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John Young Architect



2023-041.htm    Douglas Valentine CIA Capers Archive, November 10, 2023


2023-040.pdf     Douglas Valentine Sues CIA for PHOENIX Documents, October 14, 2023


2023-039.wav    CIA Director William Colby Comments on MKULTRA Drug Interrogation Operation 3, September 30, 2023 (133MB)
2023-038.wav    CIA Director William Colby Comments on MKULTRA Drug Interrogation Operation 2, September 30, 2023 (321MB)
2023-037.wav    CIA Director William Colby Comments on MKULTRA Drug Interrogation Operation 1, September 30, 2023 (327MB)

AUGUST 2023 

2023-036.pdf    Letter to Judge Hilton on Cryptome Closing Until Assange Is Freed, August 31, 2023
2023-035.htm    Cryptome Closed Until Assange Is Freed, August 20, 2023
2023-034.pdf    Georgia v.Trump et al Indictments, August 15, 2023 (98 pages, 24 MB)
2023-033.htm    The NSA Hack of Syrian Lawful Intercept (LI), August 11, 2023
2023-032.htm    US Investments in NatSec of Countries of Concern, August 9, 2023

JULY 2023 

2023-031.pdf    President's Intelligence Advisory Board (PIAB) and Intelligence Ovesight Board (IOB) Review of FISA Section 702 and Recommendations for Reauthorization, July 31, 2023 (94MB)    Oppenheimer Hearing Transcripts, July 23, 2022 (353MB)
2023-029.htm    Offsite: Liechtenstein, The Vatican & Rene Brulhart, July 19, 2023
2023-028.htm    Offsite: Where On Earth Is Frank Schneider?, July 19, 2023    Adjaye's 130 William Street, NYC, Full A/E Construction Dawings, July 9, 2023 (435 pages, 430MB)
2023-026.pdf    Assange High Court Appeal, July 7, 2023 (947KB)

JUNE 2023   

2023-025.pdf    Mirror Ellsberg Halperin Taiwan Straits Crisis, June 21, 2023 (691 pages, 850MB) 
2023-024.pdf    Mirror Ellsberg Offshore Islands Crisis, June 21,2023 (75MB)
2023-023.pdf    Mirror Ellsberg Taiwan Quemoy Crisis, June 21,2023 (1.3MB)
2023-022.pdf    Mirror Ellsberg BNSP, June 21, 2023 (36MB)

2023-021.pdf    Daniel Ellsberg Released Top Secret Nuclear War Document, June 19, 2023 (3.7MB)
2023-032.htm    Cryptome Classified Documents Index - Part 1 2016-2023
2023-031.pdf    Request to Judge Cannon to Add Cryptome as Co-Defendant to Prosecution of Donald J. Trump, June 13, 2023
2023-030.pdf    Shin Bet Has a Killer (You are being lied to), June 11, 2023 (in Hebrew)
2023-029.pdf    Trump Indictment Docket and Filings 2023-0609, June 9, 2023 (60 pages, 3.7MB)

MAY 2023    Gilder Center, AMNH, Studio Gang, DOB Filing, AR/ST/M/PL 2018, May 21, 2023 (329 Sheets, 239MB)
2023-027.pdf    Request to Judge Hennessy to Add Cryptome as Co-Defendant to Complaints of Jack Teixeira, May 19, 2023    Robert Birchum, USAF Officer, Pleads Guilty to Retaining NSA TOP SECRET/SCI Documents, May 18, 2023 (74MB)

APRIL 2023

2023-025.pdf    Jack Teixeira Opposition to Supplemental Motion for Detention, Apri 27, 2023 (89 pages, 28MB)    Jack Teixeira Opposition to Supplemental Motion for Detention, Apri 27, 2023 (89 pages, 28MB)

2023-023.pdf    Jack Teixeira Supplemental Motion for Detention, Apri 27, 2023 (48 pages, 6MB)
2023-022.pdf    Nuclear Secrets Daniel Ellsberg Never Leaked, April 20, 2023
2023-021.pdf    Jack Teixeira Court Filings 001-008, April 16, 2023 (3MB)    Leaked Classified Documents, April 16, 2023 (Updated with 4chan/4chan-2/CN-47/WaPo, 53MB)
2023-019.pdf    Cryptome Submits 3rd Request to Judge Hilton/DoJ on Assange Prosecution, April 10, 2023

MARCH 2023     NYC's "Leaning Tower" Construction Drawings, March 24, 2023 (436B)
2023-017.pdf     Ho Wan Kwok (Miles Guo) Indictment Unsealed, March 16, 2023
2023-016.pdf     Cryptome Submits 2nd Request to Judge Hilton/DoJ on Assange Prosecution, March 3, 2023

2023-015.htm     Legendary Leaker Daniel Ellsberg Announces His Fatal Disease, March 2, 2023
2023-014.pdf     NSA Top Secret: ASSESSMENT_OF_THE_LOSS_OF_THE_USS_PUEBLO, March 1, 2023 (5.3MB)
2023-013.pdf     NSA Top Secret: 19690228_Doc_3075790_Cryptographic - USS Pueblo, March 1, 2023 (21MB)
2023-012.pdf     NSA Top Secret: UK-USA Agreement appendices_jul48, March 1, 2023 (21MB)
2023-011.pdf     NSA Top Secret: new_ukusa_agree_10may55, March 1, 2023 (17MB)


