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Alter Bridge

Alter Bridge > Tremonti > Creed

Reddit's home for fans of Alter Bridge, as well as their related side and solo projects.

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Alter Bridge > Tremonti > Creed

I'm just staggered by the quality and quantity of Tremont's output. After deep diving on everything AB, Tremonti and Creed over the last year, AB wins for me.

AB can have such an insanely heavy sound to get the mosh pit going, then the lyrics and the chorus have you thinking you can do anything.

Tremonti is just incredibly hard, different vibe, but so riff heavy and so fucking good.

Creed is the OG, and there's lots to love here, but the bands later work is better.


How did you find out about Alter Bridge?

Reddit's home for fans of Alter Bridge, as well as their related side and solo projects.

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How did you find out about Alter Bridge?

I found out about them from Edge, my favourite wrestler of all time. Heard Metalingus and was like, “Damn, this song rocks”. Went to the record store, hoping, but not expecting to find AB there. Low and behold, a used copy of One Day Remains was waiting for me. I have been a fan ever since and own all their records. What about y’all?

Alter Bridge Discography Quiz

Reddit's home for fans of Alter Bridge, as well as their related side and solo projects.

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Alter Bridge Discography Quiz

Hi all.

I have created a quiz on Sporcle for Alter Bridge's entire discography. I'm aware similar quizzes exist, however I have also added a section for rarities, including unreleased material.

Please let me know how you get on if you decide to play and provide any feedback if necessary!

Here is the link to the game:

Obsessed with Alter Bridge!

Reddit's home for fans of Alter Bridge, as well as their related side and solo projects.

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Obsessed with Alter Bridge!

I was introduced to AB by a friend's recommendation a little more than a year ago. my favorite band is Muse and I remember when I got into Muse all those years ago, how I was obsessed and loved every song that I was listening to. as if they didn't have a single bad song for my taste. lots of incredible vocal lines and so many great riffs. they changed my life in a lot of ways and I wouldn't have been the same person I am today if it wasn't for them. Radiohead also played a major part in my life but anyway, I find myself in a similar situation with Alter Bridge today. the first song that I listened to was Blackbird and the timing couldn't have been any better at the time since I was in a very dark place in my life. now Blackbird is one of my favorite songs of all time, top 2 even. As someone who's working on becoming a vocalist, I find Myles's voice absolutely Incredible and personally my favorite! I didn't think any other vocalist could come close to Matt Bellamy for me but Myles just blew my mind away. I guess it's no surprise for these two to be my favorites considering they were both massively influenced by Jeff Buckley who's also one of my favorites. now as for the band, I'm just finding everything so freaking awesome and obsessing over any song that I listen to! except for a couple of songs on Walk the Sky I guess which in time they might grow on me as well. I just can't believe how underrated and unrecognized this band is! the incredible and flawless vocal lines and remarkable Tremonti and Kennedy riffs one after the other and just great songwriting in general! Fortress immediately became one of my favorite albums of all time, and I had a journey for the past year listening to the other albums with a lot of attention, and boy have I had a time of my life! I'm in a place where I've been before with Muse that I can't even list my favorite songs since there are so many! but the ones that hold a special place in my heart would be Blackbird. Fortress. Cry of Achilles. Calm the Fire. This Side of Fate. Broken Wings

Are Alter Bridge semi-famous?

Reddit's home for fans of Alter Bridge, as well as their related side and solo projects.

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Are Alter Bridge semi-famous?

I think Alter Bridge are in almost an ideal (but unusual) state of "famousness".

They have a big enough following to fill stadiums or play major festivals as the main support act, and feature on the front cover of rock and metal magazines.

But whenever I mention the band to people I know - even serious rock and/or metal fans - I get a blank stare and a response that they've never heard of Alter Bridge before...

Why do people think this is? Everyone seems to have heard of other bands in a similar category, like Disturbed / Evanescence / Deftones / Korn... But not Alter Bridge.

In a way it's a perfect position for a musician to be in - you're a major band playing to thousands of people every night but you don't have the associated negative aspects of fame, like fans stalking you or interrupting your private life.

Has anyone else experienced this when talking to people they know?

Alter Bridge Discord Server

Reddit's home for fans of Alter Bridge, as well as their related side and solo projects.

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Alter Bridge Discord Server

Good evening everyone.

Apologies if this isn't allowed, however, I have shared this before without issue so fingers crossed.

It's been well over a year since I last shared the AB discord server with this subreddit, so I thought I'd share again for any new fans who might want to join.

For those unaware, Discord is a social messaging platform; it differs from Reddit as the communication is live rather than post-based. The server has been running for over four years now, and we have a strong community of almost 200 members. If you'd like to join the server, a link can be found here:

Just to make clear, this Discord is NOT affiliated in any way with the band or the subreddit. It is independent and very much unofficial. With that being said, if you do decide to join, I do thank you and I hope you enjoy the server and our community.

EDIT: if the link does not work, try this:

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