
Squirrel going full tilt by __THE_TURTLE__ in AnimalsBeingDerps

[–]shoot_first 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Good energy on the dismount but I can’t tell if it stuck the landing.

Legality of (none DUI) police checkpoints in North Carolina by HydrogenPowder in NorthCarolina

[–]shoot_first 1 point2 points  (0 children)

They’re getting paid by the hour, regardless of whether you’re cooperative or not. And bring uncooperative just gives them something to do during their otherwise boring shift. So who’s time is being wasted?

Probably the best side quest lol by MnemonicTree47 in AssassinsCreedOdyssey

[–]shoot_first 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Oh wow. I heard that this quest was good, but I didn’t get this ending and wasn’t that impressed. Now I see what they were talking about!

Am I the only one that didn’t have sex with the smith and got the boring ending? 😆

It’s me. I’m the one who ropes every turn. by greenlaser73 in MagicArena

[–]shoot_first 12 points13 points  (0 children)

As a fellow parent, I only play games that I can immediately pause and walk away from right now. I can’t dedicate the time to multiplayer and especially MMO games because interruptions happen too often. Trying to pretend otherwise would be frustrating to me and inconsiderate to other players.

But my kid is getting older and more independent, so maybe I’ll be playing Magic and WoW again soon.

Jump.exe file not found. by _makoccino_ in AnimalsBeingDerps

[–]shoot_first 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Yeah that was smooth as hell. I was waiting for the slip and tumble but he nailed it.