2023-010.htm     Offsite: Restricted Data: The Nuclear Secrecy Blog, February 17, 2023
2023-009.htm     Offsite: The Declassification Engine: What History Reveals About America's Top Secrets, February 10, 2023
2023-008.htm     Offsite: Seymour Hersh on Nord Stream Pipeline Attack, February 8, 2023


2023-007.pdf     Tyre Nichols Cops Killing Indictment, January 27,2023
2023-006.pdf     McGonigal-Shestakov Indictment NY, January 25,2023

2023-005.pdf     McGonigal Indictment DC, January 25,2023
2023-004.pdf     Offsite: National Archives Sorts Trump Presidential Papers, January 21, 2023
2023-003.pdf     Why Do Secret Documents Show Up in Strange Places, January 15, 2023     Mirror: WikiLeaks Vault 7 CIA Files, January 15, 2023 (1.5GB)
2023-001.htm     WikiLeaks List of Files, January 15, 2023


DECEMBER 2022    Donald J. and Melania Trump Taxes 2015-2020, December 30, 2022 (Zipped PDF, 5,885 pages, 1.3GB)
2022-052.pdf    Title 18 Section 793 "Espionage" Assange Charges, December 15, 2022

2022-051.htm    Offsite: Newsweek: Daniel Ellsberg and John Young Interviewed on Assange, December 15, 2022
2022-050.htm    Offsite: Democracy Now: Daniel Ellsberg and John Young Interviewed on Assange, December 14, 2022
2022-049.htm    Offsite: Crown Prosecution Service Resonds to John Young on Assange, December 13, 2022
2022-048.pdf    Request to UK Crown Prosecution Service to Add Cryptome as Co-Defendant to Prosecution of Julian Assange, December 12, 2022
2022-047.pdf    USG-v-Julian Assange Second Superceding Indictment, December 4, 2022 (2MB)

2022-046.pdf    USG-v-Julian Assange Case Summary Charges, December 4, 2022
2022-045.pdf    USG-v-Julian Assange Court Docket, December 4, 2022
2022-044.htm    Offsite: Cryptome-John Young Interviewed by Consortium News, December 2, 2022
2022-043.htm    Supplemental Request to DoJ to Add Cryptome as Co-Defendant to Prosecution of Julian Assange, December 1, 2022
2022-042.htm    Request to Judge Hilton to Add Cryptome as Co-Defendant to Prosecution of Julian Assange, December 1, 2022


2022-041.htm    Request to DoJ to Add Cryptome as Co-Defendant to Prosecution of Julian Assange, November 28, 2022
2022-040.pdf    The Shed Construction Drawings NYC, Diller-Scofidio-Renfro, November 19, 2022 (24MB)
2022-039.pdf    Elizabeth Holmes Defense Motion for Downward Sentencing, November 19, 2022 (13MB)    CIA Recruiting of Journalists Via NYT 1977, November 1, 2022 (2MB)

OCTOBER 2022    Mirror of Cryptocomb Names of CIA Officers, Stations, Bases, October 29, 2022 (42MB)    BIG Construction Drawings 76 11th Avenue, NYC, October 21,2022 (455MB)



2022-035.pdf    Updated: Communication in a world of pervasive surveillance, September 28, 2022 (24MB)    NY State Attorney General Lawsuit Against the Trumps, September 21, 2022 (83MB)


2022-033.pdf    Trump Search Affidavit Unsealed, August 26, 2022
2022-032.pdf    Inside the War Between Trump and His Generals, August 8, 2022 (9.3M)
2022-031.pdf    Tuned Slosh Damper for Manhattan high-rise by Snohetta, August 7, 2022 (8.5MB)
2022-030.pdf    Cyber Intelligence: Strategic Warning Is Possible, August 4,2022

JULY 2022

2022-029.htm    US Navy Undersea Submarine Bases, July 31, 2022
2022-028.pdf    Burned and Blinded: Escalation Risks of Intelligence Loss from Countercyber Operations in Crisis, July 25, 2022
2022-027.htm    Ofcom Searches, July 24, 2022
2022-026.htm    Offsite: CIA Numbers Stations, July 24, 2022    Offsite: 3 GB zip file for manufacturing information for Amazon Web Services, July 10, 2022

JUNE 2022

2022-024.htm    Dancho Danchev Official E-Book Compilation Archive, June 22, 2022
2022-023.pdf    SEC OIG Report on Employees Release of Information to Reporters, June 19, 2022
2022-022.pdf    Cyber Intelligence - Danchev Memoir, June 8, 2022
2022-021.pdf    How Trustless Is Bitcoin Really? Related Paper, June 7, 2022
2022-020.pdf    The Surreal Case of a C.I.A Hacker's Revenge, June 6, 2022 (9MB)

MAY 2022

2022-019.pdf    John Stanton: United States Stuck in the Antarctic Night like the Belgica, June 3, 2022
2022-018.pdf    Joshua Schulte Proposed Questions for Jurors (Voir Dire) May 23, 2022
2022-017.pdf    John Stanton: The Pope, The Punk and the Presidents, May 13, 2022

APRIL 2022

2022-016.pdf    Construction Drawings 111 West 57th Street NYC Supertall by SHoP Architects< April 5, 2022 (190MB)
2022-015.htm    Massacre at Bucha, Ukraine by Russian Soldiers, April 3, 2022
2022-014.pdf    Judge Denies Ghislaine Maxwell New Trial re Juror 50, April 1,2022

MARCH 2022

2022-013.pdf    NSA Employee Indicted for Conveying Top Secret/SCI Material, March 31,2022
2022-012.pdf    Judge Finds John Eastman and Trump Planned a Coup, March 28, 2022

