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Whether under power or sail, you simply can't beat the feeling of ultimate freedom you get from nosing your boat out of the marina and heading for new shores.

All with the promise of a snug anchorage and a yarn with your shipmates at the end of it.

'Travelling is not just about the destination, it's also about how you get there...'

RYA responds to MCA consultation on revised proposals for Coastguard modernisation
The RYA calls for greater clarity and reassurance on what constitutes 'local knowledge'.
Passage to Portland
A unique cruising event for motor and sail cruisers.
AIS: Your feedback
Clutter and navigation status a common concern.
Power to the people!
Are yachts too power hungry?
Asymmetric spinnakers
Asymmetric spinnakers, cruising chutes and gennekers are basically one and the same.
Seize the moment
How often do you check the shackles on your boat?
AIS transmissions from small craft
Stuart Carruthers on the growing concern that ships are filtering out AIS Class B transmissions from small craft.
Wind Farm Survey
You can help ensure that wind farm developments continue to provide for the safe passage of recreational craft.
Advice on buying new seacocks and how to keep them in good working order.

Latest News

"Bacon, eggs and boat handling" at QAB's Ladies Day
QAB hold Ladies Day with the RYA Active Marina Programme
Lots of happy faces at RYA Kent OnBoard Festival
Lots of happy faces at RYA Kent OnBoard Festival
Youngsters take to the water at RYA Kent OnBoard Festival
Meet the I Love Sailing winning filmmaker
Meet the I Love Sailing winning filmmaker
Chris Videlo wins grand prize package

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Information and Advice

For more information related to cruising try some of the following links from Information and Advice...