speed on the waterways, for boaters and walkers, is just 4mph. Anglers also use our towpaths and sometimes have expensive, fragile equipment.

Follow these hints and tips for a trouble-free cycle ride.

  • Avoid cycling where your tyres would damage the path or verges (e.g. when they are wet or soft).
  • Give way to others on the towpath and warn them of your approach. A polite 'hello' and 'thank you' mean a lot.
  • Watch out for anglers' tackle and give them time to move it before you try to pass.
  • Never race one another or perform speed trials. If you need to get somewhere quickly, use a road.
  • We recommend you obtain third party liability insurance and equip your bike with a bell or equivalent.

Staying safe

You should always take care when cycling by the water, particularly near
locks and other areas of deep water.

  • Access paths can be steep and slippery. Join or leave the towpath with care.
  • You must get off and push your cycle beneath low or blind bridges, and where the path is very narrow.
  • We recommend that you do not cycle towpaths after dark, but if you do, please use front and rear lights. Look out for mooring ropes and pegs where boats are tied up.
  • Thorny hedge trimmings can cause a puncture at some times of year, particularly spring. When cycling in rural areas, always take a spare inner tube or puncture repair kit, and consider plastic-reinforced tyres.

Useful links

Find cycling holidays, cycle-friendly accommodation, bike shops and clubs throughout the UK, Europe and the rest of the world with »

Find gentle cycling tours through southern England with Capital Sport »

Find cycle tours, cycle hire, day trips and longer cycling holidays with Country Lanes »

Find and share cycle routes with GPS Cycle Routes »

Find beginners' routes and great ideas for cycling with children at Cycling For Fun »