2022-011.pdf    Alphabet Sidewalk Labs Failed, March 22, 2022
2022-010.pdf    Is Biden a War Criminal?, March 22, 2022    NYC DOB Review of New WTC Buildings, March 14, 2022 (179MB)
2022-008.htm    Offsite: Covert Action Magazine Archives, March 5, 2022
2022-007.pdf    Offsite: CIA agency-wide regulatory issuances and the policy covering The Agency Regulatory System, 2003-2021, March 4, 2022


2022-006.htm    wholeaked - a new open source program to catch whistle blowers, February 21, 2022
2022-005.pdf    Scenario for a War in Eastern Ukraine, February 3, 2022    FOIA Documents Requested for January 6 Insurrection, February 1, 2022 (267MB)


2022-003.pdf    US Indicts 19 Oath Keepers Including Founder for Seditious Conspiracy, January 13, 2022 (2.2MB)
2022-002.pdf    An Aesthetic Theory Based on the Work of Jean-Paul Sartre, January 4, 2022 (72 pages. 72MB)
2022-001.pdf    Chemical Warfare: Many Unanswered Questions, January 1, 2022 (140 pages, 11MB)


DECEMBER 2021   "Broke-Back" Twin Towers, SHoP Architects, 626 1st Avenue, Manhattan, Construction Drawings, December 12, 2021 (237MB)

2021-115.pdf   UK Court Denies Assange Appeal - Judgment and Summary, December 10, 2021 (435KB)
2021-114.pdf   Ghislaine Noelle Maxwell Kids Live Safe Background Report, December 7, 2021 (1.5MB)
2021-113.htm   Offsite: Thames Valley Police 'outs' South East Regional Organised Crime Unit SEROCU, December 2, 2021
2021-112.pdf   Of intelligence oversight and the challenge of surveillance corporatism, December 2, 2021
2021-111.pdf   CIA: Trump Intelligence Briefing, December 1, 2021 (1.2MB)


2021-110.pdf   Herbert Muschamp Inquires about WTC Design Contracts, November 14, 2021
2021-109.pdf   Sanitized Spy Profile of (Mayor-Elect) Eric Leroy Adams, November 3, 2021 (525KB)


2021-108.pdf   Offsite: Bugs in our Pockets: The Risks of Client-Side Scanning, October 15, 2021
2021-107.pdf   New riverfront building for Rockefeller University, Rafael Vinoly Architect, October 14, 2021 (131MB)
2021-106.pdf   Supertall 432 Park Condominium Sues Developer for Building Faults, October 8, 2021

2021-105.htm   Inglorious Supertalls, October 3, 2021
2021-104.pdf   Repost: Structural Peer Review Practice in New York City, November 18, 2018
2021-103.htm   Offsite: New York Times: New Supertalls Test the Limits, as the City Consults an Aging Playbook, October 1,2021
2021-102.htm   Repost: New Cryptome Series: Most Dangerous NYC Buildings, November 18, 2019
2021-101.pdf   Repost: 21 NYC Most Dangerous Buildings, November 6, 2018


2021-100.pdf   Ex-NSA Mercenary Hackers Charged with UAE Spying, September 14, 2021
2021-093.pdf   Pax Technica, Philip Howard, Septmber 6, 2021 (1.3MB)
2021-092.pdf   Custodians of the Internet, Tarleton Gillespie, September 6, 2021 (1.9MB)


2021-091.htm   Offsite: UK Special Forces (SAS) MAB5 Computer Network Exploit unit, August 9, 2021
2021-090.pdf   Analysis of Surfside Condo Faulty Design and Construction, August 8, 2021 (7MB)

JULY 2021

2021-089.pdf   Daniel Everette Hale Sentencing Minutes, July 28, 2021
2021-088.pdf   Joshua Schulte Granted Representation by Himself Pro Se, July 27, 2021
2021-087.pdf   Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy, July 9, 2021   Surfside Condo Structural Drawings, July 4, 2021 (8.7MB)

JUNE 2021

2021-085.pdf   NSA Cyber Command East Campus Buildings, June 22, 2021 (900KB)
2021-084.pdf   Winslow Peck (Perry Fellwock) 1st NSA Whistleblower in 1971 Adds 1974 Comments, June 18, 2021
2021-083.pdf   Satoshi Nakamoto's Original Bitcoin Paper with References, June 14, 2021 (85 pages, 6.4MB)   JP Morgan Chase New Headquarters, 270 Park Avenue Progress Photos 2021-0609, June 13, 2021 (156 Photos, 660MB)

2021-081.pdf   Pasco Sheriff's Office Intelligence-Led Policing Manual (83 pages), June 11, 2021 (2MB)
2021-080.htm   Cryptome Archive Update to June 7, 2021, June 7, 2021
2021-079.pdf   Expert Stakeholder Consultation Report on the Indian Encryption Debate (28 pages), June 5, 2021 (10MB)
2021-078.pdf   Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards Guilty Plea Transcript, June 5, 2021
2021-077.pdf   Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards Complaint (18 pages), June 4, 2021 (1.3MB)

MAY 2021

2021-076.pdf   Epidemiological Consultation EPICON Reports 2007, May 24, 2021
2021-075.pdf   UK MOD Guide to Appointments & Invitations 2007, May 24, 2021
2021-074.pdf   Tony Hall on Review of Media Access to MOD Personnel 2007, May 24, 2021

