top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]CelticsJaylenBrownAllStar 7474 points7475 points  (180 children)

The way the ref just stares lmao

[–]BucksLeMickeyMice 5139 points5140 points  (29 children)

That's the "see you next season" stare

[–]TimberwolvesJimmyWasRight 2824 points2825 points  (23 children)

"You're never getting a free throw again" stare

[–]Sunskoiz_01 809 points810 points  (3 children)

Clamped for life. You thought Scott Foster vs. CP3 was one sided?

[–]HawksSaint_Diego 414 points415 points  (15 children)

He’s only shot 6 the entire series anyway so not much of a loss

[–]SunsDoingCharleyWork 177 points178 points  (3 children)

He's definitely gonna be getting a lot of fouls called on him.

[–]CelticsJersey1633 65 points66 points  (9 children)

Free throws for both teams this series are rare.

Guess who’s averaged more.

Edit: it’s been good that way. Beats the tedious 50 free throws games.

[–]HawksSaint_Diego 37 points38 points  (6 children)

For anyone who doesn’t want to look it up, the Hawks are +3 free throw attempts through 4 games, which comes out to a per game disparity of .75 per game.

[–]BeatriceDaRaven 12 points13 points  (5 children)

I hadn't thought about it until this post but C's hawks feels like easily the best officiated series of the ones i'm watching

[–]CelticsAngelic_Phoenix 282 points283 points  (1 child)

the “i didnt brick your shots”

[–]SupersonicsRewardStory 1040 points1041 points  (27 children)

Refs just in disbelief he actually did that

game is over lol now you're suspended

[–]ThunderTheBigBomma 277 points278 points  (22 children)

Suspended for a little while probably. Nba will want to nip this behaviour in the bud real quick

[–]PistonsKoloHickory 1352 points1353 points  (14 children)

Such a stupid thing to do to a ref I'd make the same face lol utter bewilderment

[–]RaptorsMUTSellerPS4 474 points475 points  (4 children)

imagine he said celtics in 5. I wonder if he would have swung on the ref

[–]HornetsRub_My_Toes 145 points146 points  (2 children)

1000% percent

[–][IND] Victor OladipowtbTruth 26 points27 points  (1 child)

One thousand percent percent

[–]Celticspdunn472 144 points145 points  (2 children)

Bro was flabbergasted

[–]Spursandroid24601 99 points100 points  (0 children)

The "gentleman's sweep it is then" stare

[–][deleted] 362 points363 points  (11 children)

Looking like a Skyrim NPC when you are eying up something to steal in their shop.

[–]ThunderNext-Firefighter-753 123 points124 points  (0 children)

“You have committed crimes against the hoopers and their people what say you in your defense?”

[–]OmarBarksdale 52 points53 points  (0 children)

“You can’t go back there”

[–]CavaliersRainierPC 16 points17 points  (2 children)

Just don't forget to put a basket on the shopkeeper's head.

[–]Celticssolarscopez 249 points250 points  (16 children)

Kinda wish we had WWE refs and he started throwing hands 💀

[–]YouKnowMySlogan 175 points176 points  (10 children)

Wwe refs would flip backwards and lay unconscious oblivious to various violations taking place only to wake up just as someone is being pinned and just give ‘em a 3 count without question

[–]CelticsKitKatMasterRace 21 points22 points  (1 child)

That ref would be too injured to compete in Game 5 so they'd need a special guest referee. Cue Paul Pierce's music.

[–]BucksChase2020J 41 points42 points  (1 child)

This guy WWE's

[–]CelticsDrizzlybear0 65 points66 points  (0 children)

Ref just hit Dejounte with a Stunner and a crack a beer

[–]Spursokaysian 43 points44 points  (0 children)

[–]HeatMiaCannons 166 points167 points  (60 children)

Hope that ref is assigned to the next game and calls two quick ticky tack fouls on Murray

[–]CelticsNardP12 530 points531 points  (51 children)

I'll be surprised if Murray won't get suspended

[–]Trail BlazersIwillguzzle 529 points530 points  (26 children)

He should be. This kind of crap needs to be made an example of. Don't touch the refs.

[–]whitey55 25 points26 points  (0 children)

yeah this doesn't happen often, but when it does the league will come down hard on him and so they should.

[–]Celticscrashbandicoochy 127 points128 points  (22 children)

Grant got suspended for accidentally brushing a ref this year so they for sure don't take shit like this lightly.

