2023 Acclaimed Film Festival Selections

Culture In Dmytro Sukholytkyy-Sobchuk’s film, sculptors in western Ukraine who used to make religious statues retrain to fight the Russian invasion.
Culture In a short documentary by Philipp Schaeffer, three outgoing kids share the surreal worlds they’ve created.
Humor In Thanasis Neofotistos’s short film, a flight attendant tries to keep it together as her new set of braces and a devastating secret threaten to unravel her.
Culture In an unconventional effort to save tortoises from extinction, a biologist wages a high-tech war against ravens in the Mojave, as shown in a documentary short by Josh Izenberg and Brett Marty.
Humor Thea and Charlie’s neighbor has sex around the clock—that is, until they overhear his messy breakup, in a short film by Mike Donahue.
Culture In an effort to better understand their relationship, the director Ash Goh Hua and her mother discuss their estrangement over the phone.
Culture In the animated short documentary “Dear Max,” Alex Kahn weighs the Jewish tradition of a bris ceremony against his concerns as a parent.
Culture After his mother begins needing long-term care, a wild rock musician takes his performances to facilities like hers, in a short documentary by Billy Miossi.