2021-073.pdf   UK MOD Contact with the Media and Communicating in Public 2007, May 24, 2021
2021-072.pdf   Project Air Force 1946-1996, RAND, by Morton Halperin, May 23, 2021 (3MB)   Companion to Ellsberg Leak 2021, 691-page RAND report by Morton Halperin, May 22, 2021 (736MB)   Ellsberg Leak 2021, May 22, 2021 (83MB)
2021-069.pdf   Crypto AG Magazine March 2001, May 21, 2021 (1.5MB)

2021-068.pdf   Joel Greenberg Plea Agreement (Child Sex Trafficking et al), May 17, 2021 (6MB)
2021-067.pdf   Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity, May 12, 2021
2021-066.pdf   UK Draft Online Safety Bill, May 12, 2021 (1.9MB)
2021-065.pdf   UK Computer Misuse Act 1990, May 12, 2021
2021-064.pdf   Tom Barrack’s 2017 Presidential Inauguration Chairman’s Global Dinner Guest List, May 11, 2021

APRIL 2021

2021-063.pdf   NSA Releases Ex-Top Secret Umbra Joseph Meyer Letter to IEEE 1997, April 30, 2021
2021-062.gz    WhatFreeWords Python Library, April 30, 2021

2021-061.txt   WhatFreeWords Javascript Library, April 30, 2021 (2.5MB)
2021-060.pdf   Combating Ransomware-A Comprehensive Framework for Action, April 29, 2021
2021-059.pdf   Ten Years On: Inside the Bin Ladin Raid: A Conversation with McRaven and Rasmussen, April 27, 2021
2021-058.pdf   Americans Minds Are Artificially Intelligent, April 24, 2021
2021-057.vid   10 Vanderbilt Avenue Supertall, Manhattan, Plate Glass Install Video, April 21, 2021

2021-056.pdf   Roger Stone and Lydia Stone vs IRS Complaint, April 17, 2021
2021-055.pdf   JP Morgan Chase HQ 270 Park Avenue Demolition Site Safety Plan, April 16, 2021 (8MB)
2021-054.pdf   ATT Worldwide Short-Wave Radio WOO Site Removal, April 16, 2021 (3MB)
2021-053.htm   HTM: NSA John Inglis on Edward Snowden 2013, April 13, 2021
2021-053.pdf   PDF: NSA John Inglis on Edward Snowden 2013, April 13, 2021

2021-052.htm   Offsite: ITER, The Grand Illusion: A Forensic Investigation of Power Claims, April 12, 2021
2021-051.pdf   Ghislaine Maxwell Refutes USA Claims of Detention Conditions, April 11, 2021
2021-050.pdf   121191921-42 Trinity Place FXFowle Construction Drawings, April 10, 2021 (1657MB)
2021-049.pdf   USA vs Ghislaine Maxwell Detention Conditions, April 8, 2021
2021-048.pdf   Daniel Hale Plea Agreement, April 1, 2021

MARCH 2021

2021-047.pdf   JP Morgan Chase Bank Headquarters Cellar Demolition Site Safety Plan 2021-03-19, March 31, 2021 (7.8MB)
2021-046.pdf   Ghislaine Maxwell Superceding Indictment, March 30, 2021

2021-045.pdf   Joe Biden’s Shameful Push for War with China and Russia: Ignoring History, Denying Reality, March 28, 2021
2021-044.htm   Unzipped 30 Torrents from Tillie Kottmann's Antiproprietary Telegram channel, March 27, 2021   30 Torrents from Tillie Kottmann's Antiproprietary Telegram channel, March 21, 2021 (1.7MB)
2021-042.pdf   Lovett Report of 1945 Setting Up the Central Intelligence Agency (ex-Top Secret), March 20, 2021 (2MB)
2021-041.pdf   Tillie Kottmann Indictment, March 19, 2021 (20MB)

2021-040.htm   Offsite: Met Police MO3 Covert Operations Technical Surveillance Unit, March 16, 2021
2021-039.pdf   New Zealand Embassy Security Enhancements, Washington DC, Construction Drawings, March 13, 2021 (3.3MB)
2021-038.pdf   Sky Global Indictment, March 13, 2021 (2MB)
2021-037.pdf   Jeff Bezos DC Mansion Construction Drawings (81 sheets), March 11, 2021 (112MB)
2021-036.htm   Offsite: 200+ lawyers file judicial complaint against Judge Lewis A. Kaplan, March 10, 2021


2021-035.pdf   ODNI: Assessing the Saudi Government's Role in the Killing of Jamal K.hashoggi, February 26, 2021
2021-034.pdf   Ghislaine Maxwell Offers to Renounce FR/UK Citizenship/Assets for Bail Release, February 26, 2021
2021-033.pdf   Complaint/Arrest Warrant for Emma Coronel Aispuro, El Chapo's Wife, February 23, 2021   Updated: NYC High-Rise Structural Peer Reviews, February 22, 2021 (336MB)

2021-031.pdf   JP Morgan HQ Demolition Below Ground Site Safety Plan, February 22, 2021 (3.5MB)
2021-030.pdf   Ghislaine Maxwell Searched 1,400 Times, February 21, 2021   Freddie Scappaticci Covert Interviews in 3 Formats, February 21, 2021 (54MB)   JP Morgan Headquarters New Building, Structural Peer Review, CCDs, CPC, FDNY, February 19, 2021 (1.4MB)
2021-027.pdf   CIA Declassification Report for 2007, February 16, 2021 (1.5MB)

