Showing posts with label Ryan Dean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ryan Dean. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Peaceful Red Deer Anti-Racist March A Success; Far-Right Narrative At Odds With Reality

This past Sunday, Red Deer Against Racism and the Black and Indigenous Alliance Alberta (BIAA) held a march in the city of Red Deer, AB. In stark contrast to the event which was to have taken place on September 20 where far-right hateriots and assorted hate groups (instigated by Pat King despite his claims of innocence now) physically attacked and intimidated attendees, this march was wildly successful:

The march began at 3:30 pm after a smudge ceremony. It continued to City Hall Park -- some marchers were seen to pick up trash along the way -- where speakers discussed the need to have an honest dialogue about racial injustice.

The media also noted the peaceful nature of the march, despite the efforts of the hateriots:
There were of course hateriots present who attempted, but failed, to disrupt the march owing in large part to the heavy police presence:

Friday, May 01, 2020

Tarek Fatah and The Toronto Sun Ramp Up the Islamophobia

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and social distancing health measures, the Mississauga City Council recently approved a temporary relaxation of noise by-law restrictions, allowing mosques in the city to broadcast the Islamic call to prayer during Ramadan. The motion was passed unanimously and also made clear that services were not to resume.

This decision by the city of Mississauga has sent the Canadian far-right into a frenzy, with a few people staking out mosques in a bizarre attempt to stoke outrage and get some clicks.

Muslims in general are being targeted for harassment. One of the more high-profile instances is William (Damien) Majeau, who released 3 videos of himself staking out mosques.The first, on April 24th at Al Rashid in Edmonton, where he talked about the "Ramadan Bombathon" and tried to catch worshippers at the mosque. He was disappointed, and said so.

The second video, taken that day, focused on a Muslim mother and her two very young children, scoffing that they aren't socially distancing. It's unclear whether Majeau doesn't know the social distancing requirements (you are not required to distance from members of the same household,) or whether he thinks different requirements should apply to Muslims.

A third video, posted April 25th, shows him driving around the Edmonton Islamic Academy, remarking on the number of vehicles in the area, and presuming they were attending a service. They were actually participating in a socially distanced Ramadan parade.
Despite the Edmonton Police Service claiming this was under investigation, nothing has been done, prompting the National Council of Canadian Muslims to release a statement admonishing the Edmonton police for their lack of action. 
To make this even more egregious, Majeau is a Clann associate and friend of white supremacist fail-son and hate group hopper Ryan Dean, who last year stalked and entered Al-Rashid Mosque with Tyson Hunt. Additionally, Dean and friends are responsible for the closure of Queerflex. 

To date, Dean and his friends have faced virtually no consequences for their brutal and persistent harassment of Indigenous peoples, the LGBTQ+ community, Muslims, and others.

Moving on, Brad Salzberg's C(r)ap for Canada is a little upset. 

As is Faith Goldy, and others.

Which brings us to the point. In light of all the in-person stalking and harassment of mosques, the Toronto Sun published an incredibly irresponsible and dangerous op-ed by Tarek Fatah. The article is deeply rooted in anti-Muslim rhetoric, which only serves to stoke this outrage more and embolden and encourage the Majeaus and the Stefanises and others in their harassment.

He begins the article by needlessly mentioning the Danforth shooter. Other than the street name, the only thing that ties these two stories together is that the shooter happened to be Muslim. Fatah's lazy writing aside, the shooter also suffered from serious mental health issues, and was obsessed with incel ideology. That was his ideological motivation. His crimes had nothing to do with his religion. It was a loud dog-whistle to his base, who would arguably throw him away as fast as they'd look at him if he didn't walk their line.
He presumes to know the religious beliefs of council member, Paula Fletcher. He cites her supposed lack of religious belief as a reason why Muslims would want her dead.
Fatah claims that one uncited from a supposed Iranian refugee is evidence that Canadian Muslims are afraid to oppose the call to prayer played on loud speakers.
Fatah concludes his op-ed by citing the fable of the Arab and the camel, a short story in which a man allows his camel in to his tent on a cold night, a little at a time to eventually be pushed out himself.

Not even subtle.

Also, if you research "Sharia-Bolsheviks," his name is pretty much the only thing that comes up. 

Fatah even went so far as to sign and share a petition to have the loudspeakers stopped.

Inclusive for all, except Muslims 

A petition which actually used this statement as a part of it's justification.
The petition, added by "Mike Gab," was moved from to, with the same description on May 2

His article was shared in many far-right Facebook groups. It was shared in the main Yellow Vest group, and the comments were what should be expected at this point.
The Sun also published an article by Joe Warmington, and it was better, and more objective, however trust the hatriots to twist it to suit their narratives. The article was also posted in the main yellow vest group. The response was the same.

The Fatah article was shared in the less popular yellow vests groups as well.

