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A Sends
Non-Governmental & Nonprofit Organization cryptome.orgJoined March 2017

A Sends’s posts

The US's seemingly intractable determination to extradite and prosecute #Assange despite intense global protest against it, suggests there is an undisclosed purpose in the actions not wholly explained by the espionage accusations. What might that be?
Have any US/EU journalists been requested to become witnesses against Assange, say, , , , ,
NEW: Not just Andrew O’Hagan. James Ball reveals US is pressuring journos to become witnesses in its case against Assange, costing them thousands of dollars to represent themselves legally and preventing them from going to the US for fear of consequences.
#Assange is considered a bigger threat to authority than privileged journalists (and lawyers), correctly so. As Assange has stated. Which is why support for him is formulaic rather than courageously duplicative. Note recent withholdings of the Discord Leak docs, and Snowden's.
No mention of Julian #Assange at the #WHCD speaks volumes abt US hypocrisy when it comes to #FreePress. Ditto regarding our footsie w/ Saudi Arabia.…
Kudos to you. Even so few journalists and no publishers go to jail while many leakers do. "Journalism is not a crime," sounds venal when sources pay the price.
Replying to @a_sends
I've NEVER ever censored any document,quite the opposite I've always pushed my newspaper to publish,when they didn't want anymore,I resigned from my newspaper,my income collapsed from 40,000 (gross/year) to 3,000/year,and found myself with NO legal assistance in the UCGlobal case
Correct, that is why for and against are intended to arouse without resolution, except for the sponsors who win every time. Aka media, advertising, publicity, SM, justice, governments.
Replying to @BrentToderian
In the end, it reminded me why I don’t do debates. More importantly, it’s important for all to understand that some media isn’t interested in educating the discourse & helping people understand the truth. They’re more interested in the spectacle. A lot of debate is manufactured.
This image was circulated in a Discord chatroom. The Post informed the DoD that this imagery would be published and redacted some information at their request. The top-secret document illustrates China’s efforts and aspirations toward establishing military facilities overseas.
The public and advertisers do not want to hear or see the horrors of war, maybe 50 years later on History Channel, colorized, edited, titillating. War-com-edu assures this wish is granted, fly-overs, parades, medals, cemetaries, arm-chair exegesis, 100-year hurrah for Kissinger.
Replying to @unjoe
Would it not be more brutally candid to say "suffer, rot, go mad, suicide, die in prison" rather than the theatrical "175 years?"
If you're a #pacifist, please read this #WikiLeaks cable on how pacifists' communications were spied on before the #IraqWar, to neutralise pacifists' protests. This is one of the documents for which Julian #Assange risks 175 years in prison:
"Discord leaks show how top-secret military intelligence can spread in internet backyards where users think ‘secrets are for losers’ and just want to make friends." Check out this gift article, at no cost to you. Read here:
On April 23, 1968, Columbia University students seeded global protest (and Cryptome, Ellsberg, and Assange). "300 students barricaded the office of the college dean, charging the university with supporting the Vietnam War and violating Harlem residents’ civil rights."
Can you spot these spy facilities on Google Earth? First one is here, adjoining DNI: 38°55'57.07" N 77°12'18.84" W
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There are so many different ways to contribute to the Intelligence Community's mission. Here's just a glimpse of life in the IC. Find your place among our community: #WeAreTheIC #IntelligenceCareers
Cryptome asks to be added as co-defendant to Donald J. Trump indictment for charges 1-31. This supplements same requests for #Assange and #Tiexeria indictments. Espionage Act has become selective of victims, unable to keep track of millions with access to classified documents.
As Daniel Ellsberg is mourned remember others who defied authority in 70s and 80s: Philip Agee Frank Snepp Ralph McGehee Lindsay Moran John Stockwell
The book, American Prometheus, provides considerably more information than the film and should be consulted for accuracy. Atomic scientists sympathetic to the Soviets freely provided secret data, as did planted spies.