2021-026.pdf   Trump Trial Memo, 8 February, 2021 (78 pages, 13MB)
2021-025.htm   NYC Occupied Unsafe High-Rise Buildings, February 5, 2021
2021-024.pdf   John Demarr Complaint of Cryptocurrency Fraud, February 3, 2021
2021-023.pdf   Trump Trial Defense, February 2, 2021 (1.7MB)
2021-022.pdf   Correction: Trump Impeachment Trial Memorandum, February 2, 2021 (12MB)


2021-021.pdf   Sensitive Court Procedures Following SolarWinds Breach, January 31, 2021

2021-020.pdf   Surveillance Coup vs Democracy, January 31, 2021
2021-019.pdf   JP Morgan 270 Park Avenue Demolition Site Safety Plan 2021-0127, January 31,2021 (4MB)
2021-018.pdf   Joshua Schulte, Alleged Vault 7 Leaker, Requests Correction of Horrific Special Administrative Measures, January 24, 2021
2021-017.pdf   Oathkeepers Attack on the Capitol Complaint, January 23, 2021
2021-016.pdf   Dominion Voting Systems v. Sidney Powell Complaint, January 19, 2021 (124 pages, 5MB)

2021-015.pdf   Dominion  Voting Systems v. Sidney Powell Filings List, January 19, 2021
2021-014.pdf   Inauguration Threat Assessment 2021, January 16, 2021 (4MB)
2021-013.html  Laura Poitras Open Letter on Firing by The Intercept, January 14, 2021
2021-012.pdf   ODNI Issues Attorney General Procedures for EO 12333 Compliance, January 14, 2021 (3.9MB)
2021-011.pdf   NSA Releases Declassified DoD SIGINT Governing Manual S-5240.01A, January 13, 2021 (24MB)

2021-010.pdf   Trump Articles of Impeachment II, January 11, 2021
2021-009.pdf   Pardon Petition of Julian Assange, January 11, 2021 (2.2MB)
2021-008.htm   Cryptome Archive Update to January 10, 2021, January 10, 2021
2021-007.pdf   Federal Law Enforcement Protective Operations Quick Reference Guide, January 5, 2021   Kushner Real Estate Project Exclusively for Rich Non-Americans Development Documents, January 4, 2021 (185MB)

2021-005.mp3   Full 1-Hour Audio of Trump Call with Georgia Election Officials, January 4, 2021 (150MB)
2021-004.pdf   USA v Assange Judgement, January 4, 2021
2021-003.pdf   USA v Assange Judgement Annex, January 4, 2021
2021-002.pdf   Transcript of Trump Call with Georgia Election Officials, January 4, 2021
2021-001.pdf   Report on New Covid Variant UK B117 in the UK, December 31, 2020, January 1, 2021

