
Cat Vaccines Overdue. Should I be worried? by LaminatedMoney in CatAdvice

[–]ThisAltDoesNotExist 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Their immunity wanes gradually. It doesn't evaporate on a set date. You'll all be fine.

Ukraine's ambassador lashes out at Elon Musk's peace proposal, telling him to "fuck off" and saying no Ukrainian will buy his "Tesla crap" by AlexCoventry in UkrainianConflict

[–]ThisAltDoesNotExist 153 points154 points  (0 children)

It is also not true about Crimea. Crimea was only Russia in the sense that all of Ukraine was. It was long run as part of an oblast with parts of what is today Kherson oblast. Crimea was never treated as separate from Ukraine until the Soviets thought they might lose it in the civil war so separated the Soviet Republic of Crimea from the Soviet republic of Ukraine. Then later undid that because they didn't lose Ukraine after all.

The actual history is a precedent that Russia will try to pretend Crimea is distinct from Ukraine whenever they think they will lose Ukraine and so at least try to hang onto Crimea.

This is like saying Belfast has never been a part of Ireland because Ireland used to be part of Britain.

So distorted as to be dishonest.

Only worse, because imagine Belfast was part of a united independent Ireland for 23 years and then captured by military force only for the claim to be advanced it has never been part Ireland.

It is more like if Britain invaded Donegal and brought up obscure historical events out of context to pretend that Ireland has never been Irish.

Total bullshit.

Premium bonds - totally bizarre by britboy4321 in UKPersonalFinance

[–]ThisAltDoesNotExist 0 points1 point  (0 children)

He should invest it but safely in a savings bond other some other instrument that never goes down. He accept that some mysterious benefactor is gifting him substantial savings but not trust that the money is his to spend.

This way he can keep the £5k a month coming and ensure that if it is demanded he can borrow against a secure asset, pay back the loan with maturity and not have too big a cost to pay. But if it is never demanded because secret uncle money bags is helping him out, he can essentially accept and invest more than 50k.

He may want to speak to a lawyer to understand if there is any kind of time period beyond which he can use it to buy a house etc.

is Credit Suisse the new Lehmann brothers?? by dsirdah in stocks

[–]ThisAltDoesNotExist 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You are saying you don't know.
OK, it might be possible we are all unaware of a massive vulnerability.

But a lot of others are claiming they do know it will all come crashing down but can't explain how.

is Credit Suisse the new Lehmann brothers?? by dsirdah in stocks

[–]ThisAltDoesNotExist 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Here in the UK the HR director of Northern Rock was shagging the marketing director who then became CEO and convinced him her great idea for 95% mortgages, loans and credit cards amounting to a 120% mortgage was a great idea.

That's the product that broke the bank.

is Credit Suisse the new Lehmann brothers?? by dsirdah in stocks

[–]ThisAltDoesNotExist -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

You are right it wasn't obvious, to everyone not looking but those aware of the problem knew that a real estate crash was coming and that a ridiculous amount of counterparty risk was exposed to that.

I don't know of any reason why CS will bring it all down.

is Credit Suisse the new Lehmann brothers?? by dsirdah in stocks

[–]ThisAltDoesNotExist 2 points3 points  (0 children)

OK, show me some data comparing now to 2007/8 and explain how I am wrong.

Truss cuts go bust; the UK steps away from the edge of fiscal disaster with policy reversal by AP9384629344432 in stocks

[–]ThisAltDoesNotExist 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Latest scandal is the dirty bastards told their mates about their plans and were egged on by their mates as they established short positions.

Some rich fuckers got richer.

is Credit Suisse the new Lehmann brothers?? by dsirdah in stocks

[–]ThisAltDoesNotExist 42 points43 points  (0 children)

Which is kind of like an orderly unwinding where the counterparties take haircuts but the whole world doesn't catch fire.

The critical thing in 2008 was that a massive shadowbanking system was overleveraged and dependent on meth heads in Florida being able to afford their McMansions.

They could not.

So the losses took down a whole house of cards and threatened the supply of normal finance to regular profitable economic activities.

Without intervention all the banks would have gone under and the ATMs would have stopped issuing money. Successful business wouldn't have been able to make payroll.