[–]NuggetsTouro_Bebe 71 points72 points  (5 children)

"accidentally", but yeah, wouldn't be surprised if they suspended murray for this even in the playoffs

[–]CelticsATLSox87 22 points23 points  (3 children)

Grant's wasn't nearly as egregious as Dejounte's and you could make a case it wasn't intentional. Brushed the ref leg to leg as he was getting up off the ground quickly to run to the bench in protest of the call.


[–]Maverickspugofthewildfrontier 85 points86 points  (2 children)

That’s a 2 game suspension and the series will be over by then.

[–]6YouReadThis9 25 points26 points  (1 child)

Would it carry over to next season then?

[–][LAL] Lebron Jamesbengalsfu 71 points72 points  (0 children)

Yea. Pat Bev pushed cp3 and got suspended for 1st game of the following season.

[–]CelticsCodeName88 19 points20 points  (1 child)

Refs cannot get assigned in the same series to two consecutive games.

[–]Massive_Fudge3066 9 points10 points  (0 children)

So as long as they don't talk amongst themselves or hang out on reddit, DJ should be ok

[–]Celticsyoadapt 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Bro was in complete shock

[–]Spurscaliforneyeyay 4401 points4402 points  (95 children)

Easy suspension

[–]PistonsZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn 1557 points1558 points  (66 children)

Easily, without a doubt.

Also said something to the ref.

[–]CelticsJesseJamesGames449 450 points451 points  (60 children)

im still worried they wont suspend him.. it is the playoffs..

[–]Raptorsdeadmancaulking 665 points666 points  (28 children)

That’s crazy. They’re gonna make an example out of this for sure, playoffs or not

[–]scootscooterson 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Yeah, I remember rondo getting a suspension during a celtics playoff game for something very similar. Not gonna let people casually get away with these actions.

[–]MavericksDanielCampos411 283 points284 points  (13 children)

“Worried” dude the Celtics are the 2 seed they shouldn’t have to be worried about the Hawks.

[–]Warriorsgeorge_costanza1234 126 points127 points  (9 children)

If you’re gonna get suspended, might as well get some jabs and a hook in

[–]PacersThe_Assassin_Gower 52 points53 points  (3 children)

Even at amateur level if you hit a ref you're never playing again. Only a complete moron would complete throw their career away for that

[–]Celticsagent_10 4630 points4631 points  (81 children)

Lmao well I guess we’re not gonna be seeing Dejounte play again until next Fall

[–]San Francisco WarriorsSubcooledBoiling 1413 points1414 points  (17 children)

Dejounte probably booked an early trip to Cancun already

[–][LAL] Kobe BryantDongsquad420BlazeIt 348 points349 points  (5 children)

Cancun on 3

[–]bodhibell02 110 points111 points  (4 children)

1 2 3 CANCUN!!

[–]Celticssi4ci7 16 points17 points  (0 children)

He was expecting the sweep

[–]Warriorsfopiecechicken 564 points565 points  (14 children)

I wonder how he’ll find a way to blame this on Pop and the Spurs

[–]WestAdPotential9974 189 points190 points  (5 children)

Honestly pisses me off so much. What a bum to go on a podcast and talk shit about your former team. And it was all nonsense

[–]LakersClutchxedo 151 points152 points  (2 children)

Let’s not forget that he was like the 29th pick.

He was literally complaining that he had to fight for his minutes like they were holding him down.

[–]CandidShoe 33 points34 points  (0 children)

The Spurs’ PG position was an aging Tony Parker and a rookie they just picked 29th. That rookie has no reason to complain if the team brings in another guy to compete for that spot.

[–]Raptorsnorthernjigby 118 points119 points  (1 child)

Tony Parker should have been courtside ready to hold him back

[–]Spursifuckwithit 186 points187 points  (3 children)

Quick, someone ask Stephen Jackson what he thinks about it

[–][deleted] 103 points104 points  (14 children)

Rulebook says it should be a suspension?

[–]RaptorsKizz3r 2240 points2241 points  (12 children)

Well he’s not playing the rest of the playoffs

[–]Lakersfrozteh 727 points728 points  (10 children)

I mean it was going to be only one more game regardless.

[–]SpursJohnnyWinss 274 points275 points  (2 children)

Yeah that's what he was going for

[–]CelticsRrypl 35 points36 points  (0 children)

Already annoyed by the 6 threes Bogdanovich will hit next game.