Cryptout      January-December 2019

Cryptome-16-1105 <>
Key ID: 0x28679DAA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: PGP Universal 3.3.2 (Build 21495) mQINBFgeMnkBEADBqGwT4PzEpSeehyb1rA0JNBMQLNejezUdTTlBIBeaH1Ptevif me2najMwciB3Fxi3titS/hcd1STmuhsg+KylZZLUM7S5OaBDqaOBHWCmE2/D/+pl i4IJdIvuRmV/e5Mpu3C45JmwOmk93Om3Pjh/cfvBH1WiCb+kABAPD4x6FwOJmlYE PUVXZ8/KEaKSPuVhYAwthYPBKogg2Pgr7kGM8eBcUwDc49NTpTVuwOvZlCjrkL8o Qtf7bgbeJVgXdO6glUU0B6RqlJEWCVYVYG6ublkmza3e0GclsS84kltsdnQnbIBM 5RYoaChX8OIaqDQloVWRyzqHfo3WRYMSP7t4RHbtxE6V+AFhllR80zCkyY6aV+qD tHWBOVV2OZvFHzAF3sDPCvQW0/NW5L17MUcE4knhAlIXqeYZTPGV53gUNGpiy09a n7UOOs/EhLO0WzA7Lt34KLtLbbdmhxtxJJ4lOV7mwi1wcvf0oX8iW/S1b3RxZRfs jvsInWU8H1g6KvGRTrBcj7r7p22XepRq30QbKprJMvjlKlJL48exTBYqgQmHHcDE tbqnKOnG+6bFR5rInaO4ClaAY+WF9mHt5wlwdeyHxCA1wZg9fhbLos/gS67F6+Lv Wh8ClSd17kTOsBOqaPkhR7x0B3mcCdYTZWps77bUUcjZ9yH9b0ZCHc1YbQARAQAB tClDcnlwdG9tZS0xNi0xMTA1IDxjcnlwdG9tZUBlYXJ0aGxpbmsubmV0PokChwQQ AQIAcQUCWB4ynzAUgAAAAAAgAAdwcmVmZXJyZWQtZW1haWwtZW5jb2RpbmdAcGdw LmNvbXBncG1pbWUHCwkIBwMCCgIZARkYbGRhcDovL2tleXNlcnZlci5wZ3AuY29t BRsDAAAAAxYCAQUeAQAAAAQVCAkKAAoJEIhV7B0oZ52qPhYP/1+KyqqjP4ufqwrY mcN+ZmFg7R7lsgzZCdeQkGywbYbffO8hZ/qBQ9oy8crUiBSdiEikzDPhcOnWo6PF WjeZMbt3of/1eZ96WQIULjFAIAnIcmz6n3ocPG0Y70fBKH9ZISVeEaWTuFX/MVno OdrSKt3U/e+QmSKZN7q4BXQifvT3O/82SKNwyMQlOpDhiUrLOu4LUkrvdn1yijc2 n6WAsO5QMu3c77Ok9bw0Nc2VNPRp87cBeioci0pqVqRcIMTV9eTgRy1cQ7tAAHFE Knn0g5vmyc3MKvlsdJJPDzX2N6hjSGLmk72HYxuDFvJ69YaPR1Dd9Vyc6raW4CWH 6irOx12dMAbS1InBO3A9Bw4knjPKueuC0wlKo23eIeGRn966Xw9vkqpLMt0CQjDI KZFVfBQJdPOJ/4hAxonr6jcw30zViVD4Ndfj4HmbNs/TuvUuNV9pxH29GsgQnQ6f ElAo7Ra2DLguFITodCUgRSnCykvzxvwvNRyKNrb3WuAgoPPo/uhLDbr1muQZiWqx UOidGtAdo5J/FpUR/iLIQGE0a5pB7je3cxlvTqIIs1RLXqeW7EvJNb9i8kUeBIe4 qd5ruTqU66ERU3FmdkTLq/SFASdVq88QfNhIiEjLGbVSdsCt/7va6zKD+FWoTYVP ZAm1MohEbvD2ucEycfXnSUs1vMruiQEiBBABAgAMBQJZwvoABQMAEnUAAAoJEJcQ uJvKV618608IAI85WtY3smxHga0riY4kyub/J+NdkJq97bQ2WsqMJb96F5N7Ag3O kD3ffwKAGDsbhlu2xivMprVbvHMPS5pRXSIYJe7R3YldSNui0krfHnjs1P1dqtU0 0zE3fZX4C0qtguaa3/8IYbvghq5n/9rI/ki5DKIJtAlkGYOUhN0hYRYY9jW4RlOf mB7XqLy+P8Gsy68fKgSgi4k9KKVuSHgK4jA9TQ/mnrhVqUQUM4RPNC6wq/q67lSi 7vmnix7AQ20DZpvymihJeFzg4bQRrdfz5Fi59jgPuIbXRJo4wFif7kPUb4c7U9Sc 2R/be4XeYsRzmenzLWE6CIk8ET90qWVebGS5Ag0EWB4yegEQAOsuXpNJPrbhJfEz CH3X0c6XR2X1juAn0jexhATLSpKrps69JpjN1PX5kymfOvnKOuuU6bSfI/DFhFOH cMAo1tSfm39beVsV4YfHJrHLAIDEEY9o1k2ZmL6VPc/5/I6hGOvYSEYJOw0v8xU9 9IbZIR+sUwnmm8myVShd670EM4wEkdeP52emi62xu4ETcEIWAJ9Upgj0cRg+Uk9D FsELxBCK4EBUibmWjNMHkueal3YF3R4AfRhfylmzwRO+mhMqmrAt7akpo3Ywj0ji 5pfRLnxBLZYb0FMucNe5SKcx0beSg2y1fVl8SAOou3HHVeulas7kLmJjnCXVsiuv v/D3/bqIX/6EfP8XBJqP38lKzaUxAWy/Qj+f7z+eO+bgyxyWu3lIqEE9WNGNJQm7 8nQaChnsnGEhnDer2XRWQfY8g1ubCmVo+NV26E6XhqHe0AXgT3z8OsMRAVK/7hhO aQ288dWMFI3gZnepwGaFToa6e8lV8/Hg6l317JyjGrxLv/NojiwP91Cy0K2j+Rpj Luven7cJb0OaDILlXo48CU1W8vXdzoAOulNInbDlr9d2u0r17kKjYc9bxP/HQOdf CtwjmXgrWugG121RdPfXPkjcTTtNwIo959twEwvoqlypY7i/XIb7bYbqJHLuayEQ Rse2axFPYi8rV8f/URUagWBijMC7ABEBAAGJBEEEGAECAisFAlgeMnwFGwwAAADB XSAEGQEIAAYFAlgeMnsACgkQQKKsdcaHU0HEkQ//bHw0ACcE6SqccAMvVXykP/N2 MU+XqztX9q4AgCeVn0ai0Spp6mw+fX34GCt111e3XLalbdZje0KnQ53QRvewcBn7 