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  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/04/06/view-india

    No country for her

    Women experiencing abuse from their partners need more than a helpline, writes Nilanjana Bhowmick
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/04/06/view-africa

    Smothered by roads

    Nanjala Nyabola mourns the loss of Nairobi's canopy, and questions the expansion of cities. 
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/06/17/pandemic-has-worsened-brazil-hunger-crisis-fjf

    The pandemic has worsened Brazil’s hunger crisis

    A recent study suggests that as many as six in ten Brazilians are struggling to put food on the table, reports Beatriz Miranda.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/06/08/big-story-myanmar-courage-and-terror-myanmar

    Courage and terror in Myanmar

    Lives and livelihoods have been laid down for democracy. The economy is on the brink of collapse. The world must support the people’s quest to end military rule once and for all, writes Preeti Jha.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/06/11/peru-leftist-president-elect-already-under-attack

    Peru’s leftist President-elect is already under attack

    Pedro Castillo may have won the election but his leadership is not guaranteed yet. John Crabtree looks at the challenges ahead, including a legal challenge from his rival.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/06/11/zambia-meal-finishers-fjf

    Zambia’s meal-finishers

    Audrey Simango reports on the phenomena of young men taking over abandoned meals. 
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/06/11/g7-resistance-harnessing-collective-power-protest

    G7 resistance: Harnessing collective power

    As the international summit begins in Cornwall, Amy Hall speaks to people showing up to challenge its powerful leaders.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/06/09/how-british-aid-abandoned-girls-south-sudan

    How British aid abandoned the girls of South Sudan

    UK funding must urgently be restored to those in desperate need, says educator Rod Hicks.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/05/17/storm-which-netanyahu-unleashed

    The storm which Netanyahu unleashed

    With mounting corruption charges to his name, Israels Prime Minister is benefiting from militarized, brutal distractions in Gaza. Adam Keller writes.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/02/08/letter-manila-holding-out-hero

    Holding out for a hero

    Iris Gonzales reflects on the human cost of the state’s war against its critics. 
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/04/20/would-you-answers-your-chai

    Would you like answers with your chai?

    From his tea stall in rural Uttar Pradesh, Krishna Murari Yadav is supporting people to ask difficult questions of the Indian state, one hot drink at a time. Devyani Nighoskar reports.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/04/19/why-world-doing-more-help-myanmar

    Why isn’t the world doing more to help Myanmar?

    Since the military coup in Myanmar, the situation continues to worsen. What are the avenues for international intervention and what difference could they really make? Yali Banton-Heath outlines the options.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/04/06/view-brazil

    Lula is back in the game

    After a court annulled all the sentences against him, Brazil’s ex-president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is back in the running for the top job, writes Leonardo Sakamoto
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/02/08/view-india

    Saving the Sundarbans

    Nilanjana Bhowmick on the double whammy of natural disaster and Covid-19 that has brought a vulnerable ecosystem to the brink.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/02/08/love-and-other-conspiracies

    Love and other conspiracies

    Laxmi Murthy reports on the theory of ‘love jihad’ that is sweeping across India.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/03/10/fukushima-communities-are-building-sustainable-future

    Fukushima communities are building a sustainable future

    Ten years on from the devastating nuclear disaster, citizens are working together to show that nuclear power and fossil fuels are not the only way. Tina Burrett visits the red zone.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/03/09/yemen-not-starving-yemen-being-starved

    Yemen is not starving, Yemen is being starved

    While the UN calls for international aid to avert famine in Yemen, the UK slashes its contribution. Sam Perlo-Freeman explains what’s at stake for ordinary Yemenis.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/02/16/why-coup-bad-news-myanmar-ethnic-minorities

    Why the coup is bad news for Myanmar’s ethnic minorities

    Despite significant ongoing problems, life has changed for many minority communities since the military last ruled. Now those gains risk being lost, says Tina Burrett.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/02/15/forest-defenders-under-fire-cambodia

    Forest defenders under fire in Cambodia

    Authorities in charge of protecting the massive Prey Lang forest in Northern Cambodia are intent on harassing environmental activists rather than nabbing illegal loggers. Mary Menton and Justine Taylor report.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/02/13/myanmar-internet-shutdown

    Myanmar’s internet shutdown

    The recent post-coup wave of internet shutdowns and disruptions is an unsettling escalation of a global problem, writes Michael Caster.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/02/08/view-brazil

    View from Brazil

    While Argentina wins abortion rights, in Brazil even a pregnant 10-year-old is threatened and coerced to give birth, writes Leonardo Sakamoto.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2020/12/07/country-profile-argentina-glance

    Country Profile: Argentina

    Massive foreign debts and an impoverished population are intensifying age-old conflicts over natural resources in this multicultural nation, writes Amy Booth.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2020/12/07/long-read-finntopia


    Danny Dorling and Annika Koljonen explain how Finland has come to be so equal, peaceful and happy – and sketch out the lessons we might learn from its example.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/01/25/why-are-indian-farmers-angry

    Why are Indian farmers angry?

    With the government trying out a variety of ploys to derail the mass movement, Indian farmers are determined to resist until their demands are met. Tarun Gidwani explains why they have been forced to act.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/01/22/cartoon-history-otto-rene-castillo-guatemala

    Cartoon history: Otto René Castillo

    ILYA sets ‘Apolitical Intellectuals’ to a modern tune, as he remembers the life of the Guatemalan revolutionary poet. 
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/01/21/could-biden-presidency-end-america-forever-wars

    Could a Biden presidency end America’s ‘forever wars’?

    Joe Biden is unlikely to scupper corporate-military interests of his own accord. It will take pressure from the grassroots, argues Andrew Smith.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2020/10/06/country-profile-namibia

    Country profile: Namibia

    Last profiled in 1991, Namibia’s now younger electorate is calling for jobs and land justice amid a Covid-19-induced recession.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2020/12/07/feature-search-syria-missing

    The search for Syria’s missing

    The families of the disappeared are not giving up their search until they have answers. Jan-Peter Westad reports.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2021/01/04/displaced-riot

    Displaced by a riot

    Since 2018, a remarkable uptick in communal violence has taken shape in India. Dilnaz Boga speaks to survivors of ethnic violence in the 1990s, who explain their fears for where the country is headed.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2020/12/07/uganda-Robert-Kyagulanyi

    ‘Let them own their country’

    Liam Taylor on the popstar politician taking on a ‘horrifying’ election battle in Uganda.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2020/10/06/feature-explosive-mix-mozambique

    Explosive mix

    As big international players eye up Mozambique’s natural gas reserves, a storm of conflict brews for local communities. Sophie Neiman investigates.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2020/10/06/feature-peru-amazon-indigenous-covid

    ‘You’ve done nothing!’

    Stephanie Boyd reports from the Peruvian Amazon on the fight to get adequate healthcare that respects indigenous tradition. 
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2020/12/07/hall-infamy-carrie-lam

    Hall of infamy: Carrie Lam

    Big Momma Carrie Lam is on a mission in Hong Kong.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2020/12/07/letter-manila-homecoming

    Letter from Manila

    Iris Gonzales on a most unusual homecoming. 
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2020/12/07/nagorno-karabakh-another-war-over

    Another war over

    Jan-Peter Westad on the uncertain future of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict.
  • New Internationalist image for /features/2020/12/07/introducing-luis-arce-catacora

    Introducing...Luis Arce Catacora

    After months of unconstitutional rule since Jeanine Áñez’s military-backed coup, Richard Swift gives a rundown of the low-profile socialist recently elected to Bolivia’s highest office.