Great thread. The Soviet theft of US atomic bomb secrets was one of the Cold War’s greatest intelligence achievements.…
A good time to begin releasing the withheld #Snowden documents, far, very far, more than those released.
the exceptional courage of #Snowden: And the special courage of #GlennGreenwald,#LauraPoitras,#EwenMacAskill,and,most of all, of those who helped to save Snowden: Julian #Assange and Sarah #Harrison:
Prolonged detention of #Assange without conviction is more like the Gitmo gambit of extended proceedings outside the US against alleged terrorists than incarceration of a journalist. Indictment charges of espionage serve as camouflage of draconian intent to win infowarfare.
Perhaps the time has come to publish all the classified documents Mr. Ellsberg claimed to have withheld beyond Pentagon Papers to inspire others to do the same in defiance of the autocratic and abusive Espionage Act.
Replying to @DanielEllsberg
A note from @MichaelEllsberg: Soon I will be transitioning Daniel's Twitter account to a profile in his memory. I will occasionally share gems from Daniel's voluminous unpublished writing, which he authorized me and my brother @RobertEllsberg to edit and publish.
Ellsberg and Russo were charged with theft, conspiracy and violations of the Espionage Act. A jury never reached a verdict on those charges: Judge William Matthew Byrne Jr. declared a mistrial in 1973, citing governmental misconduct so severe as to “offend the sense of justice.”
Washington Post has stopped releasing #PentagonLeaks documents, published about 6-8 of 300 claimed to have received. Now stories stopped too. Reminds of the Snowden 85% withholdings, of Ellberg's, of 's cables initial censoring. So goes prize-$eeking journali$m.
True, MSM have barrels of justifications for official censorship, one the means and methods for garnering responsibility prizes, another the stigmatizing of those who do not obey the rules of constitutional privilege.
Replying to @a_sends
April 2023 news and now they've moved on.
The #Assange risk-free frenzy and withering of has drained public interest except for die-hard supporters who lack the courage to do what he did but adore milking and hyperbolizing the topic. Same for #Snowden, #DanielHale, #Schulte, #Winner, #Birchum, et al.
"Though [the Pentagon Leak] is worrisome to intelligence agencies, embarrassing to American diplomats and irritating to foreign leaders, there are no revelations of gross dereliction or covert iniquities, as have dropped in past leaks."
"The new messages from Airman Teixeira, more than 9,500 in all, leave many questions unanswered about his motivations, but they fill in substantial gaps left by court filings and offer important clues about his mind-set."
The leaked classified #PENTAGON document revealed that #China tested a long-range hypersonic missile dubbed the ‘DF-27’ that can penetrate the US mainland defenses. #intelligence #defense #threats
Haven't seen the Oppenheimer film but the book emphasizes the rise and hegemony of the US national security gov-com through draconian secrecy measures which favors the beneficiaries and punishes the victims, the public. Leaks are the only way to save democracy from merc thugs.
Classification is also a promotional operation inside and outside the classifying org. The types keep getting increased and applied, so too the number of persons cleared for access. Cult attributes run by authoritarians protected by armed hooligans to punish/kill violators.
Replying to @Atypicalissue and @a_sends
It’s not information which is classified, it’s the curation and analysis. A lot of intel reports in the IC originate from OSINT sources/data. In fact, most of the info in the Presidential Daily Brief is OSINT-Sourced
Holy smokes, having helped set up I will need to ask DOJ to add me to the dastardly recruitment of leakers.
Replying to @emptywheel
Conveniently, FOPF doesn't even MENTION the 2020 superseding indictment describing how Assange exploited having helped Snowden flee to Russia as a way to recruit more leakers.
Generous tax reductions on real estate are driving the market. But could be due to equity sharks buying up humongous empties, mostly rentals to shatter those safe refuges.
A real estate expert friend was telling me why home-buying has been rebounding despite many interest rate hikes. A lot of buying is driven by those who can take advantage of better prices, without needing to borrow. Aka the wealthy. In other words, the wealthy get wealthier.
Full docket text for document 54: ELECTRONIC NOTICE OF HEARING as to Jack Douglas Teixeira. IN PERSON Arraignment set for 6/21/2023 at 3:45 PM in Courtroom 1 - Worcester (In person only) before Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy. (King, Dawn)
Why is NSA so dishonest?
