Pandemic Playlists

2020 Podcast

Emile Zile interviews Melbourne artists, writers and creative operators about their media-consumption patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic and continual rolling lockdowns. Starting with discussion of their binge-watching, late night listening or reality TV indulgences, conversations spill out onto other topics and quickly move to less stable zones. Pandemic Playlists is supported by the

I follow Yoko and Yoko follows me

2014 Performance

Experimental Universe Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney 6 February 2014, 6:00-9:00pm Experimental Universe is a program of events featuring films, music and performances created by Australian artists responding to Yoko Ono’s rarely-visited instructional works, Six Film Scripts (1964) and Imaginary Film Series (1968). Running over two nights (6 February and 13 February) the program also


2011 Performance

*best*RapidEssayNSFW!! is a live video essay by Amsterdam-based Australian artist Emile Zile. It uses online and prepared video sources from YouTube, 24hour news streams, scientific trials, viral marketing blips, social software and monologues by .com-era cult leaders to weave an audiovisual portrait of contemporary culture and its acceleration of signs. As a live performance, *best*RapidEssayNSFW!!

Five Production Company Logos in 3D

2010 Video

Diane Tanzer Gallery + Projects Melbourne April 2-23 2011 Urzsula Dawkins review in Realtime 103 ‘Signalling, not clowning’ Philip Brophy catalogue essay ‘Ego Logos & Euclidean Cum Shots‘ Original audio by Adam Milburn Emile Zile’s Five Production Company Logos In 3D presents an imaginary ‘real man’ behind these grandiose charades born of selfimportant declaration. Just

One million Paradiso guitar solos

2009 Performance

Compaction and compression of the guitar solo, Mouth microphone channeling the eternal guitar solo, noise and liberation, freedom and egotism. Presenting a metaphorical exorcism of the guitar solo. A channelling of the guitar solos delivered to audiences at Amsterdam’s iconic live music venue Paradiso. 18 September 2009, Live sound mix by Danny O’Really Photographs