Recreational Craft Directive 

Most recreational craft built since 16 June '98 intended for sport & leisure use may only be placed on the EEA market or put into service within the EEA if they meet the essential safety requirements set out in the Recreational Craft Directive 2003/44/EC.

These regulations apply to all recreational craft between 2.5 and 24 metres in hull length whatever the means of propulsion. They may be fully built or partly completed; constructed within, or imported from without the EEA. The builder, importer or owner, or the person putting the craft into EEA service, (the responsible person) has a legal obligation to ensure that the craft meets the relevant requirements and to carry out the appropriate CE marking.

Over the years the RYA has gained a wealth of knowledge of the RCD and how it should be applied. As much of this information as practical has been collated and is offered in the guide. This includes the RCD mandatory requirements, information on imported and home built boats etc. If having read the information linked to below, a particular question has not been answered then please email this to

Please bear in mind that as an appointed DTi and EU approved Notified Body, the RYA is precluded from offering consultation or guidance on specific aspects of the RCD.

The following PDF files contain guidance on how to comply with the Recreational Craft Directive (RCD). The first file entitled "General Guidance" contains the section A-Q listed below. The names of the Annexes are self-explanatory.


General Guidance 
A. General
B. RYA Notified Body RCD Assessment
C. RCD Compliance Tools
D. RSG Guidelines
E. RCD Introduction
F. Compliance with the RCD
G. Compliance with other Directives
H. Decisions to be made
I. Items to obtain
J. Items to be prepared
K. Bare hulls and partly completed boats
L. Engine Exhaust Emissions
M. Engine Noise Emissions
N. Narrow boats EU Interpretation
O. Secondhand Boats in EU States at their time of accession to the EU
P. Some RCD Definitions
Q. RCD Flow Diagram

1. RYA RCD Notified Body Service
2. Exclusions from the Directive
3. EEA States: Territories and Dependencies
4. ISO Standards List
5. Useful Addresses
6. CIN Application Form
7. Example of Technical Documentation
8. Example of Owner's Manual
9. Examples of the Declaration of Conformity
10. Secondhand Boats in EU States at their time of accession to the EU
11. Secondhand Boats Imported from outside the EEA (USA) Post Construction Assessment
12. Wolfson Unit / RYA HullScant software details
13. Application form for a quotation for RYA Notified Body Assessment (QUOTEIT)
14. Application form for a quotation for RYA Notified Body Sound Assessment (QUOTEIT SND)
15. Request to proceed with Assessment (DOIT)
16. Request to proceed with Sound Assessment (DOIT SND)
17. Request to proceed with Post Construction Assessement (PCA DOIT)
18. Not in use
a Not in use
b Not in use
c Not in use
See also

The following PDF files contain guidance on how to comply with the Recreational Craft Directive (RCD). The first file entitled "General Guidance" contains the section A-Q listed below. The names of the Annexes are self-explanatory.A. General B. RYA Notified Body RCD Assessment C. RCD Compliance Tools D. RSG GuidelinesE. RCD Introduction F. Compliance with the RCD G. Compliance with other Directives H. Decisions to be made I. Items to obtain J. Items to be prepared K. Bare hulls and partly completed boats L. Engine Exhaust Emissions M. Engine Noise Emissions N. Narrow boats EU Interpretation O. Secondhand Boats in EU States at their time of accession to the EU P. Some RCD Definitions Q. RCD Flow Diagram 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Not in use7. 8. 9. 11. 12. Not in use 13. Not in use 14. Not in use 15. 16. Not in use 17. Not in use 18. Not in usea Not in useb Not in usec Not in use See also


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Article Published: October 21, 2010 16:43


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