ba7KSknnSfDzRh1ReS8zJe+zZaIOLMxLt8AG7K5fTeCRR8jJdHfmlKQ0DFlVs3v/ lm3o/d3z/6mBifXPSC4RmjPPL59ZsG5tpwBx43zjHqMwuGvy6T4gyMmpvD1z9TDg c8YNxfWn0dZc+GCOTWfvYi5WFRJisCpoMRMDe2K07HaGSwSANfWbjcAL8//RftRJ egiRByNP/tRyGjlXqO8a7BgrwLZPPSke2DxQvICGGplkOI8lLLkDZkp0aG/qsqmZ g7p/XSHwomsLGK9FvLaVIqGGdDMN8RbRh878G4dg6kNzzmz5vZskaE6bAvWHUoy/ +JJ4XgRMVbP0pCuP6zKb5UPxUEfCJ8LIG36r11lPSsGn7N8Uta5Xwb8KZPN7YvoE kzenOJC9BovAeDoxf3jhWnoj6U2hpNeebFd8YGVxcWEpBVqXhFk4ypeidGaKbinP w+SEfJtn6V5TtJF8h/B2IxXH1CBYXFwmIgXNPqDrZB2jS99qCtawSuXXZyPbsre1 PBc15GfrXZXEAtW9XjVK/B2e6uc3X3DPpREJiu623i+YhMpHblW1KY15qf9GS+0Y 9f2V7p1pSgsOVzC9XaIACgkQiFXsHShnnaptFBAAijHo2ipTdJwK7barq93ACsS8 ObIV7LS4rEbQp3v06oWujuYu6+RmMOUdWiVM4DoTeHYzh8cRFK59rlLqzmnSuCq5 DMvr21aNkjSSGpLjKCKt6lxVCpolbNCR7nxyQrWnGtI+grq7Ri9+huvAkLF8AVyZ RD8ZvlSFmN1KrZXnAEBeVMQujlPtyu9UpRy2Kff5ID+xGsV8xltsZWRxEP/pDNxi eA2Qpx+ElC+UHfwews64bNqe2IstILCMUIlrSd/mRmBjPaOw8O5EKcDcTHvQPgOG XFC/++rU1ilzYfRVuvvHDLL4gQRQpAWtMbLHqri8Kx5YKm2ruCWUUq/li/Bx18s7 e8hzUl+bH0KVf5Jq/05T7QGI9X+nTJdsQwfS4W9oNL8M3F/lGJiZrl0wF3orNliI LsmNdaTC6cTXvtTcJ1Ki0ScZMWAIZiNlajyrH3LVcD4kzWKNjVdONdrwOWWtB/Dh NZIjoYxSdTB4y4yqVAPvB+6XoR3qhadO+tFBTzc0gtQK9NjWD/mPlC7I6pTZKrUv CQQmT2eddka8eAfOiNuQYwJNBtP+TtJo0WFDHYf74BwMwX2i12ZC0YHtKp9XbuTR UgHCxzElz5k/7BloCtMM4Bmd4hyPChvOFH9LQEXH2QAGrBM3E+bhugqh4/lScUww ypGw7dfp55VeEFoDkgw= =n8Kp -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
John Young 15-0915 <> -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: PGP Universal 3.3.2 (Build 21495) mQINBFX4gLwBEAC+BEB9QHDfxtgJ2hCY1FCAq4mWwhayql/6zbSZhaRhfTsmKIEG sjEmI5wq1Pr2ylFHHc9mtqE5i9yuRIwhRg0weCE0wxgBcdwlz4sjtWY2kwuNFucj MoF/+zrO5q+AjOCyIFPUKsi/5M61zE+Qon453ZbvUKBoOaN+LroE0V9lIaOgmO/j nu/lBqzOOx4otMcue1AQv4uXejAie6kxwZdWYtv4vhqF3SvQKLtmWvO0wdyil402 Mmr7ESpnCl3VDFP687HQaPwZ4AWDhsOlT34mHqHqPihV16UAbnfr3bTDkc3/BxM+ 9Zu6PttWLLMRMoafw1ov7hrmJ6CNxtPMHCSOJJmM2jTfCBteyqykR8lSyEB9tVNB kIioq6a+pWCD7mXRyajmZqQr8/MvoIqzbY5q1Y8CnLacuq8GDi7yElvUP5os0tgb ROINhEo67GWxPkupbH9MSyiHrvYRU5j0j6E7y+AuMvQrECorw4TDH8d7tiTY+ScM 9l4LxwI+km6wCyRnWpnNizzrn5jI9XvaB8IaL0vjUciPh4FtlN7JALXBlNebkM9a /SJsxn3iTR+WrbneXnsdh41oPH3V+kEdRWKL3Agffz6F9N4aX35E1Buwfmwdtiwm xkpPOPRGtXD/fHSeqpMDOQdfLR/RWNI+TqxS+PWnOMfqX2IOd1Nqn0FnYwARAQAB tCVKb2huIFlvdW5nIDE1LTA5MTUgPGp5YUBwaXBlbGluZS5jb20+iQI3BBMBCgAh BQJV+IC8AhsDBQsJCAcDBRUKCQgLBRYCAwEAAh4BAheAAAoJEEgvvW1+BPgFk8YP /0jeA1A9pt+kIqoBSEiNlJJUlahMOwUVI2kNvlc/nUceNYR7lurfL8CX6OUbfdH4 0/vkJ6i6YNe3AxbgyQPxQE0rUDXS6LlOBRFaZiTo7oP/e1+HLFquuFUwdVNFsdRd Pz3FRaOGNpTNBNTkVOqoRd8qf6ApIveuDAi7zeXz/k3dveoOeNF//Hz3RZxNgNEV OmjEU07PXbjBa+NC5j6rPKLJ4MB4N8ftuJcs9ImJH2OPtOvTlOhX5aeWvh0Hmumy CNvSHMgi2kXqpcO9C+SMqQnDxXhLGONzPry+RO2aJcWje0x5PbpteGz0LQU2dcSp Rm5UdsgBPWm8acHAENCVAA8ZUSXlxavXgZXWZ6gufWrRZYqEv3TX3DVqI8YGx7gH 5Hz993yutGt4SXuikRY9uOBzNiBvhTqjQH3izp0z43m60iRVxl5y7cTKHYSwgPgJ ND1RvSX0o0bYbJmRxAyqKnZq/FY4AbJPBNivRUti36amTck4SZd5V3PJuHZP55LU J3thokT3uTC6iJU9BsHmIod00liPMLYVBaHCkVjDVoZIVoKuQq1ZMN5mUmdtJRlG d/Tn99lHyyQHvdGpOPafnhCa0k0HO8i3vfeOQBlvQGpugRdBVjtPLAkHQSTvCJG+ UF/0/DmMPVeUubW64hp03rtLU5SaXVEslgj2NQpKSjs0iQEiBBABAgAMBQJZwvo4 