PLM government of masa
Partido Lakas ng Masa — There is an urgent need to put forward a socialist and feminist perspective today given the multiple crises of capitalism that plague society and pose existential threats on several fronts.
Ammar Ali Jan
Ammar Ali Jan discusses Pakistan's recent elections, the role Imran Khan and his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party play in Pakistani politics, and his campaign as the Haqooq-e-Khalq Party’s first election candidate.
Dipankar Bhattacharya outlines how fascism in India has found an ideological and strategic role model in Israel, while Ananya Wilson-Bhattacharya notes that by refusing to load Israeli weapons, Indian workers are rebuking the colonial ideologies of Zionism and Hindu nationalism.
Hafsa Kanjwal delves into the complexities of India’s settler-colonial politics in Kashmir and illuminates the similarities and differences between India’s, Israel's and Russia’s long projects of occupation of Kashmir, Palestine and Ukraine, respectively.
European parliamentary candidate Fabrice Leggeri and MP Edwige Diaz during a meeting to launch the RN’s campaign for the upcoming European elections in Marseille on March 3, 2024.
David Broder — With ex-Frontex chief Fabrice Leggeri running for the Rassemblement National in the EU elections, boundaries between mainstream institutional politics and the far right seem ever more blurred.
Santiago Abascal and Tucker Carlson
Nora Rodríguez & Miquel Ramos — After its poor results in the last general elections in Spain, Vox has embarked on a new international tour in a bid to reassure its partners.
Battle of Vinegar Hill
Duroyan Fertl — Australia’s Battle of Vinegar Hill shook the colony to its core: a reaction that can only be understood in the context of the years immediately preceding it, both in Sydney, and in Ireland.
Palestine protest
The war in Gaza continues, with its procession of horrors, but also with significant resistance in Palestine. Gilbert Achcar addresses this situation and the avenues for building solidarity against Israel and its accomplices, the far right and imperialism.
Russian tank
Two years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Pete Cannell discusses the shifting ground of economic and geopolitical rivalry and the need for international solidarity in building resistance to imperialism and militarism.
Boris Kagarlitsky
Frank Hansen — It is no coincidence that just three days before Navalny’s death, Russian leftist Boris Kagarlitsky had his sentence for opposing the Ukraine war increased from a fine to five years in a penal colony.
YPF hiking
Berivan Amuda — What sets the Rojava Revolution apart is that it has truly been based on a struggle centering women’s liberation and society’s change towards an ethical and political society.
Communist Manifesto
Raju J Das — ‘The Communist Manifesto’ is a call to revolutionary action. It is important to return to the text now when a large number of people around the world support the idea of socialism and are critical of capitalism.