[–]Bullsshaqfearsyao 746 points747 points  (4 children)

Maybe he should bump into John Collins after that shit show of a game

[–]LakersBodegaDaddy 126 points127 points  (3 children)

absolute disaster game for him

[–]LakersPlusstwoo 831 points832 points  (8 children)

“Ay ay…You a BITCH!” I know that motion

[–]MagicVenice_The_Menace 245 points246 points  (5 children)

natural disrespecting motion

[–][deleted] 52 points53 points  (0 children)

10000% exact dialogue

[–]NBAYergason 731 points732 points  (6 children)

He must've mistaken him for the delivery man he plays during the summer

[–]Bullsallknowerofknowing 96 points97 points  (5 children)

Surprised he didn't slam the ball into the refs head 5 times real quick

[–]Knicksk112l 81 points82 points  (0 children)

"Derrick White over me?!"

[–]CelticsSuzoku 2905 points2906 points  (105 children)

this guy is such a fool lmao

[–]CelticsLarrysbirds 1918 points1919 points  (86 children)

How did the spurs org make me think this dude was humble lol

[–]PacersShopCartRicky 1518 points1519 points  (35 children)

The best part is all summer all we saw of him was him bouncing the ball off amateurs heads in pro-am events.

[–]Knickssyllabic 445 points446 points  (7 children)

the real plumbers and milkmen

[–]cptDreamboat 64 points65 points  (6 children)

The thought of a modern day milkman is hilarious

[–]CelticsThatguyyoupassby 24 points25 points  (2 children)

They still exist in some form. I grew up near a dairy farm that had a sign up for weekly deliveries. I had neighbors and friends who had a milk truck pull up once a week. Kind of wild, and way more expensive than store bought. Good milk though.

[–]Pistonsgreat-nba-comment 351 points352 points  (7 children)

And then people coming out of the woodworks like “you just don’t understand the competitive nature”

Like nah this dude is a cunt

[–]Cavalierstoggaf69 174 points175 points  (6 children)

A top .01% of their field professional that purposefully embarrasses literal amateurs the way he did is a bully, full stop

[–][deleted] 70 points71 points  (3 children)

Exactly. I didn't really mind his feud with Paolo because competitive friction between pro athletes is natural. But he was bullying amateurs for no reason lol.

[–]Warriorsbigatjoon 190 points191 points  (1 child)

oh jeez i forgot about that. So fuckin classy

[–][SAS] Manu GinobiliMalemansam 103 points104 points  (0 children)


[–]SpursJoseAltuveIsInnocent 502 points503 points  (22 children)

Spurs PR team was really working overtime on this dude lol. I honestly had no idea he was this kind of dude until we traded him.

I still love him, it's just shocking.

[–]SpursSofialovesmonkeys 139 points140 points  (7 children)

DeMar and Rudy really held him together tbh

[–]RaptorsYSLAnunoby 121 points122 points  (5 children)

DeMar is really underrated as a culture setter. I think without him and with Kyle moving on we don't really have that kind of leader on the team, either due to the personalities of the main guys or a guy who I think might be a good leader in the future (Scottie) being only 21

[–]HeatMister_Squibbles 27 points28 points  (0 children)

I think it helps that players cant come in acting “hard” cus demar doesn’t and demar by all of their standards is about as from the mud as it gets. So he sets the precedent by being a chill dude

[–]Celticsjgr79 22 points23 points  (0 children)

For real, DeMar seems like such a wholesome guy. Post game interviews are always respectful. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him even flop, let alone trash talk (maybe he has but it seems rare). He’s one of the few players I hate purely because he torches my team and not because he’s a dick.

[–]Sunsawmaleg 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Popovich is a great coach

[–]WarriorsUcscprickler 23 points24 points  (1 child)

Spurs good at the PR aspect of basketball.

[–]Pistonsmidnightsbane04 67 points68 points  (4 children)

If he was a football player all you would see on here is CTE comments considering the way this dudes personality seemed to publicly flip overnight.

[–][POR] Gary Trent Jr.clubba 9 points10 points  (2 children)

It's the difference being on a team that's super well run where the head coach and top players put the clamps on guys like this. The same thing happened when Antonio Brown left the steelers. Everyone thought he was somewhat normal and then once he got outside the walls it turned out he was a total lunatic that the organization had somehow kept the lid on.

[–]JazzMonkeyfeng 13 points14 points  (0 children)

This guy posts bundles of cash in hands next to his Lamborghini and says "stay humble"

[–]Qtippys 10 points11 points  (0 children)

But didn’t you see him pleading to Matt Barnes and Steven Jackson on All the Smoke that he was a good guy!