Yellow Vests Rebellion:
Yellow Vests Canada!!:
We The People - #UniteAndAct:
The only reason to get so upset about this issue is if you hate Muslims. Mississauga made a minor concession to the Muslim community, during a very difficult time. The by-law restriction is only temporary, and the call to prayer will only last 5 minutes per day. There is no reason to be so upset about something that likely won't affect most of the people complaining. But, as we all know, the people who accuse everyone else of being "snowflakes" are the most likely to have major meltdowns. After all, you know what they didn't collectively wring their hands over? Montreal ringing church bells every day at noon to let the city know they aren't alone. 

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Win Nay, Ryan Dean, Joey Deluca, and Urban Infidels: Edmonton Against Fascism Reports on Alberta

As ARC enters our third decade, welcome to 2020 folks!

I have to admit that I've been a little lazy with regard to keeping up with what is happening in Alberta these days. I've certainly been meaning to look back at some of the groups and individuals this blog has been monitoring for the past number of years but other projects were preoccupying me and I just wasn't able to devote the attention to some of the stories coming out of the province that I should have.

So thank goodness for the many activists who have taken up the challenge of monitoring the far right in Alberta. While there are currently a number of people and groups monitoring the far-right in Alberta one of the most prolific groups and one whose work I would like to highlight has been Edmonton Against Fascism (if you aren't following on Twitter, you absolutely should). In the month of December 2019 alone Edmonton Against Fascism (EAF) has provided some fantastic reporting on groups ARC readers are well familiar with:

Win Nay:

Win Nay has appeared on the pages of ARC a few times. Nay is a hanger-on who jumps from group to group and has in the past been present for events hosted by Onward Christian Soldiers, the Soldiers of Odin, Worldwide Coalition Against Islam, and other hate groups. Here EAF discuss some of his activities during the past month:

Ryan Dean:

While Dean has been relatively quiet at least comparatively, he and his group of three in the Clann (which is a little on the nose) have been busy taking pictures of themselves in Edmonton-area pubs and declaring it as some sort of victory for.... oh, I don't know.... reasons? I guess? 

During the month of December, Dean appears to have given up any effort to claim he isn't a racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, homophobe:

Dean has also attempted to hinder the efforts of Bashir Mohamed in his efforts to sue Ezra Levant's Rebel Media for defamation:

Suffice it to say Dean's efforts haven't been successful as Mr. Mohamed has raised more than $26,000 from 616 people in less than a week. Dean on the other hand may find himself the subject of a civil case if he doesn't smarten up:

Joey Deluca:

Oh, Joey....

Years after founding the hate group WCAI Joey Deluca is still desperate to convince people he is relevant. Over the years he has created numerous sock puppets and dummy groups in an effort to make people believe that the Worldwide Coalition Against Islam is actually worldwide; his repeated failures put the lie to this claim. This past month EAS found yet another sock promoting the WCAI which is clearly Joey:

And given the ecosystem Joey exists in, people who live in glass houses shouldn't be tossing stones around:

To be fair, Joey doesn't strike me as someone who would appreciate poetry.

The most interesting find this month however was Joey's dating profile:

In news that shouldn't surprise anyone he is also using this effort to someone who will love him for the racist hate-monger that he is to harass Muslims and people of color. In one case he posted one of the exchanges in what can only be described as an epic self-own that he thinks makes him look good:

I don't know who the woman is but I like the others who have read the exchange would love to be her friend. Given that Joey Deluca's name will be associated with posts such as this, I have a feeling that he should probably get used to being swiped left:

Which coincidentally brings us to....

Urban Infidels:

Our readers will remember Steven Lane (aka "Heathen Steven") from both is unfortunate choice of facial hair and his participation in a WCAI organized event in Edmonton in which he was taken into custody for a time:

Other hate groups involved included the Canadian Combat Coalition and the Northern Guard.

Anyways, although the SoO was Steven's ride or die, it wasn't too long before nationalization occurred and Lane split to form the Urban Infidels.

Yeah. That's an actual name an adult decided to go with:

Remember kids, don't skip leg day.
And like other faux-biker wannabes (SoO, Northern Guard, etc) who wear ill-fitting clothing at least two sizes too large for their frames....

.... they really love their leather vests and patches:

No, you don't understand.

They REALLY love their patches:

Like, in a way that is sort of weird:

That's right. That does read "Pyscho White"


Then again who am I to be critical of anyone's kink?

The Urban Infidels, particularly Lane, have been a significant focus of EAF's reporting:

For some reason they think bacon is hilarious:

Yeah.... posing with bacon to stick it to the Muslims and Jews.

Once again I remind readers that these people are ostensibly adults.

Their most recent recruit is Chris Vanderweide who is best known for assaulting people at a Pride event in Hamilton and is currently awaiting trial. And as we know there's nothing that makes a judge more happy than a person awaiting trail for assault posting images of his joining a hate group and bragging about how he will continue to assault people:

Vanderweide is a rather interesting person to recruit considering how he tends to throw his former supporters and boosters under the bus. In a movement that is often torn apart by big egos, it is hard to see Vanderweide following anyone.

In fact we've already seen the factionalization of the Urban Infidels:

While Lyons was a member of the Northern Guard prior to his membership in the Canadian Crusaders (again, they are legally grown-ups who think these names are cool) Ricky Rush is on this third in a calendar year:

There are a lot more that EAF is focused on but this represents a sample.