BQMAEnUAAAoJEJcQuJvKV618F9cH/jU9v+ScdGhdXec4BxgSjy4lQPDFd6xw07YY 08WZX5nkDdi9jqyhEGAvPQteJSQyzzU8fqt1jbjSe9o9iZ7UtSEje7/KAtdpB8Sb 5AE1nkMZimy8q4jRbHbOg65z0WBoWUqfs/JpKDmiFpOFPGy1z3NdoK0K4U30hphN wimcnxwe3XSqDvABU/VUM/01MY943VZc5ZnET2F8UP4RhE7zc+6hsXBdprEI7UCF K+IosBQri9URkBccnPD+Wts6Nheb3RiuonbpN2H++bJfT+/pElP0AqI4qtaDHLix F5EHNiue4gv6fgeU8rMihewwtRm7adint1BGbj+S/a1W6yN2CYK5Ag0EVfiAvAEQ AMSDXf7E0/0Q1V2Ql6Qc6aF9xd8iIvmTUhspUAYjJcqfRgXRwROoA22RJBUiDLLq maq7Kj9sh7v6OKLWrf/TBZ6Au4bwvvyUVRNSepMLySzMPrG8MIil5E/RVaOj5hbp bXDEc5evU8ov6ftlyHGAkoFcFhWX/dtn09rsHLjFqbAslEoESsmgB93STWtnvxdi 5rs0dyW67YGBQt+575/tbT5v+/eCiH97Jq7vnHZZWZxUoZzbk7zP+eWxcuRwhSwy Jaq7mVEMQRquqzmxZ52NGHkvqUkGAOf229v9LiM5v/nPMDXikWshMxTQFt8pXcqs CrojslSGqlzLgnVYLJAwDcujQP8iMGWGPIQhrmwMe5TNYlqaEsp3E+Q7nX5juayx Yjq72mU1NGeg1GaFRXg0yVLGbvBq/nmQUZ4lI8jiC100XBtcReG1HBvvjGPSlaBr GAJZ0uSv0BtFsD5glaJeh8c0yZYH60PCpVwTMppPRQuvHRhbomghKNpRFetdWOVs rxnde3JYhT/mRjWdlNyMvjAXGcSkYQvz1lDZC79OlnDcvk+hd7JZ07YULTEKQ6I8 Rzdaohx8h5gYqhjysKcgroh6iiBDRYINB8DtrqykhUSd67XVYqtgcW8uO0uPHGJu WLdssEKocvNcouFCJhg44NodJi8tcukdKVYmg1A/Tk/zABEBAAGJAh8EGAEKAAkF AlX4gLwCGwwACgkQSC+9bX4E+AUpEw//W37qtr9KQ14BPYkVM+I3lh9Fj6IvVIAu HOsyyErveXy3XppwQ5rMTaQAd0v+IcLd6badKjiVM3v9K79A6u2w4J8X0WC7bqFz wWx3VmVICwIxbWs5Ma13n8F5gdoTkh5U+19O1VymTJXfTwSDqRm/GfSFZpBvkByn RAJFYZhmmHCj7hKkRG038+eHHKm7lL03bFEDtY3pA5rd5tnLPCYONnGi6pqqJbZr DJxDuLErXZyHmb05syvS/0Ky5Cgupqe2pqxkAgVDtib/vWuYPBOIpvdXjtTB3clg jJhbsJOCqpspRn9nUbthB823F4qr1ArMSsXBosVgj4EuA83yGlocf/t4MnK/rpX4 a5+yPio/cZ4JAjVw0+D0E78h9S5NS/+gHHhC47/8DNEkr8eCsW1IsiO0J0HCekbN qKNhTvoj45EinmRCNTyiNnQ36RYmYKKcUVUU84gBWArp44All4HBtyzwe+eyykZh zZCPZcNRXw+7MFvNn0hXwhyHMhVA4Qyg/CvBDRxCiT2oseKyjIIzoqtAEk+CCEcX IFa3t3tIMDT1eGAC8Z74o3OkXbL01VI+oH/6DpRp4YpZzqe0iy3CPMrXCwdm0Uoc COf4G/u8nFpR2d3jJY8D3gZoEfBsZZzbOZI7jpksX0dsD552tEo4Hw/p+35NMXVu CopUcw24Kg0= =GXYU -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

Premiere Full Video by dnCRYPTOME: False Tallies-the Prisoner's Dilemma?

Email: cryptome[at]
Mail: Cryptome, 251 West 89th Street, New York, NY 10024
Telephone for messages: 212-873-8700

Mirrors of the Cryptome Archive should be accessed with caution, none have been authenticated by Cryptome and sigs can be faked to hide tampering. There is growing censor-tamper-implant-bowdlerize-redact-tag-track of archives, torrents, drops, shares, wikis, disclosure sites.

Cryptome disavows mirrors of its archive due to tampering with files, hashes, signatures and implant insertion., a Russian virtual currency site registered 25 November 2015, is not affiliated with

Cryptome Archive 1996-Present
Note: Bots, spiders and siphons downloading more than 100 files per day are
blocked. Python, Wget and Bot Not, Thanks. Bots are vile bandwith wasters.

5 November 2016: Do not use the two following keys, they have been 
forged padded and uploaded.
John Young 15-0915 <> 0xD87D436C
Cryptome 15-0915 <> 0x8CD47BD5

John Young Architect:
Special Inspections:
NYC DoB-Licensed Site Safety Manager 1992-1995
NYC DoB Site Safety Manager 40-Hour and Examination 2016