[–][deleted] 222 points223 points  (15 children)

Mentally weakest player in the league. Clown had one-way beef in a pickup game with a dude not even in the league yet.

[–][deleted] 95 points96 points  (10 children)

Is Ben Simmons still in the league? Because he’s for sure mentally weaker

[–]SpursDerrickWhiteMVP 1183 points1184 points  (73 children)

Why has he turned into such a douchebag?

[–]LakersNicDwolfwood 1025 points1026 points  (42 children)

Probably has always been one.

Hasn't he said a couple not so favorable things about Pop and the spurs recently?

[–]Spursonamonapizza 1114 points1115 points  (35 children)

He has. Basically said the Spurs stunted his growth because they wouldn't give him the starting job over HOFer Tony Parker, and made him compete for his role with guys like Derrick White (who has been helping the Celtics get to the Finals).

Spurs built Dejounte into what he is today, and I'm glad we traded his sorry ass for a few draft picks because this guy isn't a winner

[–][SAS] El ContusioneUncle_Freddy 698 points699 points  (29 children)

He was mad that the Spurs wouldn’t start him over Parker when he was a rookie.

And then he was also mad that Parker decided to go to Charlotte after being his teammate for two years rather than mentor him while playing 3rd string PG behind Dejounte and Patty.

That whole interview left a bad taste in my mouth, especially because Stephen Jackson already has a bone to pick with the Spurs so he was egging Dejounte on into saying some pretty disappointing things, from a Spurs fan’s perspective

[–][deleted] 305 points306 points  (14 children)

That dude has a bone to pick with every human being on earth

[–]streamzfrequency 205 points206 points  (2 children)

Stephen Jackson is a blockhead

[–]BullsNoGas9518 111 points112 points  (1 child)

And an antisemitic douche bag

[–]Celticsgagakaba 106 points107 points  (2 children)

It's unfortunate he's Matt Barnes podcast partner. I enjoy Matt's style of interview but whenever Jackson chimes in I always cringe.

[–]PacersOdd_Caterpillar9961 92 points93 points  (1 child)

I remember watching a clip where Paul Pierce was opening up about the trauma he dealt with after being stabbed and Stephen Jackson just killed the entire flow by going on about how celebrities get labelled sellouts or something completely irrelevant to the deep convo they had going ruined a super interesting and important moment for paul

[–][ATL] Rasheed Wallaceavatarhzh 33 points34 points  (0 children)

Motherfucker was literally trying to not fall asleep when they had Jeremy Lin on.

[–]CelticsNardP12 77 points78 points  (3 children)

Maybe he really is a douche from day 1, Pop just got him in check.

[–]InfiniteFireLoL 133 points134 points  (7 children)

That summer games showed a lot about his real personality

[–]Ralphieman 30 points31 points  (1 child)

Yeah I've thought about that game vs Paolo a few times in this series, I didn't really know much about his personality until that video of him being an asshole to the rookie.

[–]Bullscalculung 29 points30 points  (1 child)

Anyone who capitalizes the first letter of every word they type is clearly a douchebag.

It's been clear all along.

[–]Spursmonochromaticx 22 points23 points  (2 children)

Always was but didnt dare to do this shit under Pop.

[–]WarriorsUcscprickler 34 points35 points  (2 children)

Probably the reason the Spurs got rid of him.

[–]KingsChoiceStar1 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Dude always was - you should see him play against amateurs… he’s a prick

[–]RaptorsPhenomenal2313 325 points326 points  (9 children)

Dejounte has been acting like this ever since he left SA

Was pissed he has Parker’s backup , probably also pissed he had to compete with Derrick White

Did not help he was under DeMar’s shadow for like 2 years , probably pissed him off too

[–]KnicksSaucy_Totchie 104 points105 points  (1 child)

Murray was pissed to be Parker's backup despite being a rookie but then also mad Parker left instead of mentoring him lol. Dude is a clown.

[–]Spurskanyeguisada 76 points77 points  (5 children)

Good riddance, and thanks for the 3 first-rounders, Hawks.

[–][BOS] Larry BirdWes_Bugg 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Imagine being mad being the backup to an NBA legend who played for one of the most dominate teams ever assembled lol.

