Lessons in Struggle from Uruguayan Anarchists

Lessons in Struggle from Uruguayan Anarchists

From Red & Black Notes

Juan Verala Luz reviews Anarchist Popular Power: Dissident Labor and Armed Struggle in Uruguay 1956-1976. This review began as opening remarks at a recent book launch for Anarchist Popular Power. You can read excerpts from the original statement in this report, and listen to it alongside a discussion with historian Troy Araiza Kokinis in a forthcoming It’s Going Down podcast episode.

Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow is terminating support for Kirill Brik

Kirill Brik

sourced at Anarchist Federation via ABC Moscow.

Because Kirill Brik, a defendant of the Tyumen case, signed a pre-trial agreement, Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow is no longer supporting him anymore. In some cases we do support prisoners who give testimonies against themselves, but we do not support prisoners that are testifying against others.

[Athens] Anarchist claim incendiary attack on Eurobank


From Act for Freedom Now!

Taking responsibility for a vicious inflammatory attack on Eurobank in Athens by Anarchists

Every day power reveals its true face to us, oppressing and plundering our lives. So, in response, in the early hours of Sunday 24/9/2023 we carried out a simultaneous, disruptive and incendiary attack on a Eurobank branch on Evelpidon Street.

Granice człowieczeństwa (Borders of humanity)


From no.borders.team

The film was made in the first year of events on the Polish-Belarusian border, when the eastern corridor leading to the EU countries from Belarus and Russia was opened on a large scale. In the movie people from an anarchist collective, the No Border Team, active at the polish-belarusian and polish-ukrainian border will talk about the current situation, state racism, their struggles and support.

Blockade of war propaganda in Russia, Ukraine and Czech Republic

From Stop War Propaganda
October 4, 2023

During September 2023, several entities actively involved in war propaganda have been attacked, especially in so-called Russia, Ukraine and the Czech Republic. For direct actions were used method “initiation of evacuation” (1). The following targets were under attack (2)...

Named Groups And Combative Anarchism

From Scenes From The Atlanta Forest

It's important to me that the critiques of named groups reviving in the states context is not limited to questions of anonymity and anti-repression. The "pitfalls of named groups isolating and cutting themselves off through this label" was briefly mentioned, but the container of a named group, however informal/decentralized/a ghostly-aberration, is worth exploring more.

This 1960s Anarchist Group Believed Food Should Be Free


From Atlas Obscura

In 1968, the poet Diane di Prima moved from New York to San Francisco. She wanted to work with the Diggers, self-identified community anarchists who performed street theater and organized mutual aid projects, from free stores to free housing to the dissemination of produce, hot meals, and bread.

Giannis Michailidis on the struggle for his release

From Athens Indymedia, translated by Act for freedom now!

As I enjoy my freedom again, won through my second hunger and thirst strike, I reflect on the complex historical mosaic that not only shaped my personal choices but also wove the collective struggle against the state-capitalism complex. Far from being solitary acts of assertion, the hunger strikes were instead part of the social antagonism within the complex dynamics taking shape in Greece and the global landscape as the assault of the dominant powers deepens.

Ilya Shakursky: letter to a friend

Via Avtonom

My friend shared his thoughts with me: he had arrived at this discomforting realisation that after my arrest, everything was finished – as if our world was sharply divided into “before” and “after”. [...] It seemed that that life had mutated into nostalgic reflections on those times when just to be yourself in Russia had not yet become so dangerous.


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