Of course the governments of the world intervened. But now far less is at stake and less intervention will occur. It will limited and sector specific and intended to prevent certain sectors going under due to fear...

But the whole global economy is not teetering on the brink.

What do you guys interpret the lyrics of “ I want to stay at your house “ to mean. by UnbrandedPants in Edgerunners

[–]ThisAltDoesNotExist 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's by Rosa Walton and she had a break up she wrote songs about. I think the lyrics are about missing an on-again-off-again partner during the off again period as they circle back around to on.

The lyrics about being impatient for them to come clean out cupboards, but now you are leaving with nothing but a sign (of her interest in getting back together) all speak to this. There's a party tonight, do you want to go? What's your point of view? Etc.

She's basically propositioning them to reverse the break up even though many of the reasons for it still stand and much that was said still hurts.

But she really wants to stay at [their] house.

About that final song by 1mn0tacop in Edgerunners

[–]ThisAltDoesNotExist 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The interview mentions how Jenny and Rosa started writing separately. IRWTSAYH is Rosa's song and probably about the break up mentioned in the interview.

The association with death is due to the story in edgerunners and doesn't actually fit with the lyrics. I don't think it is actually about death.

Would you expect a ‘pulled pork burger’ to have a beef Pattie with pulled pork on top, or just pulled pork in a bun with no beef Pattie? by Fredmarklar in AskUK

[–]ThisAltDoesNotExist 0 points1 point  (0 children)

And I on the other hand have literally never seen what you are describing and would be livid if I ordered pulled pork and got beef.

meirl by Aztery in meirl

[–]ThisAltDoesNotExist 10 points11 points  (0 children)

What every sub becomes eventually. Shit that got engagement on twitter

Are value buys beginning to appear? by Sea-Ingenuity-9508 in investing

[–]ThisAltDoesNotExist 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I believe they already were and are only getting better. MSFT, GOOG, many others besides no doubt.

Moors Murders victim found? 58 years after the disappearance. by Dadmatic6000 in manchester

[–]ThisAltDoesNotExist 40 points41 points  (0 children)

Greater Manchester Police's Martin Bottomley said: "We were contacted by the representative of an author who has been researching the murder of Keith Bennett, a victim of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley.

"Following direct contact with the author, we were informed that he had discovered what he believes are potential human remains in a remote location on the Moors and he agreed to meet with officers yesterday afternoon to elaborate on his find and direct us to a site of interest.

I hope this is not a hoax but the article goes on to quote people who claim to have seen unmistakably human teeth and jawbone.

Researchers: Obesity is primarily a neurodevelopmental disease affecting the human brain's hypothalamic arcuate nucleus by TurretLauncher in science

[–]ThisAltDoesNotExist -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Of course they do. BMR can only reduce so far without harm and harm will occur if people are starved. They will also devote all of their energies to getting food and what happens after the calorie restriction ends?

It is trivial to say, "we can starve someone thin" and ignore the well documented fact it doesn't keep them thin. Or that a mild calorie restriction doesn't do anything. Or that based on calories most westerners should be the size of buses but oddly have extremely elevated BMRs.

This isn't the gotcha you think it. You are just fixating on the simplest part of the equation and ignoring everything else that means your solution doesn't actually work and another one does.

A better diet puts the body to work at shedding fat and reducing appetite in the way a smaller diet does just the opposite.

Researchers: Obesity is primarily a neurodevelopmental disease affecting the human brain's hypothalamic arcuate nucleus by TurretLauncher in science

[–]ThisAltDoesNotExist -1 points0 points  (0 children)

This is the whole problem. You have an almost religious insistence that BMR is fixed and only "spending calories on exercise" can reduce the amount of energy stored as fat.

On the one hand 20 years of biomedical research into appetite, obesity and metabolism.

On the other you saying "nu-uh, I believe really hard.

Do you know what sub you are in?

Researchers: Obesity is primarily a neurodevelopmental disease affecting the human brain's hypothalamic arcuate nucleus by TurretLauncher in science

[–]ThisAltDoesNotExist 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You used the word extreme, then disagreed with me using it.

Your BMR can fluctuate a great deal over time. I am not confident you ever measured it even roughly right without a lab.

Which is fine, you don't need to, but that does undercut the assertion that you were exercising in excess of it. You may have been, but I don't think anyone knows.