Dave Bonta Plus

Plummer's Hollow, Pennsylvania

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User Bio

I'm an amateur filmmaker with an interest in videopoetry. I curate a website devoted to the genre called Moving Poems, movingpoems.com — check out Moving Poems productions here @ vimeo.com/channels/819723

Videos for my own poems, by myself and others, are on the Plummer's Hollow Poet channel, vimeo.com/channels/davebonta

I also sometimes shoot brief wildlife films and other stuff to illustrate my main blog, Via Negativa: vianegativa.us

For more about me, see davebonta.com

External Links


  1. Elisha Holmes
  2. merziliv
  3. Media Poetry Studio
  4. David Campos
  5. Sasha_Sash
  6. brigitta falkner
  7. The Poetry Movement
  8. Luana Di Pasquale
  9. CypherAudio
  10. Kathleen Kelley
  11. jot Reyes
  12. Zachary Schomburg
  13. DeanPasch
  14. Daniele de Lima
  15. Celia Qu
  16. Cindy St. Onge
  17. Bernadette/Capture
  18. Fujiwara Dance Inventions

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