Página inicial“Raccolta Vinciana”, no. XLI (2025)

Página inicial“Raccolta Vinciana”, no. XLI (2025)

“Raccolta Vinciana”, no. XLI (2025)

Biennial bulletin of the Ente Raccolta Vinciana bibliography, documents and Leonardo studies

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Publicado terça, 23 de julho de 2024


The upcoming issue of “Raccolta Vinciana”, slated for autumn 2025, commemorates the journal’s 120th anniversary. Originally created to report on the activities, publications, and contributions of the Ente Raccolta Vinciana, the journal has evolved into a globally recognized specialist publication on Leonardo da Vinci. This call for papers invites original contributions on topics related to Leonardo’s life, work, and legacy in museums and galleries, or through in-site and online exhibitions. 



The next issue of Raccolta Vinciana will be released in autumn 2025, marking the 120th anniversary of the journal’s foundation. First established to inform on the activities of the Ente Raccolta Vinciana, its publications, and gifts and donations, the journal has progressively broadened its scope. By post WWII, it has been acknowledged as an international specialist journal and a significant reference for scientific publications on Leonardo da Vinci.

The relevance of Leonardo’s figure was recently confirmed by the celebrations of the 500th anniversary of his death. The numerous exhibitions, conferences, and publications organized for the occasion offered scholars an extraordinary opportunity for reflection. These studies not only highlighted Leonardo’s historical importance but also attested to his modernity and acknowledged the vitality of a subject that continues to inspire and stimulate research across various disciplines.

Aligned with this multidisciplinary perspective, this call for papers is addressed to those who wish to present an original contribution, which may include (but is not limited to) one of the following topics:

  • Leonardo’s activities as a painter, architect, engineer, and man of science;
  • Case studies related to the activities of Leonardo’s followers or painters associated with him, or whose work bears his influence;
  • Leonardo's manuscripts and drawings;
  • The legacy of Leonardo, through the lens of collections and collectors;
  • Displays of Leonardo’s work and activities in temporary exhibitions or museums;
  • Problems related to preservation and conservation of Leonardo's works;
  • Activities highlighting Leonardo and his work through digital/virtual tools.

Submission guidelines

Contributions in Italian, English, French, Spanish, or German must be submitted to:

  • enteraccoltavinciana@tiscali.it
  • pietroc.marani@gmail.com
  • paola.cordera@polimi.it

by December 15, 2024

They should include the essay in Word format (maximum length: 60,000 characters, including notes and spaces) and the iconographic material (images in jpg or tiff format, minimum 300 dpi, free from reproduction rights), an abstract (max 800 characters, including spaces) and a short biographical profile of the author and e-mail (maximum 600 characters, including spaces).

For editorial guidelines, refer to the file “RVNormeRedazionali.pdf” downloadable at this link. Submissions will be anonymously evaluated by scholars (double-blind peer review) who, due to specific expertise, may also be different from the members of the Scientific Committee. Given the limited number of contributions that can be accepted, some valuable works that require further study may be published in the subsequent issue (2027).

Notification of acceptance will be given by February 15, 2025.

Scientific committe

  • Pietro C. Marani (Editor-in-chief, Politecnico di Milano)
  • Barbara Agosti (Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata)
  • Carmen C. Bambach (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
  • Giulio Bora (Biblioteca Ambrosiana)
  • David Alan Brown (formerly National Gallery of Art, Washington)
  • Luisa Cogliati Arano (Società Internazionale di Storia della Miniatura)
  • Paola Cordera (Politecnico di Milano)
  • Frank Fehrenbach (Universität Hamburg)
  • Maria Teresa Fiorio (Ente Raccolta Vinciana)


  • domingo, 15 de dezembro de 2024

Ficheiros anexos


  • Leonardo Da Vinci, Renaissance, Art, Cultural Heritage, Exhibition


  • Paola Cordera
    courriel : paola [dot] cordera [at] polimi [dot] it

Fonte da informação

  • Paola Cordera
    courriel : paola [dot] cordera [at] polimi [dot] it


CC0-1.0 Este anúncio é licenciado sob os termos Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

Para citar este anúncio

« “Raccolta Vinciana”, no. XLI (2025) », Chamada de trabalhos, Calenda, Publicado terça, 23 de julho de 2024, https://doi.org/10.58079/122v7

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