J.P. Sipilä Plus


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”Videopoetry is a genre of poetry displayed on a screen, distinguished by its time-based, poetic juxtaposition of text with images and sound. In the measured blending of these 3 elements, it produces in the viewer the realization of a poetic experience.”

J.P. Sipilä (b.1981) is a Finnish video artist and poet. He is part of the generation of Finnish poets, the likes of Teemu Manninen, Mikael Brygger, Miia Toivio, Marko Niemi, Karri Kokko and Henriikka Tavi, who expand the poetic experience just by being open-minded to different ways to work with text and poetics.

In his works Sipilä is looking for new and different views and ways to approach poetry on screen, whether this means re-thinking the relationship of image, sound and text or the possibilities of different poetic spaces. It’s very common that his works create multiple ways to ”see” poetry.

At the moment Sipilä is working with a videopoem installation entitled Sleight of Tree.

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  1. Nissmah Roshdy
  2. onophon
  3. workgroup kuuma ankanpoikanen
  4. Eduardo Yagüe
  5. Diego Agulló
  6. Scott Foley
  7. Vincent Moon / Petites Planètes
  8. Philip Bloom
  9. Dave Bonta
  10. Alastair Cook
  11. Anikó Kuikka
  12. Melissa Diem
  13. Baran Tokmakoglu
  14. eduardo menéndez madina
  15. DOCtorCLIP
  16. Sunbird Films
  17. Charles Olsen
  18. Martin Karlsson

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