NPI's Cascadia Advocate

Offering commentary and analysis from Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, The Cascadia Advocate is the Northwest Progressive Institute's uplifting perspective on world, national, and local politics.

Monthly Archives: September 2019

Tim “Chairman” Eyman hearts militant extremist Matt Shea: “You’re awesome!”

Excerpt: Read a transcript and listen to audio of the disgraced initiative promoter's appearance on Shea's podcast, "Patriot Radio".
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Open Government, Policy Topics
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It’s Rosh Hashanah 5780! Shanah tovah (שנה טובה) from the team at NPI

Excerpt: If you are observing Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, which began this evening at nightfall, please accept best wishes from all of us at the Northwest Progressive Institute. We hope the new year is a sweet one for you!
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Last Week In Congress: How Cascadia’s U.S. lawmakers voted (September 23rd-27th)

Excerpt: The week's major votes included a stopgap budget bill, another pair of votes opposing Trump's fake emergency declaration, and in the House, legislation to protect migrant families.
Written by:Voterama in Congress
Categories:Legislative Advocacy, Series & Special Reports
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Documentary Review: “Raise Hell” is a fun and inspiring portrait of journalist Molly Ivins

Excerpt: Read NPI's review of the 2019 documentary film that tells the story of Texas' best known columnist and advocacy journalist.
Written by:Theresa Curry Almuti
Categories:Media & Culture, Views & Reviews
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Seattle Times shreds Tim Eyman’s I‑976 with a powerful editorial urging a NO vote

Excerpt: Kudos to the Seattle Times for taking an emphatic stand against Eyman's scheme to destroy multimodal transportation funding.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Keep Washington Rolling goes up on the air with its first NO on I‑976 television ads

Excerpt: Are you a Washingtonian? Learn why you should vote NO on Tim Eyman's Initiative 976 by November 5th, 2019.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Impeachment moves forward as Speaker Nancy Pelosi solemnly backs official inquiry

Excerpt: Impeachment is moving forward with the public backing of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, over the objections of furious Republicans.
Written by:Ruairi Vaughan
Categories:Open Government, Policy Topics
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Safety first: Alaskan Way Viaduct has been demolished and a NO on I‑912 promise kept

Excerpt: With the viaduct gone, Seattle's waterfront is no longer at risk of being ruined by a collapsed elevated highway.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Policy Topics, Public Planning
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Washington State Republican Party claims it’s “thriving,” but that’s not what the data shows

Excerpt: State Republican Chair Caleb Heimlich says that Seattle Times columnist Danny Westneat isn't being fair to the party. NPI's founder debunks that allegation.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Elections, Party Politics
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NO on Tim Eyman’s I‑976 kicks off campaign home stretch in Spokane, Vancouver, Seattle

Excerpt: The effort to put a stop to the disgraced initiative promoter's latest awful scheme is shifting into high gear as November 5th approaches.
Written by:Bobby Aiyer
Categories:Elections, Policy Topics, Public Planning
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Unhappy pals of Tim Eyman sue for breach of contract after getting conned themselves

Excerpt: They've filed a lawsuit against proponents of Initiative 1000 (Washington's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Act) alleging breach of contract.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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How did the leading Democratic presidential candidates fare in the third 2020 debate?

Excerpt: NPI's Presidential Electoral Analyst takes a look at Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders' performances in the Houston debate.
Written by:Ruairi Vaughan
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Behold, the Eymallot… a general election ballot packed full of Tim Eyman’s push polls

Excerpt: View the design/layout of this year's general election ballot for King County, Washington State, which has no room for local races on the front.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Something wicked this way comes: Meet the terrible trio the right wing is bringing to town

Excerpt: Scott Walker. Laura Ingraham. Jeanine Pirro. These are the people who will headline a series of upcoming "Annual Dinners" for Republicans and right wing groups in Washington State.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
Categories:Party Politics
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