NPI's Cascadia Advocate

Offering commentary and analysis from Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, The Cascadia Advocate is the Northwest Progressive Institute's uplifting perspective on world, national, and local politics.

Tag Archives: WA-Gov

Loren Culp backs Semi Bird for governor, calls frontrunner Dave Reichert “a looney liberal”

Excerpt: Culp, who used to be employed by Republic as a policeman, denounced Reichert in a post on Twitter, writing: "DNA caught the green river killer, don't believe the hype. Reichert voted like a looney liberal in Congress."
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Sorry, Semi Bird: Data shows that Dave Reichert is the leading Republican candidate in Washington’s 2024 gubernatorial contest

Excerpt: The former Republican congressman is well positioned to advance to the November 2024 general election along with Attorney General Bob Ferguson, with a robust lead in NPI's early gubernatorial polling.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Semi Bird offers hilariously incoherent response to NPI’s new gubernatorial polling

Excerpt: In a lengthy, hilariously incoherent post on Twitter, Bird struggled to respond to the numbers that show his campaign is not gaining momentum, vacillating from denouncing it to looking for a silver lining in the data.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Dave Reichert slightly ahead of Bob Ferguson in 2024 WA gubernatorial race, NPI poll finds

Excerpt: 46% of 700 likely 2024 Washington State voters surveyed in mid-November for the Northwest Progressive Institute said they'd vote for Republican Dave Reichert if the election were being held today, while 44% said they would vote for Bob Ferguson. 9% were not sure.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Hilary Franz exits gubernatorial contest to run for Congress in WA-06, with Kilmer’s support

Excerpt: The two-term Commissioner of Public Lands is now running to succeed outgoing United States Representative Derek Kilmer in the 6th Congressional District.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Bob Ferguson drops the “exploratory” label from his 2024 gubernatorial campaign

Excerpt: At a star-studded rally in Seattle, the third of three September 9th kickoff events, the Attorney General showcased new endorsements from King County Executive Dow Constantine and Governor Jay Inslee.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Republicans in Washington State cannot just ignore King County and expect to win

Excerpt: Republican candidates can win statewide, but that means they need to appeal to voters in King County, because, despite new party chairman Jim Walsh's claims, there just are not enough votes in Eastern Washington to overturn King County’s whims.
Written by:McCauley Pugh
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Jim Walsh elected to take over as Chair of the Washington State Republican Party

Excerpt: Walsh feels that under his leadership, Republicans can end this losing streak in 2024. "We can win. We will win. We will improve the lives of people in this state," he said during a speech witnessed by The Standard's Jerry Cornfield. 
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Here’s who’s running for statewide executive office so far in Washington next year

Excerpt: In 2024, Evergreen State voters will have the responsibility of deciding who sits in the state's executive department, which consists of nine positions, all elected statewide for four-year terms.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Dave Reichert is back in the electoral arena. His gubernatorial bid could be a tough slog.

Excerpt: The Republican frontrunner is in a vise. He faces the hard right in his own party, and a Democratic-trending state electorate which has not put a Republican in the governor’s mansion since 1980.
Written by:Joel Connelly
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Raul Garcia exits gubernatorial race in favor of Dave Reichert, will run for U.S. Senate

Excerpt: ”I think it would be fiscally irresponsible… for all my donors and for all of Dave’s donors for that matter to get in a 12-round heavyweight dog fight with him… when we share so many ideals and so many values of the same,” Garcia said in remarks broadcast by KING5.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Dave Reichert files declaration of candidacy with the Public Disclosure Commission

Excerpt: Reichert's personal website has yet to be updated to say he's running for governor, but some sort of formal launch is clearly imminent, and will probably occur after the long Fourth of July weekend.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Is Dave Reichert getting ready to run for governor in 2024? It sure looks that way

Excerpt: Former United States Representative and King County Sheriff Dave Reichert, a Republican, appears to be on the verge of joining the increasingly crowded field of candidates running for Governor of Washington State next year, if recent statements from Republican state legislators are any indication.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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Attorney General Bob Ferguson leads 2024 WA gubernatorial field, new NPI poll confirms

Excerpt: 25% of 773 respondents interviewed June 7th and 8th for NPI said that they preferred Ferguson for Governor. 17% said they favored Republican Raul Garcia. 10% say they'd vote for ultra MAGA Republican Semi Bird. 9% said they preferred another Democratic contender: Hilary Franz, the current Commissioner of Public Lands. Another 7% back a third Democratic candidate, State Senator Mark Mullet. 33% were not sure.
Written by:Andrew Villeneuve
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