Like that’s a dream scenario for any rook

[–]raymondl942 59 points60 points  (0 children)

That’s a paddling

[–]unclehelpful 501 points502 points  (3 children)

This isn’t summer league anymore Mr. Murray, you can mean mug and bump teenagers at pro-ams but you can’t do it to NBA referees.

[–]NBAspidersilva09 144 points145 points  (1 child)

Can't wait for Paolo to baptize him at some point

[–]CelticsItsOnlyRedBased 410 points411 points  (15 children)

After how he acted with Paolo...Dejounte has really come across like a fucking psycho.

Popovich is the NBA's Mike Tomlin...really be keeping the crazy under wraps.

[–]TimberwolvesOnePieceAce 109 points110 points  (13 children)

He'll be suspended for that

[–]FreddyMartian 9 points10 points  (11 children)

so did the ref not do anything because it was the end of the game and knew what the repercussions were of doing that? That stare-down was like he just immediately knew what was going to happen within the next 24 hours.

[–]San Francisco WarriorsSubcooledBoiling 261 points262 points  (8 children)

Inb4 one game suspension

[–]PositionOk8409 66 points67 points  (3 children)

Will be more. You open up the floodgates by allowing players to approach refs like this.

I guarantee Draymond will headbutt a ref next season if this only one game suspension.

[–][DAL] Fat LeverJeremyJammDDS 200 points201 points  (16 children)

Yeah, that’s a suspension. Gentleman’s sweep guaranteed.

[–]76ersFroggedDude 39 points40 points  (0 children)

I don’t think Atlanta was taking a game in Boston even if they had three Murrays lol

[–]Pacers BandwagonZigxy 42 points43 points  (4 children)

The other guy got downvoted pretty hard, but I was also under the impression that a Gentleman's Sweep required:

  • Homecourt advantage

  • Go up 3-0

  • Take the foot off the gas in Game 4

  • Win on their own court on Game 5

[–]76ersdumb_commenter 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Ugh cmon Murray

[–][NOL] Brandon IngramWelbeckStoleMyHeart 28 points29 points  (5 children)

Why is he always angry at everything and everyone

[–]GrizzliesPrayforPingPongBalls 52 points53 points  (2 children)

How did the Spurs make this guy seem so put together jeez.

[–]SpursZenThrashing 35 points36 points  (0 children)

we held him to a standard.

[–]Spursjohnny__ 73 points74 points  (0 children)

Enjoy your suspension dumbass

[–]KnicksOdysseus_Lannister 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Lmao what an idiot

[–]PistonsLocustUprising 35 points36 points  (0 children)

same guy who likes bullying pro-am players

[–][IND] Danny GrangerHendo8888 782 points783 points  (79 children)

Dejounte is up there with Ja and Harrell as biggest fake tough guys in the league

[–]HeatMaydietoday 148 points149 points  (3 children)

His background is wild, he’s more irrational hothead than fake tough guy.

[–]SpursGGezpzMuppy 115 points116 points  (2 children)

Bro be fighting with Derrick White and Pop, the nice guys LOL

And then going off on Banchero in pick up games lol

[–]PistonsKoloHickory 32 points33 points  (0 children)

Only fights with people who won't fight back physically lol

[–]joejoebaggins 355 points356 points  (39 children)

What would a real tough guy do in this situation? Power bomb the ref or something?

[–]CelticsItsOnlyRedBased 258 points259 points  (18 children)

Real tough guys wouldn't take this out on refs.

[–]PacersShopCartRicky 110 points111 points  (5 children)

Razor's Edge or I'm going home.

[–]wallybuddabingbang 35 points36 points  (0 children)

Write compelling poetry.

[–][LAL] Kobe BryantChampagnesoda 97 points98 points  (10 children)

I don’t know anything about harrells background but Murray is legitimately like that lol.

He was in Juvie, hanging around the wrong people, and credits moving away as the biggest reason he didn’t end up in prison.

He can be corny as hell but he ain’t sweet

[–]PrinceKarmaa 77 points78 points  (5 children)

i would not put dejounte in the same category as ja and harrell . call him corny sure but fake tough guy idk bout that

[–]HawksHouse_of_Borbon 42 points43 points  (1 child)

“Fake tough guy” has to be this sub’s new favorite buzzwords.

[–]YpsitheFlintsider 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Where'd you get the idea that he thinks he's a tough guy

[–]Celticsbryscoon 59 points60 points  (0 children)

Dejonute actually is he just corny at times lol

[–]Warriorscheerioo 15 points16 points  (1 child)

What is a real tough guy tho?