I once again urge reader to give them a follow. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A Re-examination of An Old Story: Jake Logan Findell

It has been more than a year since Ricochet published a piece linking a UCP staff member to an overly racist online military surplus store:

Adam Strashok (left) with former Saskatchewan premier Brad Wall
The story of Adam Strashok turned out to be a bit of a rabbit hole in that it exposed the the light of day a rot withing Alberta conservative campus political groups tying some members to white supremacist groups such as ID Canada or, in the case of Keean Bexte, an employee of Ezra Levant's Islamophobic and conspiracy driven Rebel Media:
Not long ago I started to look into other members of Alberta campus conservative clubs primarily in Calgary one of whom has become of primary interest due to his current status as a staff member of Jason Kenney's UPC (it should be noted that Strashok also worked for the UCP and Bexte endorsed Kenney while a member of the Calgary Conservative Club and has used his position as a Rebel Media personality to promote Mr. Kenney and his government):

I'm thinking that this might perhaps warrant a future article?

In the meantime I thought I would cover material that I hadn't included in the previous articles from last autumn.

We know that Strashok posted on social media using a few different pseudonyms in addition to his real name. Two of those names were highlighted in the Ricochet article. He used the pseudonym "Alexei Kuznetsov" primarily on Facebook but he also posted on the Vibrant Diversity channel on Discord as "Guynumber7" where, thanks to the Discord leak, we were able to find gems of wisdom such as these screeds:

Strashok wasn't a prolific poster in this channel (perhaps more from a yet unreleased Discord channel will one day be added to the leak) but the same can't be said for the person who advocated for his membership:

"Adrien Arcand" (the user having named himself after the Quebecois fascist leader of the 1930s and 40s) is one of two known pseudonyms used by Jake Logan Findell on social media (this one was used on both Discord and Twitter) who has been discussed on ARC:

In fact Findell was the subject of an earlier story in September 2018 when he and a still unknown individual were caught in the act of disseminating ID Canada materials on the grounds of the University of Alberta:

We had been told that Findell was not a member of the Calgary Conservative Club and may not have even been a university student. Even if he didn't he was very much an associate of that particular group:

Let's get back to the "Adrien Arcand" pseudonym Findell used on various social media platforms. Note please that I will be bouncing back and forth between Findell's Twitter and Discord posts:

Findell appears to have been closely following the Fireforce Ventures story, particularly the focus on Strashok. In fact Findell was angry at the UCP when a Twitter user supporting Bernier's PPC suggested that people like Strashok had no place in the party (though subsequent evidence supports the contrary view):

Findell not surprisingly didn't always feel this way:

Not long after ARC helped break the story concerning Keean Bexte's own involvement with Fireforce Ventures, Findell responded to a Tweet by the NDP defending the online military surplus store:

Findell's sarcasm seems disingenuous in light of this post on Discord concerning a brick and mortar store in Calgary selling Nazi paraphernalia:

In another discord chat he seems to know exactly what both the Confederate and Rhodesian flags represent:

In fact Findell is quite a fan of flags:

This photo was taken at a Worldwide Coalition Against Islam rally at Calgary City Hall on June 3, 2017 attended by hate groups including WCAI, the Canadian Combat Coalition (prior to Ryan Dean being booted), and Soldiers of Odin. Also in attendance was Paul Fromm:

The next month Findell posted this in response to criticism leveled at Fromm whose use of the Red Ensign has tainted the flag and a half-hearted disavowal of Fromm by the Proud Boys:

 And of course we can't forget his affinity for Generation Identity/ID Canada iconography:

Having looked at Findell's activities online is seems fairly evident that he has likely been responsible for a significant amount of the far-right materials found at the University of Calgary:

For example, Findell had taken special interest in The Rocks outside the MacEwan Student Centre:

And while I can't say for certain that he was directly involved in this effort....

.... he was certainly associated with people who probably would have.

Other revelations are also quite interesting:

We do now know that Findell was responsible, either on his own or with others, for a spectacularly clumsy effort to defame Calgary-based antifascist groups. At this time a fake Facebook profile was created that fooled no one except for the credulous far-right such as Never Again Canada who, by coincidence, are mentioned in this recent article, "Inside the hate factory: how Facebook fuels far-right profit":

Findell has a great deal to say about Jews too, including this representative sample:

As such we probably shouldn't be especially surprised that he followed the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. Findell spent much of the next three days retweeting the days' events:

He did find the time to post his own witty retort directed towards an opponent of the event:

Then this happened:

Findell didn't comment on the murder of Heather Heyer by one of his fellow travelers directly on Twitter, though he did continue discussing the event and how poorly the racists were treated:

On Discord, Findell posted this:

I understand that discussing Findell now more than a year after he was exposed by the blog might be seen as less relevant, however Findell can be seen as a bit of a case study of the kind of person who is attracted to this movement. It also helps to remind our readers that despite their claims, people like Findell are racists who celebrate their hatred when they think no one can see it.

Suffice it to say I think exposing Jake Findell and people like him to the light of day continues to serve the common good.