Today is #TelltheTruth Day, so it seems fitting to share a reminder for anyone who’s applying at NSA about the importance of being honest during pre-employment processing. We know no one is perfect, but integrity matters. Sherri H. explains: #hiringprocess
When your drunken tenant drops a lighted fag on that firebrand up goes your oh so vulnerable rip-off. Followed by criminal lawsuits and violations.
I added this deck to one of my rental properties. I was able to take the rent up from $700 to $1200 per month. The tenant moved out but I rented it quickly at the higher amount. This is the way you make more cash as a landlord AND make your tenants lives better. Win win.
Gov-com leaks have risen with the rise of the spy-com-natsec industry.
Replying to @SMaurizi
6. sappiamo che il complesso militare-industriale USA(il più avanzato tecnologicamente)ha digitalizzato i database e oggi ragazzi di 21-22-massimo 29 anni non solo hanno accesso a file top secret pazzesche,ma spesso sono SysAdmin delle reti informatiche di #Pentagono, #NSA, #CIA
It rescued me from poverty, studied for GED certificate, GI Bill got me through college. Learned typing and carpentry, playing soccer and boxing, teeth repaired, two years boozing in Occupied Germany, touring EU. Busted in rank for dipshit fighting. AWOL for few days, excused.
Replying to @a_sends
Wasn't aware you were an ex serviceman.
Withholding and redacting leaked documents is a means to control the leaker and publisher, as well as conspiring with the leaker's source. Leaking is a gangster game suffused with betrayal, suspicion, pretentiousness, lethality. Profitable for those at the control center.
Replying to @dougvalentine77 and @a_sends
Yes and everyone else disappeared from the public sphere. Ed was really jammed but never says anything negative about any one of them.
Great story about the wedding of religion and astronomy by a master entertainer and professor. One of many proselytizers moneytizing science ultra-fiction now peddling innumerable vast universes, impending climate disaster, unavoidable nuclear armageddon.
This was always the MO of journalism, although no so different from that of law. The two often work in concert, not only on SM. "On Bullshit" has a pretty good explanation of why BS usually prevails over truth and/or lies.
Replying to @emptywheel
WaPo appears NOT TO CARE about the facts here, so long as it can continue to sell clicks off a manufactured scandal that it CREATED. Why go into journalism if you don't care about what is true and what is made up?
US nuclear subs can easily dive to the depth of the OceanGate submersible sub, and also have ability to launch and recover personnel. Other nations, UK, RU, FR also have these subs. Secrecy might require non-disclosure or rescue, or rescue could be done by alleging other means.
The book, American Prometheus, provides considerably more information than the film. Linking Barbie and Oppenheimer is a travesty of diminishment of grave threat by shallow entertainment, as if what was done to the scientists is to be done to the world's victims of endless war.
Tweeting 9/11 photos reminds that similar attack is far more likely than pin pricks of mass shootings or a Ukraine. No US official was punished for 9/11, instead they became "heros." PE of WTC towers became top 2nd reviewer of high-rises. #Assange/Winner jailed. Nat$ec sucks.
Reducing #Assange's defense to the low level of journalism insults his courage and example to provide public information without corrupting official approbation. Study his bold statements and actions on this not those of his timid protestors and idolizers.
The danger many UK journalists ignore at their peril explained here: “The prosecution of Mr. Assange, if successful, not only sets a legal precedent whereby journalists or publishers can be prosecuted, but a political one as well,” by @ryangrim
Topologies of Fear in Contemporary Fiction The Anxieties of Post-Nationalism and Counter Terrorism By Scott McClintock · 2015
Same applies to the variable prosecution of the Espionage Act. Vendetta against #Assange is highly prejudical prosecution which ignores all the publishers of , #Snowden, #Texeria, et al classified material.
Shortcoming of Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA) is much of such alleged info is not prosecuted which likely indicates some of it is falsely labeled, condoned as bait or disinfo, allows USG to pick and choose. has published it without objection.