[–]AcanthisittaGrand943 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Someone who punches people?

Idk this sub anymore. They makeup shit.

[–]Celticssupersickx3 256 points257 points  (22 children)

Suspend his ass. They suspended Rondo years ago for bumping a ref in a playoff game. Now he won’t be able to stat pad at the end of games anymore.

[–]ForeingRedditor 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Wtf is wrong with this kid man

[–][BOS] Paul Piercepoeope 294 points295 points  (46 children)

It's fine league not doing anything

[–]NBAYergason 150 points151 points  (30 children)

Ref contact is a fine right

[–]Celticscimmanonrolls 222 points223 points  (19 children)

grant lightly bumped a ref early this season and got ejected and suspended a game, so we'll see

[–]Celticshurricanehershel 39 points40 points  (10 children)

Link for the uninitiated: https://youtu.be/1mFVeeXlTQQ

[–]Netsholygrail22 42 points43 points  (1 child)

If Williams was suspended a game for this which was clearly unintentional, I could see Murray suspended for several games because of the intent and even intimidation

[–]RaptorsYSLAnunoby 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Pretty wild they didn't take intent into account for that situation

[–]Celticslargehearted 34 points35 points  (0 children)

Suspension in strict language

[–][deleted] 15 points16 points  (0 children)


[–]76ersmxnoob983 104 points105 points  (8 children)

They should. You absolutely cannot allow referee intimidation like this

[–]76ersnugcityharambe 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I'm sorry dejounte is a certified dumbass

[–]Cavaliers BandwagonOaty_McOatface 12 points13 points  (0 children)

He didn't just bump into the referee, he bumps and stares him down.

[–]rubengarcia_pkm 114 points115 points  (3 children)

as a spurs fan, can’t wait for the draft lottery

[–]Kapolei_Scorpio09 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Damn after hearing the comments he made about Tony Parker in January and seeing this video all I can say as a Spurs fan is good riddance.

[–]CelticsJesseJamesGames449 36 points37 points  (2 children)

Thats gotta be a suspention.

[–]WarriorsMoody_GenX 27 points28 points  (0 children)

Definitely getting suspended for that.

[–]YokoShimomuraFanatic 6 points7 points  (1 child)

I’ve seen people argue Pop couldn’t do what Phil did because he couldn’t handle tough personalities, but then you see dudes like Dejounte who were essentially a saint under his watch.

[–]WarriorsShadowCrusader98 8 points9 points  (0 children)

The ref wanted to eject him from the game then realized the game is over, what an idiot Murray is lol

[–][BOS] Marcus SmartAnklesock 7 points8 points  (0 children)

He's mad that he talked his shit about D White and now is being sent home by him.

[–]CelticsNardP12 80 points81 points  (8 children)

I apologize for the disgusting acts he's showing after he got out from our org

[–]CelticsJesseJamesGames449 111 points112 points  (5 children)

spurs so classy they taking the blame for guys they got rid of. Respect.

[–]SupersonicsEmergencyLavishness1 18 points19 points  (8 children)

His accountant is on the phone right now calling him a dickhead.

Yknow how much that’s going to cost you? Could have put one of my kids through college

[–]Hawksdowntimeredditor 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Yeah, you don't touch officials

Book a ticket to Cabo Dejounte. Your season is over.

[–]Lakersleebrown23 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Non-basketball action and conduct unbecoming. A suspension maybe.

[–]Warriorshype_beest 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Murray is the same little shithead that was taunting plumbers and electricians at the local gym during the off season. He's a real ahole.

[–]CelticsTheCorruptApostle 7 points8 points  (2 children)

Dude is such a fucking clown.

[–]Timberwolveshackthisnsa 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I don't think you're allowed to do that

[–]rubthemtogether 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Murray really ascending the Asshole Ladder

[–]Celticsyoungkenya 8 points9 points  (0 children)

What was he even upset about? I don’t remember any particularly bad/missed calls

[–]RaptorsRamadanSteve311 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Yeah… you can’t do that

[–]TimberwolvesPlsNoSnipMe 13 points14 points  (0 children)

He’s always doing some bitch shit then goes on to talk about his upbringing and being humble and I’m like….who’s buying this shit. Dudes an asshole

[–]Warriorskirobz 13 points14 points  (0 children)

That’s a suspension if I ever seen one. I’m in the mind that as long as it’s not physical, it’s ok. Bumping on an official at the end of game is just stupid.