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What evidence is there that mothers are “wired” to be bothered by their baby’s cry? What evidence is there that mothers are “wired” to be bothered by their baby’s cry?
Question - Research required

As the title says. I get overstimulated quite easily (definitely highly sensitive) but when my baby cries I literally cannot think straight, I cannot just carry on with other tasks and ignore him. My husband can, and seems unfazed by it. Of course I do not want to ignore my child when he cries either, but he is in a very fussy phase right now and it’s difficult to even make myself something to eat or go to the bathroom, and it’s like the constant crying/whining gets into my spine and I feel unsettled, irritated and overwhelmed. My husband says to just “relax and do what you need to do”. I’ve explained that’s it’s so hard for me to not be affected by it, and that as a mother I’m wired to react and respond to it. I don’t know how much truth there is to that?

Of course there’s a difference when he is really crying and when he is just kind of whining, with the former I almost always drop what I’m doing and go to him. My husband thinks I shouldn’t. Baby is nearly 11 months.

Oysters and heavy metals Oysters and heavy metals
Question - Expert consensus required

My 6yo loves canned oysters. I only ever knew to watch seafood intake in regard to mercury. Somehow I came across this article and freaked out- it talks about 500ppb lead in canned oysters from China (and the brand I get is in fact from China, though not one of the ones listed). This is a lot of lead for a food, right? But it doesn’t seem like a super reputable article and I can’t find much info overall.

Due to just watching seafood in general, I would say my son has oysters once every 2-3 weeks. But he’ll also eat a whole can, easily (which is a serving, but I assume an adult serving).

Does anyone know anything more about this? I always felt like oysters were a good protein and iron source but now I’m worried!! His lead tests have never shown anything, but I honestly can’t remember if he was eating any around age 2 or 3 when he was last tested.