Western Digital

The giving of rice. The taking of photographs.

I am a monk. I am a tourist. Within the street I see the stage for every human conflict and negotiation. Specifically for this video I was interested in contrasting the buddhist principles of mindfullness, meditation, removing yourself from time to the act of photography, grasping for permanence, embalming a moment. The last shot of my 2012 film Jack is a solitary figure passed out in a half-finished Buddhist temple in Footscray, Australia. This film is an oblique sequel.

Western Digital, 2013
2K HD video, 11 minutes.
Camera and cut: Emile Zile
Sound designer: Carl Anderson

Western Digital is distributed by LIMA Amsterdam +31(0)20 389 20 30
contact Theus Zwakhals email hidden; JavaScript is required

Premiere screening at RijksakademieOPEN2013
Produced with the support of Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam and Samsung Electronics Nederland

Photo: RijksakademieOPEN 2013, Jan van Rooij

Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore, The Disappearance screening program
curated by David Teh April 6 2014

Selected work


Writing sabbatical.

New films, new words.